Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation VII

Bravely Default 2 - How to Beat Hall of Tribulation VII

This is a guide to Hall of Tribulation VII, a Trial battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Hall of Tribulation VII, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Hall of Tribulation VII.

Hall of Tribulation VII Basic Info

Hall of Tribulation VII Enemies


Selene Icon
Dark Sword
Half Damage
Wind Lightning Water Staff
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped Giant JP Orb
Maidenhair Staff
Stealables Small JP Orb
White Robe


Dag Icon
Lightning Staff
Half Damage
Earth Fire Sword
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped Bullhead Blade
Bullhead Shield
Stealables Small JP Orb
Diamond Chestplate


Lily Icon
Light Staff Sword
Half Damage
Dark Wind Bow
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped Giant JP Orb
Wildwood Bow
Stealables Small JP Orb


Roddy Icon
Half Damage
Earth Wind Lightning Sword
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped Giant JP Orb
Red Moon
Stealables Small JP Orb
Hypnos Crown

How to Beat Hall of Tribulation VII

Hall of Tribulation VII Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Shieldmaster Icon Shieldmaster White Mage Icon White Mage Arcanist Icon Arcanist Vanguard Icon Vanguard

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Vanguard Icon Vanguard Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster Oracle Icon Oracle Swordmaster Icon Swordmaster

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Unshakeable Will

List of Abilities

Recommended Equipment

Recommended Equipment
Gaia Shield Earth Talisman - -

Hall of Tribulation VII Key Movements

Enrage (Dag) Forces a target to attack Dag.
Arise (Selene) Ressurects fallen allies.
Nuisance (Roddy) Applies status ailments depending on the element of the spell used.

Hall of Tribulation VII Strategy

Enrage Dag!

Dag is perhaps, the most annoying enemy in the Hall of Tribulation 7 thanks to his ability to enrage a party member. With having two healers, focusing him just isn't efficient.

To counter this, having a character (preferably your Shieldmaster) use Enrage on Dag to make him only use Enrage your tanker. An eye for an eye!

Focus on Selene first

Unlike your previous battle, Selene is now more valuable as a first target due to her ability to revive allies! Take her out first before anyone else!

Equip Unshakeable Will

Roddy's ability to apply several status ailments together with Lily's Shadowbind gives their team a plethora of ailments to choose from to use against you. Equipping gear to counter all of these just isn't efficient.

Equipping Unshakeable Will will allow you to counter Stop, Paralysis, and Sleep from Lily and Dag which can be a huge help during the fight.

Get Earth Resistant Gear for Your Shieldmaster

Once the battle goes on, Dag will start using stronger Earth based attacks which can potentially kill your Shieldmaster if you're not careful.

Slotting in at least +2 Earth Resist gear to your Shieldmaster should making him unkillable as long as you keep his BP to 3 or 4 while equipping the No Guts, No Glory support ability.

Start the battle with allies in Critical HP

Critical HP
Doing this method will automatically allow your Shieldmaster to take hits for your allies without the need to use any protective abilities.

Just make your Shieldmaster to use Enrage on Dag then bank the rest of your BP for increased durability!

Bravely Default 2 Hall of Tribulation Guides

All Boss Fight Guides

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Complete Boss List and Guides

Hall of Tribulations

Hall of Tribulation I.jpgHall of Tribulation I Hall of Tribulation II.jpgHall of Tribulation II
Hall of Tribulation III location.jpgHall of Tribulation III Hall of Tribulation IV.jpgHall of Tribulation IV
Hall of Tribulation V.jpgHall of Tribulation V Hall of Tribulation VI.jpgHall of Tribulation VI
Hall of Tribulation VII.jpgHall of Tribulation VII


6 Anonymousabout 3 years

I wandered in here at level 54 and it took me 6 tries to win. Key is that anytime you do anything except white magic or a healing item, they all have a high rate of getting a free BP via Counter. A big burst can backfire on you. Start with a burst of 4 Godspeed Strikes with a sword on Selene so she doesn't heal. Hope you crit. If the first burst doesn't kill her, reset. Then apply reraise one at a time, take it slow and take out Roddy (spear), Dag (staff), and Lily one GSS at a time.

5 Anonymousabout 3 years

I beat them at level 70! Hope my experience below helps everyone having trouble! My team: - Freelancer (for stat boost ability) + Thief - Phantom + Salve Maker - Arcanist + Red Mage - Shieldmaster + Vanguard Shieldmaster has two shields (dual shields ability) & is here to always guard everyone at critical health. Phantom is for assuring 100% status effect success. Everyone can be paralysed except Lily so I just compound paralysis bombs with Salve Maker + DPS do Godspeed Strike or Electon.


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