Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

All Location Guides

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Welcome to the guide to all locations found in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch. Check here for details on each town, including where you can find chests, what quests are available, and what items you can purchase!




Halcyonia is the first kingdom explored in the prologue of Bravely Default 2. Here Seth meets up with Gloria and Sir Sloan after they rescue him from the beach. Halyconia is an old kindom that was once allies with Musa before it was destroyed.

Halcyonia Area Guide

Near Halcyonia Overworld Map

For the complete guide of all monster, chest, and dungeon locations in the area near Halcyonia, check out our guide below!

Near Halcyonia Overworld Map and Treasure Chest Guide



Savalon is the second kingdom in the game which is explored in Chapter 1 of Bravely Default 2. This same kingdom is featured in the game's demo. Here, our heroes investigate rumors of the presence of the Water Crystal. Despite being in the middle of a desert, half of the kingdom has sunk underwater.

Savalon Area Guide

For the complete guide of all monster, chest, and dungeon locations in the area near Savalon, check out our guide below!

Near Savalon Overworld Map and Treasure Chest Guide



Wiswald is the third major location in the game which is explored in Chapter 2 of Bravely Default 2. Home to the Institute of Magical Inquiry, Wiswald is populated with an academy of wizards and researchers alike. However, it seems that residents have recently been dealing with a sudden overgrowth of plantlife in the area. Could the Earth Crystal somehow be involved?

Wiswald Area Guide

Near Wiswald Overworld Map

For the complete guide of all monster, chest, and dungeon locations in the area near Wiswald, check out our guide below!

Near Wiswald Overworld Map and Treasure Chest Guide



Found in the snowy north of the map, Rimedhal is explored in Chapter 3 of Bravely Default 2. Home to the pious worshippers of the Lord of Dragons, Rimedhal prides itself in its faith to their Draconic Majesty. Citizens demonstrate their faith and will do as their Lord pleases as spoken through their Archbishop. However, things have been more nefarious as of late with a strong stench of death surrounding this town.

Rimedha Area Guide

Near Rimedhal Overworld Map

For the complete guide of all monster, chest, and dungeon locations in the area near Rimedhal, check out our guide below!

Near Rimedhal Overworld Map and Treasure Chest Guide



The Holograd Empire is explored in Chapter 4 of Bravely Default 2. Boasting an Imperial Army and a determined Commander, Holograd intends to extend its political reach across the entire continent of Excillant.

Holograd Area Guide

Near Holograd Overworld Map

For the complete guide of all monster, chest, and dungeon locations in the area near Holograd, check out our guide below!

Near Holograd Overworld Map and Treasure Chest Guide



Found in the snowy north of the map, Enderno is a small village that may be explored anytime past Chapter 3 of Bravely Default 2. Enderno is a quiet and friendly town doing it's best to surive the cold. However, it seems that the town's mayor has some troubles. His brother has fallen into a deep sleep and he can't seem to wake him up.

Enderno Area Guide



The Fallen Kingdom of Musa, the rightful resting place of the Crystals, is explored in Chapter 5 of Bravely Default 2. After our heroes collect the Crystals, they bring it to Musa to return them to their proper location. By doing so, Princess Gloria and her companions will achieve their goal of preventing further calamity.

Musa Area Guide

Near Musa Overworld Map

For the complete guide of all monster, chest, and dungeon locations in the area near Musa, check out our guide below!

Near Musa Overworld Map and Treasure Chest Guide

Mag Mell

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The legendary home of the fairies, Mag Mell, is explored in Chapter 6 of Bravely Default 2. An area unknown to humans where time moves differently, Mag Mell is the home to fairy-kind. Despite their isolationist beliefs, Mag Mell has decided to play its part in stopping the Night's Nexus.

Mag Mell Area Guide

Bravely Default 2 Dungeon Maps

For a complete guide on all dungeons including maps and chest locations, check out our maps guide below!

List of Maps

Dungeon Maps
Outlaw's Hideout Hydrangea Hills
Vale of Sighs -
Chapter 1
Sandswept Ruins Underground Reservoir
Abandoned Mansion Bernard's Mansion
Savalon Dungeon -
Chapter 2
Wiswald Woods Sewers
Institute Treetop Tower
Secret Studio Wayward Woods
Miasma Woods -
Chapter 3
Serpent's Grotto Jaws of Judgement
Hall of High Holies Frosty Forest
Crystalcap Mountain -
Chapter 4
Holograd Army HQ Flying Fortress
Wrecked Institute -
Chapter 5
Waterfall Path Magma Mountain
Crystal's Resting Place Chromatite Mines
Chapter 6
Mag Mell
Chapter 7
Isle of Nothingness

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