Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Complete List of Weapons

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Check here for the weapons directory as well as a complete list of all the weapons available in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch.

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Weapon Types
Bravely Default 2 - Daggers IconDaggers Bravely Default 2 - Swords IconSwords Bravely Default 2 - Spears IconSpears
Bravely Default 2 - Axes IconAxes Bravely Default 2 - Staves IconStaves Bravely Default 2 - Bows IconBows

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Daggers Swords Spears Axes
Staves Bows - -

Bravely Default 2 Daggers

Weapon List
Name Location
Mythril Dagger Shop at Savalon.
Kukri Shop at Halcyonia.
Dagger Shop at Halcyonia.
Magic Knife Shop at Wiswald.
Orichal Dagger Shop at Wiswald.
Main-Gauche Shop at Rimedhal. Complete the quest: Seek Out that Weakness!
Air Knife Shop at Rimedhal.
Carving Knife Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Helio and Gladys. Complete the quest: The Ultimate Stew. Chest in Jaws of Judgement near Rimedhal.
Carnwenhan Dropped item. Stealable item.
Zwill Crossblade Shop at Halcyonia after defeating Lonsdale.
Ripper Chest in Flying Fortress.
Yatagarasu Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Adam.
Poison Dagger Chest in Frosty Forest.
Assassin Dagger Shop at Mag Mell. Chest in Chromatite Mines.
Falcon Knife Chest in Musa.
Holy Dagger Complete the quest: A Message from the Shadows.
Vengeance Dropped by Marla in Hall of Tribulation VI
Givampalui Dropped by Bernard in Hall of Tribulation II
Darksteel Kukri Shop at Mag Mell.
Stab & Grab Chest in Bernard's Mansion
Highroad Star Shop at Mag Mell after defeating The Nights Nexus for the first time.

Bravely Default 2 Swords

Weapon List
Name Location
Mythril Sword Shop at Wiswald.
Bulwark Blade Chest inside Underground Reservoir in Savalon.
Broadsword Shop at Halcyonia.
Long Sword Shop at Halcyonia.
Defender Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Helio and Gladys. Chest in Jaws of Judgement near Rimedhal.
Kiku-Ichimonji Shop at Wiswald.
Flametongue Complete the quest: Seek Out that Weakness...Again!
Icebrand Complete the quest: An Explosive Plan.
Scimitar Shop at Rimedhal.
Staggering Sword Shop at Wiswald after defeating Vigintio.
Blind Blade Shop at Halcyonia after defeating Lonsdale.
Ama-no-Murakumo Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Adam.
Rune Blade Dropped item. Stealable item.
Mal Meadwortth Complete the quest: Stormin' Jormun. Dropped item. Stealable item.
Chaos Blade Shop at Mag Mell.
Sword of Light Dropped by Sir Sloan in Hall of Tribulation I
Red Moon Dropped by Roddy in Hall of Tribulation VII
Bullhead Blade Dropped by Dag in Hall of Tribulation VII
Darksoul Sword Dropped by Adam in Hall of Tribulation VI
Executioner's Blade Dropped by Gladys in Hall of Tribulation III
Knight's Sword Shop at Mag Mell.
Blood Blade Complete the quest: To Kill a King.
Catastrophe Chest in Fount of Knowledge
Excalibur Shop at Mag Mell after defeating The Nights Nexus for the first time.

Bravely Default 2 Spears

Weapon List
Name Location
Spear Shop at Savalon.
Mythril Spear Shop at Savalon.
Glaive Shop at Savalon.
Pitchfork Chest inside Underground Reservoir in Savalon. Shop at Wiswald.
Crimson Spear Shop at Wiswald.
Longinus Chest inside Treetop Tower in Wiswald.
Rhongomiant Dropped item. Stealable item.
Hinderlance Chest inside Wayward Woods in Wiswald. Shop at Rimedhal.
Lu Bu's Spear Chest inside Abandoned Mansion in Savalon.
Halberd Shop at Rimedhal.
Brionac Dropped item. Stealable item.
Chronos Glaive Shop at Wiswald after defeating Vigintio.
Wyvern Spear Shop at Halcyonia after defeating Lonsdale.
Gae Bulg Chest in Holograd Army HQ.
Ama-no-Sakahoko Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Adam.
Trident Dropped item. Stealable item.
Draconic Lance Dropped by Martha in Hall of Tribulation IV
Ringmaster's Spear Dropped by Anihal in Hall of Tribulation II
Spear of Judgement Dropped by Lonsdale in Hall of Tribulation I
Roncone Shop at Mag Mell.
Gungnir Dropped item.
Ryunohige Shop at Mag Mell after defeating The Nights Nexus for the first time.

