Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

List of Beastmaster Moves

Bravely Default 2 - Beastmaster Moves List
A list of Beastmaster moves in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Check here to learn all the Beastmaster moves from captured enemies and their effects.

List of Beastmaster Moves

Humanoid Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - GoblinGoblin Bash Rush
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - GargantuaGargantua Headbanger
Perform a powerful physical attack that lowers Physical Defence by 35% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - OrcOrc Smash Boom Blam
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Orc LeaderOrc Leader Encourage
Increase attack power by 15%.
Bravely Default II - Orc ChieftainOrc Chieftain Smash Boom Blam
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Orc LordOrc Lord Smash Boom Blam
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - WizzyWizzy Bewitched
Attempt to inflict charm to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Dusk WizzyDusk Wizzy Bewitched
Attempt to inflict charm to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Nocta WizzyNocta Wizzy Darkga
Type: Dark
Perform an extremely powerful dark magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - Midnight WizzyMidnight Wizzy Doomsday
Type: Dark
Perform an extremely poweful dark magic attack on a single target.
Bravely Default II - MagelingMageling Stone
Type: Earth
Perform an earth-imbued magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - Goblin ChopperGoblin Chopper Defang
Perform a physical attack on a target and decrease their physical attack by 7% for five turns.
Bravely Default II - Lost MagelingLost Mageling Aerora
Perform a powerful wind magic attack on a target.
Bravely Default II - Ruined MagelingRuined Mageling Banishga
Type: Light
Perform an extremely poweful light magic attack on a target.
Bravely Default II - Desolate MagelingDesolate Mageling Comet
Perform two to four quick non-elemental magic attacks on a target.
Bravely Default II - SwordsmanSwordsman This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - HenchmanHenchman This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - AxemaidenAxemaiden This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - BowmaidenBowmaiden This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Bandit ABandit A This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Bandit BBandit B This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Bandit CBandit C This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Goblin ArcherGoblin Archer Sharpshoot
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Bandit DBandit D This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Holy LanceHoly Lance This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Holy MaceHoly Mace This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Holy SwordHoly Sword This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Holy WandHoly Wand This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Imperial AxemanImperial Axeman This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Imperial TwinswordImperial Twinsword This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Imperial TwinwandImperial Twinwand This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Imperial DaggermageImperial Daggermage This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Imperial GreatswordImperial Greatsword This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - KoboldKobold Brave Robber
Steal a target's BP and add it to yours.
Bravely Default II - Imperial LancemageImperial Lancemage This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Imperial BowmageImperial Bowmage This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Imperial GreataxeImperial Greataxe This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Kobold ChopperKobold Chopper Skull Bash
Perform a physical attack that lowers Magical Attack by 25% on a single target.
Bravely Default II - Kobold ArcherKobold Archer Double Shot
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - TrollTroll Mad Frenzy
Increase Physical Attack by 25%
Bravely Default II - OgreOgre Battle Rage
Perform a physical attack to three targets.
Bravely Default II - Aka-OniAka-Oni Mighty Blow
Perform a powerful physical attack to all targets.

Beast Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - WolfWolf Bite
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Golden BearGolden Bear Water Damage
Type: Water
Perform a water-imbued physical attack on a target.
Bravely Default II - Polar BearPolar Bear Salmon Swipe
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - MegalodothMegalodoth Massacre
Perform a powerful physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - RocRoc Supersonic Gust
Type: Wind
Perform a wind-imbued physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - DiatrymaDiatryma Carrion Carnivore
Perform a physical attack that increases the user's Physical Attack by 50% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - SimurghSimurgh Dive
Perform a physical attack to a target.
Bravely Default II - GaganaGagana Storm
Type: Wind
Perform a wind-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - RatbittRatbitt Nip
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - BadbittBadbitt Nip
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Lop-Eared RatbittLop-Eared Ratbitt Nip
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - HellhoundHellhound Paralysing Bite
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict Paralysis to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Lop-Eared BadbittLop-Eared Badbitt Lethal Leap
Attempt to inflict Death on a target.
Bravely Default II - UniconeyUniconey Pestilence
Attempt to inflict Contagion to a single target.
Bravely Default II - UnicronyUnicrony Nip
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - White FangWhite Fang Snap
Perform multiple physical attacks to a single target.
Bravely Default II - CerberusCerberus Hellfire
Type: Fire
Perform a powerful fire-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - MinotaurMinotaur Pound
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - YetiYeti Mow Down
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - GyukiGyuki Shattershield
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - SekhretSekhret Amped Strike
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - GrizzlyGrizzly Armour-Piercing Paw
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.

