Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Edna

story boss - how to beat edna.png
This is a guide to Edna, a Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Edna, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Edna.

Edna Basic Info

Edna Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Light Lightning Spear Bow
Half Damage
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

How to Beat Edna

Edna Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Vanguard Icon Vanguard Phantom Icon Phantom Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster Arcanist Icon Arcanist

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Bastion Icon Bastion Salve-Maker Icon Salve-Maker White Mage Icon White Mage Oracle Icon Oracle

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Compounding Purebringer Curaga Rampart

List of Abilities

Recommended Equipment

Recommended Equipment
Typhoon Shield Wind Talisman - -

Edna Movesets

Soaring Flourish Removes all buffs from the target, apply haste to herself, and apply slow to the target.
Used as a counter against buffs.
Vortices Hits random targets with wind elemental magic 8 times.
Silent Storm Damages all targets with a physical attack and applies silence.
Apoplexy Reduces resistance to all elements. Hits all party members.
Used as a counter against healing.
Ultra Flare Reduces resistance to all elements. Hits all party members.
Used as a counter against healing.

Edna Strategy

Use Contagion!

Not Enough MP Edna Contagion
Edna's moveset looks deadly because it is! Her Silent Storm can deal around 3000 damage to all party members and Vortices is a nasty multi hit wind elemental attack and Apoplexy reduces all elemental resistance by one.

However, all these moves cost MP and using Contagion against her will rapidly deplete her MP pool. Prioritize using Contagion againt her to easily defeat her!

To easily inflict contagion on Edna, use the Phantom Job with the Salve-Maker's Compounding abilitiy to make Contagion Bomb by combining Pathogen with an offensive item like the Dart.

Another way is to have the Beastmaster as a Sub-Job then use a monster that can inflict Contagion like the Antiphates.

Equip Wind Resistant Gear

Wind Resistant Gear

Edna's Vortices move is a wind elemental attack. By slotting +3 Wind resist gear, you'll be able to absorb all damage or nullify it if Edna uses Apoplexy on your team.

Purebringer Removes Elemental Debuff

Pure Bringer Debuff Cure
The Spiritmaster's Purebringer will remove several buffs and debuffs from your party. This includes all elemental debuffs.

Prioritize having a Spiritmaster on your team since it can passively get rid of the majority of statuses that Edna can inflict without much consequence since Edna herself will try to remove the buffs you have in your party anyway.

If you slotted +3 elemental gear, this setup will also allow your party to drain Edna's Vortices more easily since her debuff will be gone everytime Purebringer's effect triggers.

She'll start using Ultra Flare when her HP is in Critical Status

Ultra Flare
After the mid-fight scene, she'll start using Ultra Flare, a magic attack that hits all your party members. It also costs MP so if you use the Contagion method, Edna will not be able to use this move at all.

The Bastion's Rampart Blocks Silent Storm

If you don't opt to the Contagion Method, the last stretch of the fight may spell a team wipe thanks to Edna's massive AOE damage combo via Silent Storm and Ultra Flare.

To survive this attack, use Rampart to block Silent Storm. This will leave your party to only take damage from Ultra Flare.

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