Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Swordmaster Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default II - Swordmaster

This is a guide to the Swordmaster Job class in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the details about the Swordmaster Job including its abilities, specialties, stat modifiers, and weapon proficiencies!

Swordmaster Overview

Bravely Default 2 Swordmaster Portrait
Swordmaster Overview
・Swordmasters are adept at inflicting counterattacks, making it well worth adding one to your party.
・Their overall stats are also impressive, meaning they can bludgeon their way to victory even without their trademark counters.
・This job makes a great combination with any damage-absorbing role.

Swordmaster Notable Stats

Bravely Default 2 HP Ratio Bravely Default 2 MP Ratio Bravely Default 2 Strength Ratio Bravely Default 2 Defense Ratio
MagicMagic DefenseHealing PowerAgility
Bravely Default 2 Magic Ratio Bravely Default 2 Magic Defense Ratio Bravely Default 2 Healing Power Bravely Default 2 Agility Ratio

How to Play the Swordmaster

Flurry Attacks!

The Swordmaster relies on using Flurry moves to dish out damage to bosses. Make sure to use these moves against bosses!

Play Around your Stance

Using Solid Stance is a great way to quickly damage an enemy by using Normal Attacks while using Fluid Stance aims to dish out damage by having enemies attack you. Learn how to use your stances to come out on top!

Swordmaster Ability List

Ability Type Cost Level Effect
Solid Stance Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand - 1 Adopt a stance from which the 'Attack' command is automatically performed twice every time it is selected.
Fluid Stance Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand - 2 Adopt a counterattacking stance from which the user will automatically hit back against any attack aimed at them.
Counter Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 3 50% chance of answering any physical attack with a counterattack. Will not be triggered by attacks that target the entire party.
Solid Right Style Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 22 MP 4 Usable when in Solid Stance. Perform a physical attack on a target that will delay their next turn.
Fluid Left Style Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 20 MP 5 Usable when in Fluid Stance. When attacked, hit back with a physical strike that will reduce the opponent's BP by one. This will happen every time the user is attacked until their next turn, even if they have a negative number of BP.
Out with a Bang Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 6 When the user is knocked unconscious, a hugely powerful physical attack will be unleashed on the perpetrator and their allies.
Divide Attention Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 17 MP 7 For four turns, the user will be targeted as frequently as their most frequently targeted ally.
Fourfold Flurry Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 48 MP 8 Perform four physical attacks on a target in quick succession.
2 Hands Are Better Than 1 Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 9 Equipping a sword, axe, spear or staff in the user's right hand will result in its being used with both hands, increasing its stats to 1.4x normal levels. The user's left hand must be empty.
Solid Slash Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 27 MP 10 Usable when in Solid Stance. Perform a powerful physical attack on a target and bring the user's next turn around more quickly.
Fluid Flow Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 36 MP 11 Usable when in Fluid Stance. When attacked, hit back with a powerful physical strike that will increase the user's BP by one. This will happen every time the user is attacked until their next turn, even if they have a negative number of BP.
Multitask Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 12 33% chance of any regular attack being followed up with a further quick physical attack.
Ninefold Flurry Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 99 MP 13 Perform nine physical attacks on a target in quick succession.
Solid Smash Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 90 MP 14 Usable when in Solid Stance. Perform an extremely powerful physical attack on a target that will delay theri turn, and also bring the user's next turn around more quickly.
Fluid Frenzy Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 72 MP 15 Usable when in Fluid Stance. When attacked, hit back with a powerful physical strike that will steal one of the target's BP. This will happen every time the user is attacked until their next turn, even if they have a negative number of BP.

Best Abilities

Solid Stance

A stance that if partnered with Indiscriminate Rage, easily allows you to clear out normal enemies in a single turn. It's almost worth having the Swordmaster as a Sub-Job just for this ability if you're power farming enemies.

2 Hands Are Better Than 1

Allows you to use 2 hands to wield a weapon to increase its stats. While Dual Wield is a stronger option, that doesn't mean this ability doesn't have its merits.