Aquatic Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - FlannacottaFlannacotta Acid
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to lower Physical Defense by 25% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Frost TortoiseFrost Tortoise Aqua Breath
Type: Water
Perform a water-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Adamant TortoiseAdamant Tortoise Ground Spike
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Lava TortoiseLava Tortoise Fiery Breath
Perform a powerful fire-imbued attack that hits all targets.
Bravely Default II - SahaginSahagin Power Shower
Type: Water
Perform a water-imbued magic attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Sahagin ShamanSahagin Shaman Power Shower
Perform a water-imbued magic attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Sahagin ShieldbearerSahagin Shieldbearer Wall
Increase Physical Defense and Magical Defense by 25%
Bravely Default II - DagonDagon Advance
Increase Physical Attack by 50%
Bravely Default II - Dagon ShamanDagon Shaman Power Shower
Type: Water
Perform a water-imbued magic attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Dagon ShieldbearerDagon Shieldbearer Vallation
Erect a barrier that will protect multiple targets from a single magical attack.
Bravely Default II - LotlLotl Faultless Foam
Perform a water-imbued physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - GelaflanGelaflan Acid
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to lower Physical Defense by 25% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - ToxolotlToxolotl Venom
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict Poison to a single target.
Bravely Default II - RoxolotlRoxolotl Ultrasonic Wave
Attempt to inflict Confuse to all targets.
Bravely Default II - NoxolotlNoxolotl Freeze
Type: Water
Perform a powerful water-imbued magical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - FlanbaneroFlanbanero Acid
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to lower Physical Defense by 25% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Fizzy FlantasiaFizzy Flantasia Acid
Reduce Physical Defence by 25% to all targets.
Bravely Default II - PeistePeiste Hot Swat
Type: Fire
Perform a fire-imbued physical damage to all targets.
Bravely Default II - SibilusSibilus Numbing Injection
Perform a physical attack that has a chance of inflicting Paralysis to a single target.
Bravely Default II - KukulcanKukulcan Fatal Poison
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict Doom to a single target.
Bravely Default II - SthenoStheno Fatal Flail
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict doom to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Rock TortoiseRock Tortoise Reflection Angle
Cast reflect on a target.

Insect Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - SandwormSandworm Sandstorm
Type: Earth
Perform an earth-imbued attack that hits all targets.
Bravely Default II - ParaponeraParaponera Deathly Scythe
Attempt to inflict Death on a target.
Bravely Default II - Bullet AntBullet Ant Blood Blot
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict blindness.
Bravely Default II - Cask ParaponeraCask Paraponera Magic Bullet
Type: Wind
Perform a wind-imbued physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Ench-ant-erEnch-ant-er Tornado
Type: Wind
Perform a wind-imbued magical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - MagiponeraMagiponera Freeze
Type: Water
Perform a powerful water-imbued magical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - MoulderMoulder Tangled Web
Attempt to slow a target.
Bravely Default II - SpigusSpigus Rotten Rake
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - ArachneArachne Jump Shot
Perform a physical attack that hits all targets.
Bravely Default II - Wicked WidowWicked Widow Acid Breath
Perform a physical attack that lowers Physical Defence and Magical Defence by 25% to all targets.
Bravely Default II - VespVesp Sting
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Toxic WormToxic Worm Poison Strom
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict Poison to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Razor VespRazor Vesp Benumb
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Vesp PestVesp Pest Wing Slash
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - PephredoPephredo Bestill
Attempt to inflict Death on a target.
Bravely Default II - Abyss WormAbyss Worm Spew Bile
Perform a physical attack that reduces Physical Defence by 35% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Zone EaterZone Eater Gaiaquake
Type: Earth
Perform a powerful earth-imbued attack that inflicts Dread and lowers Earth Resistance to all targets.
Bravely Default II - SilkmothSilkmoth Befuddledust
Perform a physical attack that has a chance of inflicting Paralysis to a single target.
Bravely Default II - StaggermothStaggermoth Paralysing Scales
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict Paralysis to all targets.
Bravely Default II - ShadowmothShadowmoth Firestorm
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - SizzlemothSizzlemoth Hail to the Queen
Attempt to inflict Charm to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Killer AntKiller Ant Blood Leech
Perform a physical attack to a single target.

