Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Complete Boss List and Guides

Boss List and Guides

This is a list of all the Bosses available in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Check out our boss guides and defeat the toughest enemies there are in the game!

List of Bosses

Story Bosses

Bravely Default 2 Final Boss.jpg

Story Bosses are enemies you'll have to fight to progress the game. They are stronger than normal enemies and specific strategies, levels, and Jobs are needed to best them more easily. Check the link below to see all the story bosses, their weaknesses, and how to beat them!

List of Story Bosses

Quest Bosses

Bravely Default 2 - Shirley Cutscene.png

Quest Bosses or Optional Bosses are enemies that aren't required for you to beat in order to progress the game. They are fought by progressing certain quests and the rewards for defeating them are often valuable that the fight is pretty much worth it. Some of these bosses also unlocks new Jobs so make sure to check them out!

List of Optional (Quest) Bosses

Rare Monsters

Rare Monsters.jpg

Rare Monsters are those uniquely colored enemies you find on the overworld. They possess strength that may even surpass some bossess found in the game. They reward you with previous gears, EXP, and JP. The challenge they present is sure to satisfy the cravings of veteran JRPG players.

List of Rare Monsters

Hall of Tribulation Battles

Hall of Tribulations

The Hall of Tribulations are challenges that pits you against enemies that previously bore the Asterisks. They will be extremely stronger than their normal counterparts but achieving victory against them will allow you to gain access to the last 3 abilities of their respective Jobs.

Hall of Tribulations Portal Locations

Bravely Default 2 Related Guides

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