Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Bastion Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default II - Bastion

This is a guide to the Bastion Job class in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the details about the Bastion Job including its abilities, specialties, stat modifiers, and weapon proficiencies!

Bastion Overview

Bravely Default 2 Bastion Portrait
Bastion Overview
・High all-round stats make the bastion an ideal damage sponge.
・It's best to make sure their invincibility-inducing abilities are in effect at all times for extra peace of mind.

Bastion Notable Stats

Bravely Default 2 HP Ratio Bravely Default 2 MP Ratio Bravely Default 2 Strength Ratio Bravely Default 2 Defense Ratio
MagicMagic DefenseHealing PowerAgility
Bravely Default 2 Magic Ratio Bravely Default 2 Magic Defense Ratio Bravely Default 2 Healing Power Bravely Default 2 Agility Ratio

How to Play the Bastion

Predict enemy moves and use the necessary barrier!

The Bastion can use physical and magical barriers to block attacks.

Bastion Ability List

Ability Type Cost Level Effect
Bulwark Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 12 MP 1 Perform a quick physical attack on a target and increase the user's physical defence by 15% for three turns. Stats cannot be increased beyond 200% of their base value.
Phalanx Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 12 MP 2 Perform a quick physical attack on a target and increase the user's magical defence by 15% for three turns. Stats cannot be increased beyond 200% of their base value.
Rampart Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 30% HP 3 Erect a barrier that will protect multiple targets from a single physical attack. Cannot be combined with Vallation.
Vallation Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 25% HP 4 Erect a barrier that will protect multiple targets from a single magical attack. Cannot be combined with Rampart.
Light of Justice Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 47 MP 5 Perform a powerful light-imbued physical attack on a target.
Wall Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 38 MP 6 Increase the user's physical and magical defence by 25% for three turns. Stats cannot be increased beyond 200% of their base value.
Blindsider Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 44 MP 7 Perform a physical attack that's extremely effective on blinded targets.
Auto Guard Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 8 The user's turn will come around more slowly, but they will Default automatically even when it is not their turn.
Critical Flow Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 9 Performing a critical attack may cause BP to increase by one.
Double Default Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 35% HP 10 For three turns, Defaulting will increase BP by two instead of one.
Sanctuary Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 1 BP 11 Shut up shop so that allied and enemy HP, MP and BP cannot be changed until the user's next turn. (However, usage costs for any abilities used in the meantime will still be deducted.)
BP Limit Up Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 12 Increases BP limit by one, allowing up to four BP to be accumulated.
Holy Light Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 90 MP 13 Perform an extremely powerful light-imbued physical attack on a target.
Shield Lore Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 14 Shield aptitude is increased to S.
Corporal Punishment Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 1 BP 15 Perform a physical attack on a target that will deal more damage the higher the user's physical defence.

Best Abilities

Rampart and Vallation

As mention above in the how to play section, learning which barrier to use is crucial to the Bastion. Block those attacks and emerge unscathed!

Auto Guard

A permanent default state? It comes with slower turns but for tanks who have abilities that lasts until their next turn, this is a minor hindrance and it is an ability that is worth learning.

Bastion Speciality and Special Ability


Specialities Effects
Default Guard When Defaulting, damage received is further reduced at a cost of 15 MP. The MP cost is incurred even if the damage is nullified by immunity or absorbed.
Fortitude When Defaulting, one BP will be earned when attacked, at a cost of 15 MP.

Speciality 2 Can only be learned after leveling the Bastion to Level 12.

Special Ability

Special Ability
Strike all enemies with a powerful light-imbued magical attack and erect a barrier that will protect all allies from a single physical or magical attack. Cannot be combined with Rampart or Vallation.
Bonus Effects
Speed +20%
Use Default x 13.

Bastion Weapon Proficiencies

Below are the weapons proficiencies for the Bastion Job. Refer to this section to know which weapons are best suited for the Bastion Job.

sword icon bravely default 2,size :20x20 Sword Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Dagger Icon Dagger Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Ax Icon AxProficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Shield Icon Shield Proficiency Rank
Bravely default 2 Spear Icon Spear Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Bow Icon Bow Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Staff Icon Staff Proficiency Rank

How to Unlock the Bastion Job

How to Beat Lonsdale.jpg

As you progress the story of Chapter 4, you'll have to save Halcyonia from Lonsdale's rule. By defeating him and freeing Halcyonia, you'll be granted the Bastion Asterisk.

How to Beat Lonsdale

Best Sub-Jobs for Bastion


Bravely Default 2 Dragoon.jpg

Heavyweight crashing down! The Bastion, unlike other tanks in the game, is still actually capable of dishing out some damage. Partner this with the Dragoon's Jump ability and a Sub-Job Speciality 1 combo and your jump attacks will start dealing crazy damage.

Dragoon Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs


Hellblade Job.jpg

Another combo that attempts to use the Sub-Job Speciality 1 build. An infinitely regenerating tank that keeps on putting up barriers for your team?

Hellblade Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default 2 Job Guides

Jobs List

Jobs Partial Banner.png

List of Jobs

Freelancer Bravely Default 2Freelancer White Mage Icon.pngWhite Mage Black Mage Icon.pngBlack Mage Monk Icon.pngMonk
Vanguard Icon.pngVanguard Thief Icon.pngThief Bard Icon.pngBard Beastmaster Icon.pngBeast Master
Gambler Icon.pngGambler Berserker Icon.pngBerserker Red Mage Icon.pngRed Mage Hunter Icon.pngRanger
Shieldmaster Icon.pngShieldmaster Pictomancer Icon.pngPictomancer Dragoon Icon.pngDragoon Swordmaster Icon.pngSwordmaster
Spiritmaster.pngSpiritmaster Salve-Maker.pngSalve-Maker Oracle.pngOracle Bastion.pngBastion
Phantom.pngPhantom Arcanist.pngArcanist Hellblade.pngHellblade Hellblade.pngBravebearer

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