Ninefold Flurry

9 Strikes at an enemy in a single turn? Amp up your damage and watch your enemy suddenly lose all of its HP!

Swordmaster Speciality and Special Ability


Specialities Effects
Redoubled Effort The more BP the user has, the more damage inflicted when regular attacks and swordmaster counterattacking abilities are performed.
Double Duty Equipping the same type of weapon in both hands will activate sub-job specialities.

Speciality 2 Can only be learned after leveling the Swordmaster to Level 12.

Special Ability

Special Ability
Strike a single enemy with a powerful physical attack.
Bonus Effects
Speed +15%
Critical Chance +15%
Use Swordcraft x 13.

Swordmaster Weapon Proficiencies

Below are the weapons proficiencies for the Swordmaster Job. Refer to this section to know which weapons are best suited for the Swordmaster Job.

sword icon bravely default 2,size :20x20 Sword Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Dagger Icon Dagger Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Ax Icon AxProficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Shield Icon Shield Proficiency Rank
Bravely default 2 Spear Icon Spear Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Bow Icon Bow Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Staff Icon Staff Proficiency Rank

How to Unlock the Swordmaster Job

How to Beat Helio and Gladys.jpg

In the climax of Chapter 3, you'll have to defend yourself against Helio and Gladys. After defeating them you'll gain two asterisks, one of which will be the Swordmaster Asterisk.

How to Beat Helio and Gladys

Best Sub-Jobs for Swordmaster


Bravely Default II - Class Image Freelancer

The Swordmaster's special ability while having the Freelancer as a Sub-Job allows you to increase your stats based on the number of jobs you have mastered.

Freelancer Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs


Beast Master info and introduction

Similar to the Freelancer's late bloomer, the Beastmaster increases its stats based on the number of monsters you have captured. Pairing this with the Sword master will give you a massive amount of stats.

Beastmaster Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs



Like the two previously mentioned Jobs above, the Swordmaster/Vanguard combo fully utilizes the Vanguard's Speciality 2 to greatly amp up the Swordmaster's damage output.

Vanguard Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Spirit Master

Bravely default 2 Spirit Master

Another Sub-Job speciality abuse but this time, it attempt to give a passive buff to the whole team by having all the spirit abilities permanently active during the fight. The downside is you won't be able to build up BP or the spirits will be lost. Works more effectively on the post-game.
Spirit Master Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default 2 Job Guides

Jobs List

Jobs Partial Banner.png

List of Jobs

Freelancer Bravely Default 2Freelancer White Mage Icon.pngWhite Mage Black Mage Icon.pngBlack Mage Monk Icon.pngMonk
Vanguard Icon.pngVanguard Thief Icon.pngThief Bard Icon.pngBard Beastmaster Icon.pngBeast Master
Gambler Icon.pngGambler Berserker Icon.pngBerserker Red Mage Icon.pngRed Mage Hunter Icon.pngRanger
Shieldmaster Icon.pngShieldmaster Pictomancer Icon.pngPictomancer Dragoon Icon.pngDragoon Swordmaster Icon.pngSwordmaster
Spiritmaster.pngSpiritmaster Salve-Maker.pngSalve-Maker Oracle.pngOracle Bastion.pngBastion
Phantom.pngPhantom Arcanist.pngArcanist Hellblade.pngHellblade Hellblade.pngBravebearer

Job Guides

Related Job Guides
Best Job Combos Job Points Guide
Best Beastmaster Monsters Guide Steal List Guide
How to Unlock the Max Job Level List of Beastmaster Moves & Effects


3 Anonymousalmost 3 years

the second of the 2 may be actually useful against gwyndion boss fight if you dont want to swap the character to a caster and need to worry about HP cause of the reflect damage.

2 Anonymousalmost 3 years

has no one thought of using phantom for ethernal blade in end game with swordmaster before? aspir attack mutlitask and ethernal edge make for insane dps. and add in the fact you can use critical flow to constantly have 3 BP at all times makes it an extremely dangerous combo or if against a single target swap multitask and aspir for drain attack and a beastmaster passive for infinite hp and constant dps increase from using your infinite BP you got with critical flow


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