Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Hall of Tribulation Portal Locations

Hall of Tribulations
This is a guide to all the portal locations to the Halls of Tribulation in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the locations of the Halls of Tribulation, which enemies you will encounter, and the rewards you gain for defeating them.

How to Unlock the Halls of Tribulation

Bravely Default 2 - Chapter 5 Boss.png

The Halls of Tribulation portals can be unlocked after completing chapter 5 and reloading your save file. When you begin chapter 6, you will be able to take on the challenge and face the bosses of the Halls of Tribulation!

Chapter 5 Story Walkthrough and Boss Guides

All Portal Locations

Hall of Tribulation Portal 1 Location

Northwest Field in Halcyonia
Portal 1 Location.jpeg

The Hall of Tribulation 1 can't be accessed without reaching Chapter 7 or defeating the last boss of Chapter 6 first. Refer to our Chapter 6 Walkthrough to find the last boss of Chapter 6 and be able to unlock the true ending!

Chapter 6 Story Walkthrough and Boss Guides

Enemies Fought

Lady EmmaLady Emma How to Beat Lonsdale.jpgLonsdale
How to Beat Sir Sloan.jpgSir Sloan -

This will be an incredibly tough fight. Since this is the last portal you'll be able to complete, we highly suggest completing all the other tribulation trials first to gain access to the other Job's strongest abilities. Take note that Lady Emma can absorb any magic attacks and Lonsdale can reflect all physical damage!

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation I

Hall of Tribulation Portal 2 Location

Valley of Sighs - Halcyonia
Hall of Tribulation II location

Enemies Fought

Orpheus Boss Battle GuideOrpheus How to Beat AnihalAnihal
How to Beat Shirley.jpgShirley How to Beat Bernard.pngBernard

Bernard will repeatedly use Steal MP against your party while Anihal and Orpheus provides debuffs and buffs to your team and their team respectively. High damage output is recommended for this fight since all enemies have low HP (around 60,000-90,000). Beat them quickly before they can stack up those buffs and before they whittle down your party's MP pool!

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation II

Hall of Tribulation Portal 3 Location

Northeast Desert Area - Savalon
Portal 3 location.jpeg

Enemies Fought

How to Beat Galahad.jpgGalahad Gladys Default Counter.jpgGladys
How to Beat Glenn.jpgGlenn -

A healer that can deal massive damage and several status ailments, a tank that will automatically block damage directed at its allies, and an extremely hard hitter that will attack you for attacking its defended ally. The biggest tip is to paralyze Galahad to make the other two allies vulnerable! (or paralyze them all to make the battle easier).

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation III

Hall of Tribulation Portal 4 Location

Northeast Area - Wiswald Woods
Portal 4 Location.jpeg

Enemies Fought

Bravely Default II - Helio.pngHelio How to Beat Domenic.jpgDomenic
How to Beat Martha.jpgMartha -

An easy battle were it not for Martha's strong attacks and abilities that can delay turns. The other two enemies can easily be countered by elemental gears. Take down Helio first to reduce their healing then knock Martha out to secure your victory!

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation IV

Hall of Tribulation Portal 5 Location

Northeast Area - Enderno
Portal 5 Location.jpeg

Enemies Fought

How to Beat Folie.jpgFolie How to Beat Vigintio.jpgVigintio
How to Beat Prince Castor.jpgPrince Castor -

Despite what you may remember, it will actually be Vigintio and Folie that will give you trouble in this fight rather than Prince Castor. Prince Castor will repeatedly attack the party using Indiscriminate Strike to hit all your party members while Vigintio will keep on using Apocalypse and Meltdown. Folie will be the annoying character and will keep on using Instant Death moves and Daub on your party members.

Utilize elemental resistances and manipulate enemy elemental attacks to easily win this fight!

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation V

Hall of Tribulation Portal 6 Location

Northwest Area - Rimedhal
Portal 6 Image.jpeg

Enemies Fought

How to Beat Marla.jpgMarla Horten.pngHorten
How to Beat Adam.jpgAdam -

This party is built with strong single target damage and the ability to pierce through defenses. This is a battle that will see how strong your party's tanker class is!

