Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

List of Story Bosses

Here is the complete list of all story bosses in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch. Check here for basic information on each boss such as their weaknesses, recommended level, and battle tips!

List of Bravely Default 2 Story Bosses


Jump to a section!
Prologue Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6-7 Tribulation Battles

Prologue Bosses

story boss - how to beat selene and dag.pngSelene and Dag Recommended Level: 3-5
Weaknesseses:Selene-sword icon bravely default 2Bravely Default 2 Bow Icon Bravely Default 2 Fire Icon.png

Weaknesseses:Dag- Bravely Default 2 Dagger Icon Bravely Default 2 Staff Bravely Default 2 Lightning Icon.png

    ・ Focus on Selene
    ・ Turtling works thanks to Sir Sloan
story boss - how to beat horten.pngHorten Recommended Level: 5-7
Earth Bow Sword

    ・ Can heal once
    ・ Sir Sloan can deal with Horten alone.

Chapter 1 Bosses

story boss - how to beat orpheus.pngOrpheus Recommended Level: 10-12
Weaknesses: Water Spear Bow

・ Eliminate the weaker enemies first.
・ Watch his BP and prepare for bursts
story boss - how to beat anihal.pngAnihal Recommended Level: 12-14
Weaknesses: Earth Sword

・ Focus on the Undine first.
・ Can be poisoned
・ Equip silence, blind, and poison resistant gear
story boss - how to beat bernard.pngBernard Recommended Level: 16+
Weaknesses: Light Earth Axe Bow

・ Godspeed Strike hits you twice!
・ Use the Beastmaster Job and capture Minotaurs
・ Stay on the offensive!
story boss - how to beat prince castor.pngPrince Castor Recommended Level: 17+
Weaknesses: Wind Water Dagger Bow

・ Apply the Bard's defensive buffs to survive!!
・ Beastmaster's Cait Sith can freeze Prince Castor!
・ Prince Castor pierces default defense!

Chapter 2 Bosses

story boss - how to beat roddy.pngRoddy Recommended Level: 20+
Weaknesses: Light Fire Spear Bow

・ Equip anti Sleep, Silence, Stop, and Slow!
・ Avoid using status ailments
・ Gambler is your best bet (pun intended) against Picto-Beleth!
story boss - how to beat lily.pngLily Recommended Level: 22+
Weaknesses: Light Lightning Staff Sword

・ Prepare against Paralysis!
・ White Mage and Bard are suggested for this fight.
・ Petunia can be captured for Banishra!
story boss - how to beat galahad.pngGalahad Recommended Level: 25+
Weaknesses: Light Staff Dagger

・ Maximize your Damage!
・ Gambler can ease the difficulty of dealing damage.
・ Learn Bare-Knuckle Brawler for all fighters!
story boss - how to beat folie.pngFolie Recommended Level: 27+
Weaknesses: Light Staff Dagger

・ Capture some monsters with instant death ability.
・ Bard's Magic Defense buffs is vital.
・ Avoid using Black and White Magic!

Chapter 3 Bosses

story boss - how to beat martha.pngMartha Recommended Level: 33+
Weaknesses: Dark Fire Dagger Bow

・Shieldmaster is vital
・Martha can absorb MP
story boss - how to beat helio and gladys.pngHelio and Gladys Recommended Level: 35+
Weaknesses (Helio): Dark Wind Spear Sword

Weaknesses (Gladys): Light Earth Axe

・Take down Helio ASAP!
・Don't use Default!
story boss - how to beat domenic.pngDomenic Recommended Level: 38+
Weaknesses : Dark Staff Dagger

・Spiritmaster and Dragoon are both useful
・Don't hesistate to revisit previous places to get a full gear setup.

Chapter 4 Bosses

story boss - how to beat lonsdale.pngLonsdale Recommended Level: 42+
Weaknesses : Dark Dagger

・Prepare for a long fight
・Freelancer's Square One can remove Lonsdale's buffs.
story boss - how to beat marla.pngMarla Recommended Level: 42+
Weaknesses: Light Spear

・Shieldmaster's ability to block is highly recommended.
・Freelancer's Square One can remove Marla's damage buffs.
story boss - how to beat vigintio.pngVigintio Recommended Level: 42+
Weaknesses : Light Spear Dagger

・He's an Undead so a maxed Red Mage with Healaga can damage him severely.
・Abuse his low HP Pool with high damaging abilities.
story boss - how to beat adam.pngAdam Recommended Level: 45+
Weaknesses : Axe

・Mastered Phantom makes the battle trivial using Salve-Maker's ailments.
・Make him counter your buffs to damage him using his own abilities.

