Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Card Game (B & D) Guide | Rules and How to Play

Bravely Default 2 - Card Game (B & D) Guide | Rules and How to Play
Learn how to play B & D (Card Game) in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn what rewards you can get as well as tips and strategies to win the card game.

Bravely Default 2 B & D (Card Game) Overview

What is B & D?

Bravely Default 2 - B & D Match Start
Bind & Divide (B & D) is a playable mini-game within Bravely Default 2. Although optional, some quests will require you to play the card game to complete them.

Six cards are dealt to each player, with the main goal of claiming the unoccupied territories on the board. The player with the most number of territories wins the game.

Unlocked after defeating Anihal in Chapter 1

Bravely Default 2 - Shirley Cutscene
After defeating Anihal in Chapter 1, head to the gaming hall in Savalon and talk to Shirley to unlock the card game.

Chapter 1 Story Walkthrough

How to Play B & D

1 Set the rules.
2 Change and select your deck.
3 Start the match.
4 Claim your opponent's card after winning.

Set the Rules

Bravely Default 2 - Rule Changes Option
You have the option of changing up to two rules before starting the match. Press the Plus (+) button to select the rules from the list.

Note that you can only change the rules after claiming all of an opponent's cards.

Change Your Deck

Bravely Default 2 - B & D Change Your Deck
You choose up to three decks before starting the match. It is recommended to change your deck based on the rules applied and opponent.

Start the Match

Bravely Default 2 - B & D Start the Match

The match starts after selecting your deck. A coin flip determines who will go first.

Claim Opponent's Card

Bravely Default 2 - Claim Cards
After winning the match, you earn points which you can spend to claim the opponent's cards.

If you don't have enough points to claim a card, you can choose to rematch to collect more.

B & D Rewards

Earn Points

Bravely Default 2 - B & D Earn Points

Winning a game of B & D rewards you with points. The number of points earned are based on your rank and rules applied.

Claim Opponent's Card

Bravely Default 2 - Claim Cards

The points earned are used to claim an opponent's card. Once you have all the opponent's cards, you can change the rules of the card game.

B & D Card List and Effects

B & D Rules

You can specify and change the rules before starting a match. Up to two rules can be changed.

List of Rules

Rule Description
No Keepsies You will not randomly lose a card when defeated, but you will also earn slightly fewer points.
Wipeout From the fifth turn onwards, it will be possible to defeat your opponent by reducing the number of squares they occupy to zero, earning a small points bonus.
Wraparound Occupying a square that would be beyond the edge of the board results in a square on the opposite side of the board being occupied instead, earning a small points bonus.
First Past the Post It will be possible to win by being the first to occupy 15 squares. This will also earn a small points bonus.

Card Effects

There are multiple cards that give specific effects to the territories. These effects can break the opponent's strategy and may help you win a match.

Card Effect Description
Fortify Position
・ Adds a shield on a square
・ Shields prevent flanking and poisoning from opponents
Scorched Earth
・ Poisons the squares
・ The poison count decreases at the end of each turn
・ Stack squares to cure, strengthen, and remove poison

Complete Chapter 4 to Reach Rank A

Your rank will go up based on the number of points you have collected upon winning a match.

Note that you cannot reach Rank A until you have completed Chapter 4 of the main story. Your rank will stay at B but you can still earn points.

Rank Points Required
B 200
A 700
S 1500

Tips to Win B & D

Tips to Win B & D

Card Game Terminology

The table below contains the terms used in B & D.

Term Description
Family Refers to the Monster Card's classification.

These include: Aquatic, Beast, Demon, Humanoid, Insect, Plant, Spirit, and Undead.
Base Square Refers to the bright green square on a Monster Card.
Occupied Square Refers to the dark green square on a Monster Card.
Strengthened Square Refers to the purple square on a Monster Card. Only appears if a Character Card or Job Card is used to strengthen a Monster Card.
Unoccupied Territory A territory that is neither controlled by the player and opponent.
Monster Card The basic card used for occupying and flanking territories.
Job Card A card that features a job on it. These cards either have a one-time effect or extended effect.
Character Card A card with a character's name on it. Some cards have a permanent effect that affects the entire board.
Medal Indicates an permanent effect when a Character Card is active. Effect can be overridden if a player or opponent plays another Character Card.
Neutralize Removing a controlled territory on the board, making it unoccupied.
Flank Control an opponent's territory by sandwiching their's between your own.

Build the Right Deck

Bravely Default 2 - B & D Deck Building

To win a game of B & D, you must build a deck based on the rules applied and opponent.

It is recommended to use one Character Card that does not appear on the board and has a permanent effect. The remaining five cards should be Monster Cards with occupied squares.

You can also include a Job Card that strengthens a Monster Card's certain family.

Play Cards with Permanent Effects Later

Bravely Default 2 - Character Card with Medal
Some Character Cards do not appear on the board and have a permanent effect that affects the entire board. These have a medal on the top right corner of the card to indicate the said effect.

Only one permanent effect can be activated in a match. It is recommended to let the opponent use their Character Card first so you can later override the effect with your own Character Card.

Neutralize Powerful Cards

Bravely Default 2 - Neutralise Powerful Cards

Cards with a strong permanent effect, such Job Cards, should be prioritized and must be neutralized once they appear on the board.

Flank an Opponent's Territory

Bravely Default 2 - B & D Flanking
Similar to the Reversi or Othello board game, you can sandwich an opponent's territory horizontally, vertically, or diagonally between your own in order to make them yours.

Using this technique, you can put your opponent's territory at the center of the board, making it easier for you to flank them.

Claim the Outer and Corner Territories

Bravely Default 2 - Outer and Corner Territory
You can quickly flank an opponent's territory by placing your cards at the outer and corner parts of the board.

List of B & D Opponents

B & D Opponents List and Location

Location Opponents
Halcyonia 6
Savalon 6
Wiswald 7
Enderno 2
Rimedhal 4
Holograd 5
Mag Mell 1

The following numbers have been confirmed by our walkthrough staff.

S Rank Opponents List

Location Opponents
Savalon Dromed
Wiswald Adventurous Boy
Rimedhal Martha
Holograd Old Man
Mag Mell Fairy

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