Plant Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - VeronicaVeronica Stonera
Perform a powerful earth magic attack on a target
Bravely Default II - Fallen ForklingFallen Forkling Aerora
Type: Wind
Perform a powerful wind magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - Fresh FolioleFresh Foliole Aerora
Perform a powerful wind magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - Fallen FolioleFallen Foliole Aeroga
Type: Wind
Perform an extremely powerful wind magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - Fresh FrondFresh Frond Scrawl
Attempt to inflict daub on a single target.
Bravely Default II - Fallen FrondFallen Frond Tornado
Type: Wind
Perform a wind-imbued magical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - OchuOchu Gum Up
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - MantrapMantrap Whipblade
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - DevilDevil's Snare Octowhip
Perform multiple physical attacks to all targets.
Bravely Default II - TriffidTriffid Tempest
Perform a powerful physical attack on all targets.
Bravely Default II - WoodyWoody Sense of Dread
Attempt to inflict Dread to all targets.
Bravely Default II - PetuniaPetunia Banishra
Type: Light
Perform a powerful light magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - LaeradLaerad Force of Nature
Perform a physical attack that reduces Physical Attack and Physical Defence by 25% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - IrminsulIrminsul Stonega
Type: Earth
Performs an extremely powerful earth magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - CoppiceCoppice Quake
Type: Earth
Perform a powerful Earth elemental magical damage to all targets.
Bravely Default II - NemophilaNemophila Paralysing Pollen
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict paralysis.
Bravely Default II - RafflesiaRafflesia Doomsday
Type: Dark
Perform an extremely poweful dark magic attack on a single target.
Bravely Default II - FungooFungoo Spirit Leech
Attempt to steal a target's MP.
Bravely Default II - Mossy FungooMossy Fungoo Spirit Leech
Attempt to steal a target's MP.
Bravely Default II - Blue FungooBlue Fungoo Swinge
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - FunguarFunguar Full Swing
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Fresh ForklingFresh Forkling Aero
Type: Wind
Perform a wind magic attack on a target/all targets.

Undead Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - Ghost KnightGhost Knight Loathsome Lunge
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Reaper LancerReaper Lancer Triple Thrust
Perform multiple physical attacks on all targets.
Bravely Default II - Lost SoulsLost Souls Disembody
Attempt to inflict Stop to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Restless SoulsRestless Souls Disembody
Attempt to inflict Stop to a target.
Bravely Default II - Vengeful SoulsVengeful Souls Darkra
Type: Dark
Perform a powerful dark magic attack on a target.
Bravely Default II - Merciless SoulsMerciless Souls Battle Thirst
Attempt to reduce 1 BP to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Brimstone StallionBrimstone Stallion Cavalry Charge
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - SagariSagari Donkey Kick
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - XanthosXanthos Fearsome Breath
Type: Dark
Perform a dark-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - SleipnirSleipnir Acid Breath
Reduce Magical Defense and Physical Defence by 15% to all targets.
Bravely Default II - AntiphatesAntiphates Sickly Spittle
Attempt to inflict contagion to a target.
Bravely Default II - Dead KnightDead Knight Thanatophobia
Inflict instant death on targets with Dread.
Bravely Default II - DaidarabocchiDaidarabocchi Spin Slam
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - GoliathGoliath Stomach Complaint
Reduce Physical Defence by 25% to all targets.
Bravely Default II - GrotesqueGrotesque Black Sky
Type: Dark
Perform a powerful dark-imbued physical attack that hits all targets.
Bravely Default II - KagutsuchiKagutsuchi Spirit Flash
Perform a physical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - TejasTejas Soul Prison
Attempt to inflict Doom and Dread to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Skeleton SellswordSkeleton Sellsword Flesh Flayer
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Skeleton AssassinSkeleton Assassin Berserk
Go berserk for the next three turns.
Bravely Default II - Skeleton LancerSkeleton Lancer Tainted Lance
Perform a physical attack that has a chance to inflict Poison to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Reaper SellswordReaper Sellsword Flesh Cleaver
Perform a powerful physical attack on a single target.
Bravely Default II - Reaper AssassinReaper Assassin Berserk
Go berserk for the next three turns.

Demon Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - BaphometBaphomet Veilga
Increase Evasion by 25% to all targets.
Bravely Default II - LapislionLapislion Doomsday
Type: Dark
Perform an extremely poweful dark magic attack on a single target.
Bravely Default II - AhrimanAhriman Doom
Attempt to inflict doom on a target.
Bravely Default II - Evil EyeEvil Eye Steal Spirit
Reduce a target's MP and restore MP to the user.
Bravely Default II - PlaguePlague Soul Crush
Perform a physical attack and MP damage to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Angra MainyuAngra Mainyu Mind Crush
Perform a physical attack and MP damage to a single target.
Bravely Default II - AspAsp Shadow Nova
Type: Dark
Perform a dark-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - AhuraAhura Stun Smash
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - AbaddonAbaddon Shadow Nova
Type: Dark
Perform a dark-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - AmonAmon Volcanic Fang
Type: Fire
Perform a powerful fire-imbued physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - HecatoncheirHecatoncheir Thrash
Perform a series of physical punches in quick succession to a single target.
Bravely Default II - RazanilRazanil Comet
Perform two to four quick non-elemental magic attacks on a target.
Bravely Default II - VishnoVishno Thrash
Perform a series of physical punches in quick succession to a single target.
Bravely Default II - GigantosGigantos Pummel
Perform a series of physical punches in quick succession to a single target.
Bravely Default II - AigaionAigaion Clobber
Perform a series of physical punches in quick succession to a single target.
Bravely Default II - AzazelAzazel Meteorite
Perform a heavy non-elemental magic attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - AsmodeusAsmodeus Meteorga
Perform a powerful non-elemental magic attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - BronzegoyleBronzegoyle Sleep
Attempt to put a target to sleep.
Bravely Default II - BronzelionBronzelion Fear
Attemp to inflict Dread to a single target.
Bravely Default II - GoldgoyleGoldgoyle Veilga
Increase Evasion by 25% to all targets.
Bravely Default II - GoldelionGoldelion Doom
Attempt to inflict doom to a single target.
Bravely Default II - LapisgoyleLapisgoyle Darkga
Type: Dark
Perform an extremely powerful dark-imbued magic attack on a target/all targets.

