Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

List of All New Characters

List of Characters Bravely Default 2.png

Check here for the complete list of all characters in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch.

Playable Characters

Bravely Default 2 Seth.pngSeth
A seafarer who was washed ashore in an unfamiliar realm after the power of the Crystals saved him from an unseasonal storm.
Bravely Default 2 Gloria.png Gloria
Princess of the lost kingdom of Musa. Having escaped her homeland's destruction, she set out on a quest to restore the Crystals to their rightful place.
Bravely Default 2 Elvis.pngElvis
A scholar who's on a quest to decipher the secrets of a book he inherited from his mentor. He's a larger-than-life character who's never one to dwell on the minor details
Bravely Default 2 Adelle.pngAdelle
A skilled mercenary, employed by Elvis to accompany him on his quest for the Asterisks.

Notable Characters in the Prologue

Prologue Characters
Sir Sloan Icon.pngSir Sloan Known as the greatest swordsman in the land, Sir Sloan is Princess Gloria's royal man-at-arms and sworn protector. Half a century before the events of the game, Sir Sloan served as a Hero of Light.
Selene Icon.pngSelene A rather unlikely mercenary whose closest companion is the doughty Dag. She can seem rather frosty at first, but there's plenty of warmth underneath.
Dag Icon.pngDag A mercenary of unknown origin who's a close companion of the steely Selene. Despite his brawn and boorish manner, he's a hard worker and a faithful friend.
Horten Icon.pngHorten A foolish man who abused his position as Prime Minister of Halcyonia for his own selfish ends -- with disastrous consequences.
Adam Icon.pngAdam A mighty warrior who believes he was born to rule, and would stop at nothing to achieve his ends.

Notable Characters in Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Characters
Prince Castor Icon.pngPrince Castor Prince Castor of Savalon, is the older of two brothers. He has a brilliant mind, but a reputation for being haughty and unapproachable.
Orpheus Icon.pngOrpheus A self-important bard who believes his many critics simply don't understand him. Disliked by almost everyone.
Anihal Icon.pngAnihal A kind-hearted young woman who loves all living creatures. She's terrified of being left alone, and would do anything to avoid being abandoned by Bernard.
Bernard Icon.pngBernard This supposedly reformed thief still believes that the law needn't be an obstacle to getting what you want.
Shirley Icon.png Shirley This supposedly reformed thief still believes that the law needn't be an obstacle to getting what you want.

Notable Characters in Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Characters
Galahad Icon.pngGalahad A firm friend of Roddy and Lily's whose guilt over his part in their daughter's passing was cruelly manipulated by an evil artist.
Lily Icon.pngLily A firm friend of Elvis's and Roddy's loving wife. She's a genuinely good-natured person who was cruelly manipulated by an evil artist.
Roddy Icon.pngRoddy Elvis's oldest friend and Lily's devoted husband. Having been cruelly manipulated by an evil artist, he is now desperate to make amends.
Folie Icon.pngFolie A self-proclaimed genius who is more than willing to destroy the lives of others in the name of her art.

Notable Characters in Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Characters
Martha Icon.pngMartha A young warrior who's desperate to prove herself against worthy opponents. Despite her easy-going personality, she's a fearsome fighter.
Helio Icon.pngHelio A wicked man who used his priestly powers to whip the people of Rimedhal up into a fairy-hunting fervour.
Gladys Icon.pngGladys A deadly serious soldier whose loyalty and desire for revenge were manipulated for evil ends, much to her eternal shame and regret.
Domenic Icon.pngDomenic Rimedhal's self-proclaimed saviour and supposed Lord of Dragons whisperer. His bitterness at being overlooked by the Fire Crystal was his ultimate undoing.
Glenn Icon.pngGlenn The popular mayor of Enderno, and Glynn's older twin. The party were forced to face him in battle when they visited his brother's dreams.

Notable Characters in Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Characters
Lonsdale Icon.pngLonsdale A loyal and reasonable man to his core, he only served Adam because of a promise made to Holograd's previous ruler.
Marla Icon.pngMarla A spy who infiltrated Savalon on behalf of Holograd, but who also had her own motives - namely a decades old desire for revenge.
Vigintio Icon.pngVigintio A warped wizard who turned himself undead in a last-ditch attempt to finally outsmart Lady Emma, Elvis and Roddy's beloved mentor.
Edna Icon.pngEdna Adelle's estranged sister. She sought to use the power of the Night's Nexus for her own ends, but ended up being consumed by it.

List of Voice Actors

Bravely Default 2 - Cast and List of Voice Actors.png

Check the page below to view the list of English and Japanese voice actors that bring the characters of Bravely Default 2 to life!

Cast and List of Voice Actors

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