Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Final Trailer

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Did you miss out on the final trailer for Bravely Default 2? Don't Fret! See the latest trailer that was showcased for Bravely Default 2 during the Nintendo Direct from February 17th!

Bravely Default 2 Final Trailer

The Final Trailer was revealed during the February 17 Direct. The game seems to be finalized and is ready for release on Feb 26 so get those pre-orders now to play the game on launch!

Final Trailer Details

Cinematics Reveal

Final trailer Cutscenes

While it's still impossible to completely piece out the story, there are several cinematic reveals to showcase the game's graphics on the Switch.

More Battle and Gameplay Footage

new enemy Bravely Default II

More boss battles and jobs were revealed in the recent trailer. What appears to be something like a time mage Job was seen being used by Elvis as well as a spear-based Job that was being used by Adelle.

More Details on the Potential Final Boss

Bravely Default 2 Final Boss

With the final trailer revealing more info for the game, there is more footage of the potential final boss of the game. While this mysterious man appears to be the main antagonist, Bravely Default often throws curve balls with the story similar to the surprise story twist in part 1.

Seems to Posses Knight Abilities

Final Boss Move

While his getup seems to be similar to a Dark Knight, his moves seems to be way different. This character could possess a new knight class that's getting introduced to Bravely Default 2?

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