Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

List of Rare Monsters

Here is the complete list of all Rare Monsters in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch. Check here for basic information on each boss such as their weaknesses, recommended level, and battle tips!

List of Bravely Default 2 Rare Monster Bosses


Halcyonia Area

rare boss - how to beat leannan sith.pngLeannan Sith Recommended Level: 8-10
Weaknesses: Lightning Dagger Sword

・ Leannan Sith is the easiest rare monster in the game.
・Attack allies to remove charm!
rare boss - how to beat coral emperor.pngCoral Emperor Recommended Level: 25+
Weaknesses: Lightning Dagger Bow

・ Don't use elemental magics!
・The Thief's dagger and Godspeed Strike is highly recommended.
rare boss - how to beat treant.pngTreant Recommended Level: 40+
Weaknesses: Dark Lightning Axe

・ Forklings are easy to beat with AOE ax attacks
・High HP but easy to beat.

Savalon Area

rare boss - how to beat mushussu.pngMushussu Recommended Level: 14+
Weaknesses: Earth Water Spear Sword

・Red Mage can quickly defeat the Piestes
・Vanguard's Special attack deals massive damage to the Mushussu.
rare boss - how to beat nightmare.pngNightmare Recommended Level: 30+
Weaknesses: Light Lightning Water Bow Sword

・ The Red Mage can easily beat the Nightmare
・ Restorative effects are highly effective.

Wiswald Area

rare boss - how to beat skullcap.pngSkullcap Recommended Level: 20+
Weaknesses: Wind Dagger Bow

・Vanguard's Enrage guarantees a win (as long as he's tanky)
・Let it summon allis then defeat them all with AOE attacks!
rare boss - how to beat orc king.pngOrc King Recommended Level: 30+
Weaknesses: Wind Dagger Bow

・Shieldmaster can endure the Orc King's attacks.
・Use Don't Let 'Em Get to You!
rare boss - how to beat baal.pngBaal Recommended Level: 45+
Weaknesses: Wind Dagger Bow

Physical attacks causes your weapons to get stolen.
・Blast Baal with Magic!

Rimedhal Area

rare boss - how to beat baba yaga.pngBaba Yaga Recommended Level: 30+
Weaknesses: Wind Dagger Bow

・Equip Charm and Thunder resistant gear
・Eliminate the Yeti and Aka-Oni to guarantee your win!
rare boss - how to beat astaroth.pngAstaroth Recommended Level: 30+
Weaknesses: Wind Dagger Bow

・Single target attacks are deadly
・Equip Dread resistant gear.
rare boss - how to beat jormungandr.pngJormungandr Recommended Level: 50+
Weaknesses: Axe

・Can act swiftly
・Gaiaquake can teamwipe and remove earth resistance.

Holograd Area

rare boss - how to beat zeus.pngZeus Recommended Level: 30+
Weaknesses: Dark Spear Sword

・Rampart blocks Judgement Bolt. ・Burst it down as it has a small HP pool.
rare boss - how to beat cyclops.pngCyclops Recommended Level: 50+
Weaknesses: Light Lightning Axe

・Blow off attack is temporary! ・Elemental Supplement + Indiscriminate Rage eliminates the Ahrimans quickly.
rare boss - how to beat susanoo.pngSusanoo Recommended Level: 45+
Weaknesses: Light Staff

・Equip Doom and Instant Death Resist gears.

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Rare Monsters

Rare Monsters
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