Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Galahad

story boss - how to beat galahad.png

This is a guide to Galahad, a Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Galahad, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Galahad.

Galahad Notes

You can't beat him on first encounter

Galahad's first battle will end abruptly after a few turns have passed. This guide is for the 2nd battle against Galahad at the treetop.

Galahad Basic Info

Galahad Strengths, Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Light Staff Dagger
Half Damage
Earth Wind Spear Bow Sword
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped Giant's Shield
Stealables None available

Picto-Demons Strengths, Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Bravely Default II - Picto-Mona
Description A monster drawn in shades of darkness. The theme of the composition is 'Vigorous Self-Criticism'.
Light Staff Sword
Half Damage
No Resistances
Dark Lightning Water Fire Spear Dagger Axe
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available
Bravely Default II - Picto-Beleth
Description A monster drawn in shades of darkness. The theme of the composition is 'A Soul Fixated'.
Light Lightning
Half Damage
No Resistances
Staff Spear Dagger Axe Bow Sword
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available
Bravely Default II - Picto-Amrita
Description A monster drawn in shades of darkness. The theme of the composition is 'Tears of Anguish'.
Light Staff Spear
Half Damage
No Resistances
Dark Earth Wind Lightning Water Fire
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

How to Beat Galahad

Galahad Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Black Mage Icon Black Mage Mastered Beastmaster Icon Beastmaster Gambler Icon Gambler Berserker Icon Berserker

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
White Mage Icon White Mage Beastmaster Icon Beastmaster Ranger Icon Ranger Thief Icon Thief

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Godspeed Strike Flash the Cash / High Roller Banishra (Petunia) Shadowbind

List of Abilities

Recommended Equipment

Recommended Equipment
Silver Glasses Earthing Rod Courage Ring -

Galahad Movesets

Blinding Flash Inflicts blind to all your characters.
Personal Protection Blocks attacks directed at allies.
Reprisal Inflicts 50% of damage taken back to the attacker.
Weighty Blow Deals heavy damage to the target.
Anti Critical Reduces Crit chacnce against Galahad by 25%.

Picto Demon Moves

White Wind (spirit) Heals all allies equp to current HP.
Loathsome Lunge (Knight) Damages and inflicts dread to the target.
Thanatophobia (Knight) Instantly kills an enemy with Dread.
Stun Smash (Demon) Damages and stuns the enemy.
Shadow Nova (Demon) Inflicts dark elemental damage.

Galahad Strategy Guide

Use Bare Handed Tactics!

monk portrait.jpg

There are several immunities and resistances for the Picto-demons. Unlike the previous boss battles, you'll have to fight them together so equipping a weapon that's universally effective against them is extremely effective.

The Bare-Knuckle Brawler can easily be learned at this stage of the game, so we recomend learning this ability first before heading into the fight.

Don't Equip Elemental Weapons

The Picto-Amrita and Picto-Mona are immune to several elemental attacks. Avoid equipping weapons that have other elemental properties or you may leave your character unable to deal damage during the fight.

Paralyze Galahad

Galahad will be a pain due to his ability to defend the Picto-demons. To prevent this, paralyze Galahad. Lily, who will be helping out, can do this, but you can paralyze Galahad yourself using the Ranger's Shadowbind.

Defeat the Picto-Mona First!

Bravely Default II - Picto-Mona.png

During the start of the battle, you'll want to eliminate Picto-Mona first! You can easily focus her after paralyzing Galahad so make sure to go all out!

Leaving her alone can allow her to recover her and her allies' HP via White Wind.

All Enemies are Weak to Light


Try capturing some Petunias in the woods north of Wisland with Beastmaster. They can greatly help in taking down all the Picto-demons as well as Galahad.

A max level Black Mage can pierce elemental immunity

If you have a Black Mage that has a max level, they can do area damage against the Picto-demons as well as Galahad.

If you have a character specializing in magic, it is suggested to at least level the Black mage to level 12 first to allow them to deal damage to the enemies in this battle.

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