Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

What is the Job System?

Bravely Default 2 What is the Job System
This is a guide to the Job system, the class system of Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch.

What are Jobs?

Bravely Default 2 What are Jobs.gif

Job System KeynotesAllows you to change character class
Job System KeynotesJobs gain levels with JP and is retained per character
Job System KeynotesEach Job has different stats and weapon proficiencies
Job System KeynotesA Job can be equipped as a subclass by a character
Job System KeynotesSupport Abilities can be equipped as long as you have slots for it

Jobs Change A Character's Class

Seth job change

Bravely Default uses the traditional Job system of past games where a character's abilities are determined by their current class. Changing a character's class to white mage will grant that character healing abilities while turning that character into a black mage will grant that character offensive spells instead.

Jobs gain levels with JP and is retained per character

class level

A character will gain mastery over a Job the more battles that character joins while equipping that class. Leveling a class can give that character several benefits like learning support abilities, new command abilities, and enhanced stats while equipping that class. Make sure to level up your classes too instead of just jumping from one class to another.

Each Job has different stats and weapon proficiencies

Classes have different stat modifiers and weapon proficiencies. While weapon proficiencies are unchangeable by leveling, stat modifiers can be further enhanced by leveling the skills. This will make mages cast stronger spells and attackers deal more damage.

Weapon proficiency, on the other hand, is what makes up each class's identity. A mage will gain more bonuses from equipping staves and rods which can enhance their spells even further.

A subclass can be equipped by a character


Equipping a subclass will allow that character to use all the command abilities that the character has already learned. This means that a black mage that has earned a high level for a white mage can unleash high-level healing spells as well as black magic. Learn how to combine two multiple classes to gain an advantage over your foes!

Support Abilities can be equipped as long as you have slots for it

Support abilities grant bonuses to your characters passively. This can range between stat increases, increased weapon proficiency, and more unique effects like strengthening an attack if it's dual-wielded or revealing treasure chest counts on dungeons, etc.

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