Bravely Default 2 Axes

Weapon List
Name Location
Double-Bladed Bhuj Shop at Savalon.
Broadaxe Shop at Halcyonia.
Francisca Shop at Halcyonia.
Mythril Axe Shop at Savalon.
Hawkeye Chest in Bernards Mansion. Shop at Wiswald.
Earthbreaker Chest inside Treetop Tower in Wiswald. Shop at Rimedhal.
Purge Pick Dropped item. Stealable item.
Alastor Shop at Rimedhal.
Skullbreaker Dropped item. Stealable item.
Summoner's Axe Shop at Wiswald after defeating Vigintio. Chest in Hall of HIgh Holies in Rimedhal.
Sandman's Axe Shop at Halcyonia after defeating Lonsdale.
Flare Hatchet Dropped item. Stealable item.
Deforester Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Adam.
Big Brush Complete the quest: A Comic Episode
Labrys Dropped item. Stealable item.
Portcullis Hammer Dropped by Galahad in Hall of Tribulation III
Hysteriax Dropped by Prince Castor in Hall of Tribulation V
Foraging Shovel Dropped by Glenn in Hall of Tribulation III
Juggernaut Shop at Mag Mell.
Heavy Axe Chest in Miasma Woods
Giant Axe Chest in Crystals Resting Place - Wind Room
Parashu Shop at Mag Mell after defeating The Nights Nexus for the first time.
Gawain's Axe Dropped item. Stealable item.

Bravely Default 2 Staves

Weapon List
Name Location
Mythril Staff Shop at Savalon.
Wizard's Rod Shop at Halcyonia.
Staff Shop at Halcyonia.
Staff of Life Chest in the Abandoned Mansion near Savalon.
Oak Staff Chest in Hydrangea Hills and in the Institute at Wiswald. Shop at Wiswald after defeating Lily.
Rune Staff Shop at Wiswald.
Rod of Fire Chest inside Institute of Magical Inquiry in Wiswald. Shop at Rimedhal.
Rod of Ice Chest inside Secret Studio in Wiswald. Shop at Rimedhal.
Jade Crosier Shop at Rimedhal.
Yggdrasil Staff Shop at Wiswald after defeating Vigintio.
Gaia Rod Shop at Wiswald after defeating Vigintio. Chest inside Serpent's Grotto near Rimedhal.
Hammer Mace Shop at Wiswald after defeating Vigintio. Chest in Wrecked Institute in Wiswald.
Demon's Rod Chest in Flying Fortress. Complete the quest: The Power of Flowers.
Sage's Staff Shop at Mag Mell.
Gambanteinn Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Adam.
Divine Rod Chest in Chromatite Mines. Complet the quest: Keep Your Feet on the Ground.
Asclepius Dropped item. Stealable item.
Heiji's Jitte Complete the quest: Jewellery Heist
Fallen Angel's Harp Dropped by Orpheus in Hall of Tribulation II
Leviathan Dropped by Lady Emma in Hall of Tribulation I
Maidenhair Staff Dropped by Selene in Hall of Tribulation VII
Bloody Brush Dropped by Folie in Hall of Tribulation V
Crescent Cane Dropped by Viginitio in Hall of Tribulations V
Sunshine Staff Dropped by Helio in Hall of Tribulation IV
Mjollnir Chest in Isle of Nothingness
Nirvana Shop at Mag Mell after defeating The Nights Nexus for the first time.

Bravely Default 2 Bows

Weapon List
Name Location
Shortbow Shop at Savalon.
Iron Bow Shop at Savalon.
Mythril Bow Shop at Wiswald.
Angel's Bow Shop at Wiswald.
Quickdraw Bow Shop at Wiswald after defeating Lily.
Ancient Bow Chest inside Wayward Woods in Wiswald. Shop at Rimedhal.
Great Bow Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Helio and Gladys. Chest southeast of Rimedhal.
Shigeto Bow Shop at Halcyonia after defeating Lonsdale.
Artemis's Bow Chest in Holograd Army HQ.
Tristan's Bow Dropped item. Stealable item.
Ama-no-Kagoyumi Shop at Rimedhal after defeating Adam.
Apollo's Bow Complete the quest: For the Common Good.
Eurytos' Bow Dropped item.
Longshot Bow Dropped by Shirley in Hall of Tribulation II
Wildwood Bow Dropped by Lily in Hall of Tribulation VII
Farsight Bow Dropped by Domenic in Hall of Tribulation IV
Sylvan Bow Shop at Mag Mell.
Yoichi's Bow Complete the quest: To Arms!
Speed Bow Shop at Mag Mell after defeating The Nights Nexus for the first time.

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