Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Domenic

story boss - how to beat domenic.png
This is a guide to Domenic, a Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Domenic, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Domenic.

Domenic Basic Info

Domenic Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Dark Staff Dagger
Half Damage
Lightning Water Fire Bow
No Immunities
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

How to Beat Domenic

Domenic Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Vanguard Icon Vanguard White Mage Icon White Mage Bard Icon Bard Thief Icon Thief

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Dragoon Icon Dragoon Spiritmaster Icon Spiritmaster - -

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Hurts So Bad Jump Soul Jump Reraise

List of Abilities

Recommended Equipment

Best Equipment
Flame Talisman Ice Talisman Thunder Talisman Sands of Time
Mana Robe Valkyrie's Coat - -

Domenic Movesets

Triplara Casts tier 2 fire/water/lightning spell at the target 1-3 times.
Triplaga Casts tier 3 fire/water/lightning spell at the target 1-3 times.
Haste Increases turn rate.
Reflect Reflects magic.
Domenic casts this to himself and to your party members at Phase 3.
Slow Slows down target's atb gauge.
Used as a counter against magic attacks.
Stop Stops the target from performing any action.
Used as a counter against physical attacks.
Bomb Arm Inflicts fixed fire damage to all targets.
Used as a counter to any abilities (phase 2 onwards)
BP Up Increases Bp by one.
Used as a counter against any abilities phase 3.

Domenic Strategy

Divide Your Roles!

Reraise Domenic

Domenic counters a lot of moves and his attacks do lethal damage. Proper division of roles and patience is required to best Domenic.

Offensive Magic Classes are not Recommended

Due to Domenic's Reflect ability, having Red Mages or Black Mages is a no go. Instead, assign these characters to a different Job like the Bard or as a secondary healer if needed.

If your inventory and Job levels permit, even assigning a 3rd attacker is also possible. Your attackers should have the Sands of Time accessory to prevent Stop, so if you lack these, assign them to a support role.

Beware of Banked Turns!

Domenic can unleash several Triplagas against your party for a potential team wipe in a single turn when he reaches 3 BP. Each of Triplaga's damage can annihilate a party member easily.

Follow our setups below to survive Domenic's assault and come out victorious in this tough boss fight!

Learn the + Resistances Rule

Bomb Arm 0 Damage
Bomb Arm dealing 0 damage.

You'll often find equipment that says +1 Resistance to x elements and so on. This means that your defenses will move to the next level of resistance. Normal damage into half damage, half damage into immunity, and so on. You'll want to at least have a +2 elemental resistance to fire, water, or lightning.

Having a Manarobe (an old armor that gives +1 resistance to fire and water) partnered by one Ice Talisman and Flame Talisman will nullify 80% of Domenic's damage output.

Ideal Setup Sample

Fire Bomb 1000 Damage to 1 Target

A party with 3 members with Fire Elemental Immunity. We lacked enough gear to make a full immunity party but this should show the power of elemental resistances.

With this armor setup, only the lightning part of Domenic's attacks will damage your party. You'll also be able to ignore Bomb Arm since it does fire damage.

Alternative Strategy: Jump + Reraise Combo

When Domenic charges up 3 BP, this is a great time to have everyone use the Dragoon's Jump Ability. Doing so will make your party leave the battlefield. You'll want to leave one party member for Domenic to attack (preferably your White Mage with a Reraise so she'll survive the attack). Doing this will consume Domenic's 3 BP and you'll survive the turn with only one wounded character.

Alternatively or if you don't want to spend BP, you can switch your character's weapon to equip Brionac. It's a spear that can use Jump if used while equipped and it doesn't cost BP.

They can be obtained by stealing from Thors in the Jaws of Judgement.

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

There is also the shield master who can use the icefire shield who can use it it conjunction with the vanguard sub job enrage to draw the triple element spell from Dominic and with mana robe and thunder talisman making that character completely element proof against the spells Dominic use along with the sands of time. With some good turn strategizing and luck you can shut down nearly any chance of your team mates getting hurt along with the bard to keep staking element defense.


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