Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Folie

story boss - how to beat folie.png
This is a guide to Folie, a Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Folie, her strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Folie.

Folie Basic Info

Folie Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Water Spear
Half Damage
Light Fire
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

Rock Tortoise Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Water Spear Axe
Half Damage
Wind Fire Staff Dagger Bow
Items Dropped Stone
Booster Bun (Physical Defence)
Stealables Booster Bun (Physical Defence)
Beastmaster Move Reflection Angle
Cast reflect on a target.

Golem Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Water Axe
Half Damage
Light Fire
Dark Lightning
Items Dropped Teleport Stone
Sprite Gem
Stealables Teleport Stone
Sprite Gem
Beastmaster Move Megaton Punch
Perform a powerful physical attack to a single target.

How to Beat Folie

Folie Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Red Mage  Icon Red Mage Berserker Icon Berserker Gambler Icon Gambler Beastmaster Icon Beastmaster

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Jobs
Bard Icon Bard Red Mage  Icon Red Mage

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Phoenix Down Water Damage Beastmaster moves with Death effect Flash the Cash
Godspeed Strike Longinus - -

List of Abilities

Folie Movesets

Disarming Scarlet Reduce a target's physical attack by 10% for 4 turns.
Splatter Inflicts Daub to a single target
Purify Removes status ailments, daub, and debuffs.
Chiaro Deal light elemental damage to a single target.
Used as a counter against White Magic and Black Magic.
Scuro Deal dark elemental damage to a single target.
Darkra (Mural) Deal dark elemental damage to a single target.
Deface Inflicts Daub to a single target.
Wall of Despair (Mural) Inflicts Dread to all targets.

Folie Strategy

Rock Tortoise is Vulnerable to Death

You'll want to reduce your enemies by 1 instantly when the fight starts. To do so, use a death move from the Beastmaster. Some of the easiest to get near Wiswald are the Pephredo, Paraponera, and Lop-Eared Ratbitt. It may take several tries to apply the death effect to the Rock Tortoise, so Brave several times to increase your chances of the effect taking hold.

Eliminate The Golem Using Water Elemental Moves

To do this, we suggest going with the Berserker's Water Damage for this. It can also be followed by Blizzaga but it can get countered by Folie which is why it's not recommended.

Use Healara/Helaga or Undine for restoring HP

Folie will counter White Magic with Chiaro which can instantly kill a fragile team member.

It is vital in this battle to have at least one Red Mage dedicated to healing party members.

Burst Folie with Berserker's Water Damage

Berserker's Water Damage attack can be effective against Folie without triggering her counter to Black Magic. If paired with a powerful spear such as Longinus, the double vulnerability will deal massive damage. Having a Bard to strengthen your attackers power will also help to counter any debuffs applied by Folie.

Burst Folie With Godspeed Strike

Godspeed Strike is one of the strongest moves you have right now from the Thief. Use it against Folie to easily bring her down. A single use costs 95 MP but it's damage makes it more than worth it.

A good way to instantly replenish your Thief's MP is a well-timed Jackpot from the Gambler's special ability. Try to prepare it in advance before heading into the fight.

Alternatively, you can just use Ethers to restore your Thief/Healer's MP so if you don't wish to use the Gambler (we highly suggest it due to Flash the Cash's flat damage), it is completely doable.

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