Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Vanguard Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default II - Vanguard Job Abilities and Proficiencies

This is a guide to the Vanguard Job class in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the details about the Vanguard Job including its abilities, specialties, stat modifiers, and weapon proficiencies!

Vanguard Overview

Bravely Default 2 Vanguard Portrait
Vanguard Overview
・Vanguard excels in defense and offense.
・They can exploit enemy weapon type weaknesses with multiple weapon types.
・Utilize different weapons to bring out the Vanguard's offensive capabilities!

Vanguard Overall Stats

Bravely Default 2 HP Ratio Bravely Default 2 MP Ratio Bravely Default 2 Strength Ratio Bravely Default 2 Defense Ratio
MagicMagic DefenseHealing PowerAgility
Bravely Default 2 Magic Ratio Bravely Default 2 Magic Defense Ratio Bravely Default 2 Healing Power Bravely Default 2 Agility Ratio

How to Play the Vanguard

Focus on taking aggro to get buffs

The vanguard's offensive capability is lower than offense specialist classes. It makes up for it with high defenses and the ability to strengthen itself when taking damage so keep on raising its chance to be targeted stat to make the Vanguard class shine.

Vanguard Ability List

Ability Type Cost Level Effect
Cross Cut Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 18 MP 1 Perform two physical attacks on a target in quick succession.
Shield Bash Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 10% HP 2 Use equipped shield to perform an earth-imbued physical attack on a target and slightly delay their next turn.
Defang Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 12 MP 3 Perform a physicl attack on a target and decrease their physical attack by 7% for five turns. Stats cannot be reduced below 65% of their base value.
Skull Bash Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 12 MP 4 Perform a weak physical attack on a target and decrease their magical attack by 7% for five turns. Stats cannot be decreased below 65% of their base value.
Pain into Gain Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 5 Taking damage in battle while not Defaulting has a roughly 30% chance of increasing physical attack power by 1-3%
Aggravate Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand - 6 Increase the user's likelihood of being targeted by 25% for three turns. Stats cannot be increased beyond 200% of their base value.
Sword of Stone Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 26 MP 7 Perform a powerful earth-imbued physical attack on a target.
Shield Stun Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 25% HP 8 Use equipped shield to perform a quick physical attack on a target and significantly delay their next turn.
Defensive Offence Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 9 Performing an attack with a weapon equipped will cause all damage to the user to be reduced to 70% until their next turn.
Enrage Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 24 MP 10 Guarantee that an enemy's next two action will be aimed at the user.
The Gift of Courage Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 1 BP 11 Give one of the user's own BP to a target.
Neo Cross Slash Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 54 MP 12 Perform two powerful physical attacks on a target in quick succession.
Infuriate Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 40 MP 13 Increase the user's likelihood of being targeted by 50% for three turns. Stats cannot be increased beyond 200% of their base value.
Quake Blade Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 70 MP 14 Perform an extremely powerful earth-imbued physical attack on a target.
Ultimatum Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 1 BP 15 Perform an extremely powerful physical attack on all targets, after which the user is less likely to be targeted until their next turn comes around.

Best Abilities

checkmarkDefensive Offence
checkmarkThe Gift of Courage


Increases chance to get targeted. Something you'll want to happen when playing the Vanguard.

Defensive Offence

Reduces damage taken if you attack. It works extremely well with the Vanguard's identity and it solidifes its role as a tank.

The Gift of Courage

With this ability, you can impart several BP to your attackers instead of wasting it on your own attacks that may deal weaker damage than them. It can also save allies or your own party by giving BP to allies that have negative BP.

Vanguard Speciality and Special Ability


Specialities Effects
Shield-Bearer Equipping a shield does not negatively affect speed, aim or evasion.
Attention Seeker Physical attack power and critical chance are boosted based on the user's chance of being targeted.

Speciality 2 Can only be learned after leveling the Vanguard to Level 12.

Special Ability

Special Ability
Fault Line
Strike a single enemy with a powerful earth-imbued physical attack.
Bonus Effects
Physical Defense +30%
Use Heroics x 13.

Vanguard Weapon Proficiencies

Below are the weapons proficiencies for the Vanguard job. Refer to this section to know which weapons are best suited for the Vanguard job.

sword icon bravely default 2,size :20x20 Sword Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Dagger Icon Dagger Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Ax Icon AxProficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Shield Icon Shield Proficiency Rank
Bravely default 2 Spear Icon Spear Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Bow Icon Bow Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Staff Icon Staff Proficiency Rank

How to Unlock the Vanguard Job

Defeat Selene and Dag

How to Beat Selene and Dag.png

Selene and Dag is a duo battle and is the first boss fight you'll encounter in Bravely Default 2. Dag is the bearer of the Vanguard Asterisk so know that your damage will not be high when fighting him.

How to Beat Selene and Dag

Best Sub-Jobs for Vanguard


Bravely Default 2 Sword Master.jpg

Enrage + Fluid Stance is an easily usable combo. At the later stages of the game, you can also use the Sword Master's Ninefold Flurry to easily take thousands (or hundred of thousands) of HP thanks to Attention Seeker's damage buff. Another combo it can use is Divide Attention to copy your party's highest Target Chance stat in case you're using a tankier unit than the Vanguard/Swordmaster combo.

Sword Master Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs



This might come as a surprising combo but with the Surpassing Power Support Ability, you can easily deal around 50,000 damage for 10,000 PG. A literal pay to win job combo!

Gambler Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default 2 Job Guides

Jobs List

Jobs Partial Banner.png

List of Jobs

Freelancer Bravely Default 2Freelancer White Mage Icon.pngWhite Mage Black Mage Icon.pngBlack Mage Monk Icon.pngMonk
Vanguard Icon.pngVanguard Thief Icon.pngThief Bard Icon.pngBard Beastmaster Icon.pngBeast Master
Gambler Icon.pngGambler Berserker Icon.pngBerserker Red Mage Icon.pngRed Mage Hunter Icon.pngRanger
Shieldmaster Icon.pngShieldmaster Pictomancer Icon.pngPictomancer Dragoon Icon.pngDragoon Swordmaster Icon.pngSwordmaster
Spiritmaster.pngSpiritmaster Salve-Maker.pngSalve-Maker Oracle.pngOracle Bastion.pngBastion
Phantom.pngPhantom Arcanist.pngArcanist Hellblade.pngHellblade Hellblade.pngBravebearer

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