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation VI

Hall of Tribulation Portal 7 Location

Volcanic Area - Holograd
Portal 7.jpg

Enemies Fought

Selene Bravely Default 2.png Selene Dag Bravely Default 2.png Dag
How to Beat Roddy.jpg Roddy How to Beat Lily.jpg Lily

You'll be fighting Selene, Dag, Roddy, and Lily. It's a completely balanced party with a tank, healer, damager, and a magic damage dealer. Prepare yourself and your party for a long fight!

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation VII

Related Guides

All Boss Fight Guides

Boss Battle Guides

Complete Boss List and Guides

Story Boss Battles

Story Bosses
story boss - how to beat selene and dag.pngSelene and Dag story boss - how to beat horten.pngHorten story boss - how to beat orpheus.pngOrpheus
story boss - how to beat anihal.pngAnihal story boss - how to beat bernard.pngBernard story boss - how to beat prince castor.pngPrince Castor
story boss - how to beat roddy.pngRoddy story boss - how to beat lily.pngLily story boss - how to beat galahad.pngGalahad
story boss - how to beat folie.pngFolie story boss - how to beat martha.pngMartha story boss - how to beat helio and gladys.pngHelio and Gladys
story boss - how to beat domenic.pngDomenic story boss - how to beat lonsdale.pngLonsdale story boss - how to beat marla.pngMarla
story boss - how to beat vigintio.pngVigintio story boss - how to beat adam.pngAdam story boss - how to beat asura.pngAsura
story boss - how to beat catoblepas.pngCatoblepas story boss - how to beat genbu.pngGenbu story boss - how to beat immortal.pngImmortal
story boss - how to beat edna.pngEdna story boss - how to beat the nights nexus.pngNight's Nexus

Halls of Tribulation

Halls of Tribulation
Hall of Tribulation I.jpgHall of Tribulation I Hall of Tribulation II.jpgHall of Tribulation II Hall of Tribulation III location.jpgHall of Tribulation III
Hall of Tribulation IV.jpgHall of Tribulation IV Hall of Tribulation V.jpgHall of Tribulation V Hall of Tribulation VI.jpgHall of Tribulation VI
Hall of Tribulation VII.jpgHall of Tribulation VII

Quest Boss Battles

Quest Bosses
quest boss - how to beat shirley.pngShirley quest boss - how to beat glenn.pngGlenn quest boss - how to beat fenrir.pngFenrir
quest boss - how to beat enormocrag.pngEnormocrag quest boss - how to beat amphora.pngAmphora quest boss - how to beat papilloid empuse and frankenfalcot.pngEmpuse, Frankenfalcot, and Papilloid
quest boss - how to beat jealous jody.pngJealous Jody quest boss - how to beat eclipse.pngEclipse quest boss - how to beat vespus hex.pngVespus Hex
quest boss - how to beat hoenir.pngHoenir quest boss - how to beat d-vergr.pngD-Vergr quest boss - how to beat hephaestus.pngHephaestus
quest boss - how to beat xolotl.pngXolotl - -

Rare Monsters

Rare Monsters
rare boss - how to beat leannan sith.pngLeannan Sith rare boss - how to beat coral emperor.pngCoral Emperor rare boss - how to beat mushussu.pngMushussu
rare boss - how to beat nightmare.pngNightmare rare boss - how to beat jormungandr.pngJormungandr rare boss - how to beat treant.pngTreant
rare boss - how to beat baba yaga.pngBaba Yaga rare boss - how to beat baal.pngBaal rare boss - how to beat astaroth.pngAstaroth
rare boss - how to beat orc king.pngOrc King rare boss - how to beat skullcap.pngSkullcap rare boss - how to beat zeus.pngZeus
rare boss - how to beat cyclops.pngCyclops rare boss - how to beat susanoo.pngSusanoo -


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