Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Leannan Sith | Leannan Sith JP Farming Guide

rare boss - how to beat leannan sith.png

This is a guide to Leannan Sith, a Rare Monster battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Leannan Sith, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Leannan Sith.

Leannan Sith Basic Info

Leannan Sith Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Lightning Dagger Sword
Half Damage
Dark Paralysis
Items Dropped Oberon Gem
Stealables Oberon Gem

How to Beat Leannan Sith

Leannan Sith Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Freelancer Icon Freelancer Vanguard Icon Vanguard White Mage Icon White Mage Beastmaster Icon Beastmaster

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Body Slam Attack (to remove Charm) Thunder Poison

List of Abilities

Leannan Sith Movesets

Nocturnal Gala Inflicts Charm on all foes.
Black Wind Dark damage to all foes.

Leannan Sith Strategy

Poison and Turtle

Leannan Sith is the weakest rare monster and can easily be beaten at around level 8 and up.

By poisoning Leannan Sith and using Default / White Magic to defend and recover damage dealt will allow you to easily beat it.

Body Slam

Alternatively, you can prioritize learing the Body Slam ability from the Freelancer then assigning everyone to Vanguard.

Make everyone's gear near the maximum weight and just spam it whenever you can. Each hit should deal around 800-1000 damage so Leannan Sith will quickly fall with this strategy.

Leannan Sith JP Farming

As mentioned in our JP farming guide, the Leannan Sith is an ideal enemy to farm up those juicy JPs from. With a measly 14k HP, she's pretty easy to beat with a few hits from some of your strongest abilities. Below are the ideal steps to farm Leannan Sith.

Equip JP Up and JP Up and Up

While this may be obvious at this point, always equip both abilities from the freelancer to gain a 1.7 multiplier.

Be Decently Leveled

The above strategy is for beating Leannan Sith while on the early stages of the game. If you want to farm her for JP, you should be stronger that a few hits would quickly bring her down.

Having abilities like the Vanguard's Neo Cross Slash or the Thief's Godspeed Strike is a good milestone to reach before farming the Rare Monster Spirit.

Buy Tents

These abilities costs MP and you'll eventually run out of MP by farming Leannan Sith. Use a Tent after every battle to replenish your resources.

Defeat Leannan Sith

The most crucial step in this farming method. The faster you can beat Leannan Sith, the faster you can reap those JP rewards.

Enter Hydrangea Hills or Go Somewhere Far

After beating Leannan Sith, she'll be gone from the map for a few while. Heading into Hydrangea Hills and exiting will make her respawn.

Once this is done, just keep on defeating her again and again until you have maxed out your Job's level.

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