Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation VI

Bravely Default 2 - How to Beat Hall of Tribulation  VI

This is a guide to Hall of Tribulation VI, a Trial battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Hall of Tribulation VI, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Hall of Tribulation VI.

Hall of Tribulation VI Basic Info

Hall of Tribulation VI Enemies


Marla Icon
Light Spear
Half Damage
Earth Wind Dagger
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped Giant JP Orb
Stealables Small JP Orb
Duelling Mask


Adam Icon
Wind Axe
Half Damage
Lightning Water Fire Sword
No Immunities
Items Dropped Giant JP Orb
Darksoul Sword
Stealables Small JP Orb


Horten Icon
Dark Sword
Half Damage
Light Wind Staff Spear
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped Giant JP Orb
Genji Gloves
Stealables Small JP Orb
Genji Gloves

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation VI

Hall of Tribulation VI Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Bastion Icon Bastion Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster Bard Icon Bard Swordmaster Icon Swordmaster

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Shieldmaster Icon Shieldmaster White Mage Icon White Mage Bastion Icon Bastion Vanguard Icon Vanguard

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Defender of the People
Ninefold Flurry
(Won't) Be Missing You

List of Abilities

Hall of Tribulation VI Key Movements

Ethereal Edge Makes Marla ignore physical defense.
Pressure Point Pierces Default and Physical Defense.
Minus Strike Deals high damage to a single target.

Hall of Tribulation VI Strategy

Always Keep Rampart Up!

This party will all deal physical damage to your team. Having Rampart up will significantly reduce the amount of damage their party can deal to you.

Shieldmaster is Vital

Shield Master
The Shieldmaster is a very strong class to use during this fight since it can block the majority of the enemy's attacks.

Aside from the key movements listed above, none of their attacks can even put a dent to a double shield Shieldmaster.

Increase your accuracy then defeat Marla

Etheral Edge Damage

Eliminate her ASAP!

Marla is the most dangerous enemy in this party thanks to her Ethereal Edge buff that can negate her target's defense.

This will turn your Shieldmaster's ability to take damage in place of an ally to become a disadvantage for your team. Make sure to eliminate her first!

Always have Reraise for everyone

Reraise is a very important ability especially against Marla since she can reset her turn when killing party members.

An accidental death or a four turn brave can cause a team wipe if you fail to use Reraise and Marla's AI just decides to wipe your team out so make sure to always have Reraise applies to all members!

Bravely Default 2 Hall of Tribulation Guides

All Boss Fight Guides

Boss Battle Guides

Complete Boss List and Guides

Hall of Tribulations

Hall of Tribulation I.jpgHall of Tribulation I Hall of Tribulation II.jpgHall of Tribulation II
Hall of Tribulation III location.jpgHall of Tribulation III Hall of Tribulation IV.jpgHall of Tribulation IV
Hall of Tribulation V.jpgHall of Tribulation V Hall of Tribulation VI.jpgHall of Tribulation VI
Hall of Tribulation VII.jpgHall of Tribulation VII


7 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Marla and Adam can be paralyzed. You can use defender of the people with someone to tank hortens attacks and use gigagravity over and over (you can poison them all, but horten can remove it when he heals with interior alchemia, with heals like 14k)

1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Forget the Strategy above... Go: Vanguard/Swordm.; WhiteMage/Spirit.; Bard/Bastion; Phant./Salvem. Most important part: spearhead ability for bard, rewarding results for Phant. Use Sanctuary in first turn with part then comes the fun part... apply Paralyze , Poison and Sleep to the group. DO NOT BRAVE... Rewarding results gives you an extra turn each time. After sanctuary : vang+ dual sword braves and "ninefold furies" Horton to the ground. keep rampart up and paralyze Adam and Marla.


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