Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Thief Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default II - Thief

This is a guide to the Thief Job class in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the details about the Thief Job including its abilities, specialties, stat modifiers, and weapon proficiencies!

Thief Overview

Bravely Default 2 Thief Portrait
Thief Overview
・In the world of the thief, speed is strength!
・When it comes to attacking, it's quantity that counts where this job is concerne.
・Additionally, thieve's speedy nature means they're ideal for deploying items in a hurry.

Thief Notable Stats

Bravely Default 2 HP Ratio Bravely Default 2 MP Ratio Bravely Default 2 Strength Ratio Bravely Default 2 Defense Ratio
MagicMagic DefenseHealing PowerAgility
Bravely Default 2 Magic Ratio Bravely Default 2 Magic Defense Ratio Bravely Default 2 Healing Power Bravely Default 2 Agility Ratio

How to Play the Thief

Manage HP and MP with Steal Abilities and Unleash God Speed Strike!

The Thief is a utility class when it comes to fighting normal enemies. With Steal and Mug, the Thief expands your party's inventory with otherwise, unobtainable items! On the Boss Battlefield however, the Thief sports one of the highest damaging abilities in the game! For a high cost of 95 MP, the Thief can use God Speed Strike which can deal massive amounts of damage twice to a single target.

Thief Ability List

Ability Type Cost Level Effect
Steal Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand - 1 Attempt to steal an item from an enemy.
Steal Breath Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 27 MP 2 Perform a quick physical attack on a target that also heals the user.
Flee Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 20 MP 3 Escape from battle without fail. Won't work in certain encounters.
Steal Spirit Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 15% HP 4 Reduce a target's MP and restore MP to the user.
Sky Slicer Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 1 BP 5 Perform a wind-imbued physical attack on a target.
Steal Courage Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 2 BP 6 Attempt to steal one BP from a target. This ability has a rougly 50% chance of success. BP cannot be stolen from targets who have 0 or fewer BP.
Attack Item Amp Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 7 Damage inflicted by items is increased by 50%
Mug Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 8 The user occassionally steals items when performing regular attacks.
Godspeed Strike Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 95 MP 9 Perform a physical attack on a target with an attack power bonus based on the user's speed. Further damage will also be inflicted after a little time has passed.
Magpie Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 10 Roughly 25% chance of acquiring rare items when stealing.
You Snooze, You Lose Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 2 BP 11 Perform a physical attack that's extremely effective against sleeping targets.
Rob Blind Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 12 When stealing, two items can be acquired at once.
Tornado's Edge Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 70 MP 13 Perform an extremely powerful wind-imbued physical attack on a target.
Dagger Lore Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 14 Dagger aptitude is increased to S.
Rest in Peace Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 2 Slot 15 Attacking sleeping enemies will not wake them up.

Best Abilities

God Speed Strike

This is without a doubt, the Thief's strongest ability. At the cost of 95 MP, you can pretty much destroy most bosses that stands in your way.

Steal and Mug

Both abilities solidify the Thief's role as an err... Thief because these are abilities for stealing items. You can't become a thief if you don't use these two abilities!

Thief Speciality and Special Ability


Specialities Effects
Sleight of Hand Gives 'Steal X' abilities the additional bonus of being able to take a single strengthening effect from an enemy and apply it to the user.
Up to No Good Defaulting no longer causes BP to increase, but all abilities that are usually performed using BP can be performed using MP, and the cost of 'Steal X' abilities is halved.

Speciality 2 Can only be learned after leveling the Thief to Level 12.

Special Ability

Special Ability
Strike a single enemy with a powerful physical attack that is guaranteed to steal an item.
Bonus Effects
Physical Attack +15%
Speed +15%
Use Thievery x 13.

Thief Weapon Proficiencies

Below are the weapons proficiencies for the Thief Job. Refer to this section to know which weapons are best suited for the Thief Job.

sword icon bravely default 2,size :20x20 Sword Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Dagger Icon Dagger Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Ax Icon AxProficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Shield Icon Shield Proficiency Rank
Bravely default 2 Spear Icon Spear Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Bow Icon Bow Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Staff Icon Staff Proficiency Rank

How to Unlock the Thief Job

Defeat Bernard

How to Beat Bernard.png

You'll face Bernard shortly after encountering the Water Crystal in Chapter 1. After defeating him in battle, you will acquire the Thief Asterisk.

How to Beat Bernard

Best Sub-Jobs for Thief



The luck stat is a vital stat when attempting to steal items from enemies. With the Freelancer's Lucky Charm ability (and later, Wish Upon a Star) you can increase your Luck and successfully steal more items!

Freelancer Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs)


Bravely Default II - Class Image Berserker.png

The Berserker can cover the Thief's lack of area damaging abilties. It is unsuggested for boss battles though as God Speed Strike is a superior move than any of the Berserker's offensive abilities but if you're exploring the wilds, make sure to set the Berserker as the Thief's subclass!

Berserker Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default 2 Job Guides

Jobs List

Jobs Partial Banner.png

List of Jobs

Freelancer Bravely Default 2Freelancer White Mage Icon.pngWhite Mage Black Mage Icon.pngBlack Mage Monk Icon.pngMonk
Vanguard Icon.pngVanguard Thief Icon.pngThief Bard Icon.pngBard Beastmaster Icon.pngBeast Master
Gambler Icon.pngGambler Berserker Icon.pngBerserker Red Mage Icon.pngRed Mage Hunter Icon.pngRanger
Shieldmaster Icon.pngShieldmaster Pictomancer Icon.pngPictomancer Dragoon Icon.pngDragoon Swordmaster Icon.pngSwordmaster
Spiritmaster.pngSpiritmaster Salve-Maker.pngSalve-Maker Oracle.pngOracle Bastion.pngBastion
Phantom.pngPhantom Arcanist.pngArcanist Hellblade.pngHellblade Hellblade.pngBravebearer

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