Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)


Magic Top Image.png
Here is the complete list of all Magic available in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch. Check here for spell descriptions, how to use them effectively, and how they can be obtained!

List of Magic

All Magic by Job Type

White Mage Icon.pngWhite Mage Black Mage Icon.pngBlack Mage
Red Mage Icon.pngRed Mage Oracle.pngOracle
Arcanist.pngArcanist -

White Mage

Level Magic Cost Effect
1 Cure 8 MP Restore a little of a target's/multiple target's HP.
2 Protect 11 MP Increase a target's physical defence by 15% for three turns. Stats cannot be increased beyond 200% of their base value.
3 Shell 13 MP Increase a target's magical defense by 15% for three trusn. Stats cannot be increased beyond 200% of their base value.
4 Raise 25 MP Revive a knocked-out target and restore a few HP.
6 Cura 28 MP Restore some of a target's/multiple targets' HP.
8 Basuna 22 MP Cure a target of poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, contagion, freezing and daubing.
10 Arise 95 MP Revive a knocked-out target with full HP
12 Curaga 60 MP Restore a lot of a target's/multiple target's HP.
13 Esuna 45 MP Cure most of a target's status ailments (works on all ailments cured by Basuna plus dread, berserk, confusion, charm, slow, stop, doom and resistance reductions).
15 Raise All 110 MP Revive multiple knocked-out targets with full HP.

Black Mage

Level Magic Cost Effect
1 Fire 15 MP Perform a fire magic attack on a target/all targets.
2 Blizzard 15 MP Perform a water magic attack on a target/all targets.
3 Thunder 15 MP Perform a lightning magic attack on a target/all targets.
4 Poison 18 MP Attempt to poison a target.
5 Lunar-Powered 1 Slot During the night, offensive magic, evasion and luck are increased, and 4% of MP is restored each turn.
6 Fira 38 MP Perform a powerful fire magic attack on a target/all targets
7 Blizzara 38 MP Perform a powerful water magic attack on a target/all targets.
8 Thundara 38 MP Perform a powerful lightning magic attack on a target/all targets.
10 Firaga 66 MP Perform an extremely powerful fire magic attack on a target/all targets.
11 Blizzaga 66 MP Perform an extremely powerful water magic attack on a target/all targets.
12 Thundaga 66 MP Perform an extremely powerful lightning magic attack on a target/all targets.
13 Flare 80 MP Perform an incredibly powerful fire magic attack on a target.
14 Freeze 80 MP Perform an incredibly powerful water magic attack on a target.
15 Burst 80 MP Perform an incredibly powerful lightning magic attack on a target.

Red Mage

Level Magic Cost Effect
1 Stone 15 MP Performs an earth magic attack on a target/all targets.
2 Aero 15 MP Performs a wind magic attack on a target/all targets.
3 Heal 14 MP Restore 1000 HP to a target.
4 Stonera 38 MP Performs a powerful earth magic attack on a target/all targets.
5 Aerora 38 MP Performs a powerful wind magic attack on a target/all targets.
6 Healara 36 MP Restore 2000 HP to a target.
9 Healaga 49 MP Restore 3000 HP to a target.
10 Stonega 66 MP Performs an extremely powerful earth magic attack on a target/all targets.
11 Aeroga 66 MP Performs an extremely powerful wind magic attack on a target/all targets.
12 Disaster 100 MP Perform an extremely powerful magical attack on a target that combines the powers of earth and wind.
13 Quake 80 MP Perform an incredibly powerful earth magic attack on a target.
14 Tornado 80 MP Perform an incredibly powerful wind magic attack on a target.


Level Magic Cost Effect
1 Quick 21 MP Enable an ally to deliver 50% more hits with the 'Attack' command for two turns.
2 Slow 26 MP Attempt to slow a target down.
3 Haste 42 MP Make a target able to act more quickly for three turns.
4 Elemental Impairment 55 MP Reduce a target's resistance to a selected element for two turns.
5 Triple 20 MP Perform up to three quick fire, water or lightning magic attacks on a target.
7 Reflect 36 MP Place a magic-reflecting barrier in front of a target for two turns.
8 Stop 44 MP Attempt to stop a target.
11 Triplara 55 MP Perform up to three frie, water or lightning magic attacks on a target in quick succession.
12 Hastega 70 MP Make a target act a lot more quickly for three turns.
13 Quickga 32 MP Enable an ally to deliver 100% more hits with the 'Attack' command for two turns.
14 Slowga 62 MP Attempt to slow a target down significantly.
15 Triplaga 110 MP Perform up to three powerful fire, water or lightning magic attacks on a target in quick succession.


Level Magic Cost Effect
1 Dark 15 MP Perform a dark magic attack on a target/all targets.
2 Ardour 36 MP Perform a magical attack on ally and foe alike that combines the powers of fire and water.
3 Drain 30 MP Perform a magic attack that absorbs a target's HP.
4 Darkra 38 MP Perform a powerful dark magic attack on a target/all targets.
5 Electon 50 MP Perform a magical attack on ally and foe alike that combines the powers of lightning and light.
6 Aspir 20% HP Perform a magic attack that absorbs a target's MP.
7 Darkga 66 MP Perform an extremely powerful dark magic attack on a target/all targets.
8 Meltdown 70 MP Perform a powerful magical attack on ally and foe alike that combines the powers of fire and wind.
9 Death 25 MP Attempt to instantly KO a target.
11 Comet 45 MP Perform two to four quick non-elemental magic attacks on a target.
12 Doomsday 80 MP Perform an incredibly powerful dark magic attack on a target.
14 Apocalypse 110 MP Perform an extremely powerful magical attack on ally and foe alike that combines the powers of earth and darkness.
15 Meteor 136 MP Perform four incredibly powerful non-elemental magic attacks on random enemies in quick succession.

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1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

This is missing the entirety of the Spiritmaster’s Spirit Magic abilities


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