Chapter 5 Bosses

story boss - how to beat asura.pngAsura Recommended Level: 50+
Weaknesses : Wind Fire Bow Sword

・Asura's multi-hit attacks can be blocked by Shieldmasters
・Doesn't counter magic attacks.
story boss - how to beat catoblepas.pngCatoblepas Recommended Level: 50+
Weaknesses: Lightning Spear Axe

・Can be paralyzed by the Phantom
・3 Brave moves can be lethal. Don't let it move!
・Counters all damage types.
story boss - how to beat genbu.pngGenbu Recommended Level: 50+
Weaknesses : Water Spear Dagger

・Physical damage gets reflected.
・Can deal heavy single target physical damage.
story boss - how to beat immortal.pngImmortal Recommended Level: 50+
Weaknesses: Light Earth Staff Axe

・Easily defeated by a Vanguard.
・Can be paralyzed.
story boss - how to beat edna.pngEdna Recommended Level: 55+
Weaknesses: Light Lightning Spear Bow

・She can run out of MP via Contagion!
・Slot in +3 Wind Resist Gear

Chapter 6-7

Unknown enemy.pngBoss #61 Recommended Level: 60+
Weaknesses: Dark Staff Bow

・All Attacks can be modified with Elemental Supplement
・Vulnerable to Paralysis!
story boss - how to beat the nights nexus.pngNight's Nexus Recommended Level: 58/66+
Weaknesses: Dark Staff Bow

・All Attacks can be modified with Elemental Supplement
・Vulnerable to Paralysis!

Tribulation Bosses

Hall of Tribulation I.jpgHall of Tribulation 1 Recommended Level: 65+
・The Mage absorbs damage and the Bastion reflects physical damage.
Hall of Tribulation II.jpgHall of Tribulation 2 Recommended Level: 60+
・Thief and Gambler deals the most damage.
Hall of Tribulation III location.jpgHall of Tribulation 3 Recommended Level: 62+
・Salve-Maker should be dealt with first!
Hall of Tribulation IV.jpgHall of Tribulation 4 Recommended Level: 64+
・Counter their elemental attacks!
Hall of Tribulation V.jpgHall of Tribulation 5 Recommended Level: 65+
・Equip Death resistant gears
Hall of Tribulation VI.jpgHall of Tribulation 6 Recommended Level: 50+
・Block single target attacks with Shieldmaster.
Hall of Tribulation VII.jpgHall of Tribulation 7 Recommended Level: 50+
・White Mage can resurrect allies!
Unknown enemy.pngSecret Boss Recommended Level: 75+
・Use Dark elemental attacks!
・+3 elemental resistance to Light and Fire is highly recommended.

Related Guides

All Boss Fight Guides

Boss Battle Guides

Complete Boss List and Guides

Story Boss Battles

Story Bosses
story boss - how to beat selene and dag.pngSelene and Dag story boss - how to beat horten.pngHorten story boss - how to beat orpheus.pngOrpheus
story boss - how to beat anihal.pngAnihal story boss - how to beat bernard.pngBernard story boss - how to beat prince castor.pngPrince Castor
story boss - how to beat roddy.pngRoddy story boss - how to beat lily.pngLily story boss - how to beat galahad.pngGalahad
story boss - how to beat folie.pngFolie story boss - how to beat martha.pngMartha story boss - how to beat helio and gladys.pngHelio and Gladys
story boss - how to beat domenic.pngDomenic story boss - how to beat lonsdale.pngLonsdale story boss - how to beat marla.pngMarla
story boss - how to beat vigintio.pngVigintio story boss - how to beat adam.pngAdam story boss - how to beat asura.pngAsura
story boss - how to beat catoblepas.pngCatoblepas story boss - how to beat genbu.pngGenbu story boss - how to beat immortal.pngImmortal
story boss - how to beat edna.pngEdna story boss - how to beat the nights nexus.pngNight's Nexus

Halls of Tribulation

Halls of Tribulation
Hall of Tribulation I.jpgHall of Tribulation I Hall of Tribulation II.jpgHall of Tribulation II Hall of Tribulation III location.jpgHall of Tribulation III
Hall of Tribulation IV.jpgHall of Tribulation IV Hall of Tribulation V.jpgHall of Tribulation V Hall of Tribulation VI.jpgHall of Tribulation VI
Hall of Tribulation VII.jpgHall of Tribulation VII

Quest Boss Battles

Quest Bosses
quest boss - how to beat shirley.pngShirley quest boss - how to beat glenn.pngGlenn quest boss - how to beat fenrir.pngFenrir
quest boss - how to beat enormocrag.pngEnormocrag quest boss - how to beat amphora.pngAmphora quest boss - how to beat papilloid empuse and frankenfalcot.pngEmpuse, Frankenfalcot, and Papilloid
quest boss - how to beat jealous jody.pngJealous Jody quest boss - how to beat eclipse.pngEclipse quest boss - how to beat vespus hex.pngVespus Hex
quest boss - how to beat hoenir.pngHoenir quest boss - how to beat d-vergr.pngD-Vergr quest boss - how to beat hephaestus.pngHephaestus
quest boss - how to beat xolotl.pngXolotl - -

Rare Monsters

Rare Monsters
rare boss - how to beat leannan sith.pngLeannan Sith rare boss - how to beat coral emperor.pngCoral Emperor rare boss - how to beat mushussu.pngMushussu
rare boss - how to beat nightmare.pngNightmare rare boss - how to beat jormungandr.pngJormungandr rare boss - how to beat treant.pngTreant
rare boss - how to beat baba yaga.pngBaba Yaga rare boss - how to beat baal.pngBaal rare boss - how to beat astaroth.pngAstaroth
rare boss - how to beat orc king.pngOrc King rare boss - how to beat skullcap.pngSkullcap rare boss - how to beat zeus.pngZeus
rare boss - how to beat cyclops.pngCyclops rare boss - how to beat susanoo.pngSusanoo -


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