Spirit Enemies

Enemy Beastmaster Move
Bravely Default II - GolemGolem Megaton Punch
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Aqua ElementAqua Element Gravity
Deal damage relative to the current target's HP.
Bravely Default II - Electrica ElementElectrica Element Thundara
Type: Lightning
Perform a powerful lightning magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - Terra ElementTerra Element Stonera
Type: Earth
Perform a powerful earth magic attack on a target/all targets.
Bravely Default II - Ventus ElementVentus Element Aerora
Type: Element
Perform a powerful wind magic attack on a target.
Bravely Default II - Lux ElementLux Element Celestial Eye
Type: Light
Attempt to reduce Light Resistance to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Umbra ElementUmbra Element Evil Eye
Type: Dark
Attempt to reduce Dark Resistance to all targets.
Bravely Default II - SylphSylph White Wind
Perform a restorative magic to all allies.
Bravely Default II - UndineUndine White Wind
Perform a restorative magic to all allies.
Bravely Default II - DrysDrys Spirit Spin
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - TuranTuran White Wind
Perform a restorative magic to all allies.
Bravely Default II - Adamantite GolemAdamantite Golem Armour-Piercing Punch
Perform a physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - FreyrFreyr Flames of Hell
Type: Fire
Perform a fire-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - PoseidonPoseidon Tsunami
Type: Water
Perform a powerful water elemental magic that hits all targets.
Bravely Default II - ThorThor Judgement Bolt
Type: Lightning
Perform a powerful lightning-imbued magic attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - ChaosChaos Dark Messenger
Type: Dark
Perform a dark-imbued magical attack to all targets.
Bravely Default II - Wiki-WikiWiki-Wiki This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Big Wiki-WikiBig Wiki-Wiki This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Metal Wiki-WikiMetal Wiki-Wiki This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Queen Wiki-WikiQueen Wiki-Wiki This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - King Wiki-WikiKing Wiki-Wiki This enemy cannot be captured.
Bravely Default II - Ice GolemIce Golem Freezing Punch
Type: Water
Perform a powerful water-imbued physical attack on a target.
Bravely Default II - Inferno GolemInferno Golem Flaming Blow
Type: Fire
Perform a powerful fire-imbued physical attack to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Cait SithCait Sith On Ice
Attempt to Freeze a single target.
Bravely Default II - Kitty-CaitKitty-Cait Critty Cait
Increases Physical Attack by 5% and Critical Chance by 50% to a single target.
Bravely Default II - Short-CaitShort-Cait Doomsday
Type: Dark
Perform an extremely poweful dark magic attack on a single target.
Bravely Default II - Siamese CaitSiamese Cait Holy
Type: Light
Perform an incredibly powerful light magic attack on a single target.
Bravely Default II - Ignis ElementIgnis Element Scorching Eye
Type: Fire
Attempt to reduce Fire Resistance to all targets.

Bravely Default 2 Job Guides

Jobs List

Jobs Partial Banner.png

List of Jobs

Freelancer Bravely Default 2Freelancer White Mage Icon.pngWhite Mage Black Mage Icon.pngBlack Mage Monk Icon.pngMonk
Vanguard Icon.pngVanguard Thief Icon.pngThief Bard Icon.pngBard Beastmaster Icon.pngBeast Master
Gambler Icon.pngGambler Berserker Icon.pngBerserker Red Mage Icon.pngRed Mage Hunter Icon.pngRanger
Shieldmaster Icon.pngShieldmaster Pictomancer Icon.pngPictomancer Dragoon Icon.pngDragoon Swordmaster Icon.pngSwordmaster
Spiritmaster.pngSpiritmaster Salve-Maker.pngSalve-Maker Oracle.pngOracle Bastion.pngBastion
Phantom.pngPhantom Arcanist.pngArcanist Hellblade.pngHellblade Hellblade.pngBravebearer

Job Guides

Related Job Guides
Best Job Combos Job Points Guide
Best Beastmaster Monsters Guide Steal List Guide
How to Unlock the Max Job Level List of Beastmaster Moves & Effects


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