Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Download the Bravely Default 2 Demo

bf 2 demo
Wishing to play the demo for Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)? Look no further than our demo download guide! This is a step-by-step guide to downloading the final demo for the upcoming Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch.

How to Download the Demo?

Before attempting to download the demo, make sure to have your switch connected to the internet.

1. Head to the Nintendo Eshop

Select the Eshop on your Nintendo Switch to access the Eshop

2. Search for Bravely Default 2

Use the search bar or browse the store and look for Bravely Default 2

3. Choose the demo button below the pre-order button

On the same menu where the pre-order option is located, select the demo button to start downloading Bravely Default 2's demo

Pre-Order Guide: All Pre-order Bonuses

4. Wait for the download to complete

Simply wait for the demo's download to complete. You can track its progress on the Switch's home screen. Once there is no longer a download bar on the game, it means that the download is complete and is ready to be played.

Demo Bonuses

Free 100 Platinum Coins Only Until Feb 26 2021

Experience the game's risk and reward system, character strategy, and stunning visuals in the latest Bravely Default II Final Demo. In this demo, the game's four main characters are already on their journey-with Jobs and Abilities at their disposal!
Bonus: Players who download the demo by Feb. 26, 2021, will receive 100 My Nintendo Platinum Points.

Demo Features and Restrictions

Game starts in Chapter 1

While it may seem like Chapter 1 is the beginning of Bravely Default 2, it actually takes place after the opening prologue where our heroes meet. Based off on the first Bravely Default game, it can roughly 3-5 hours just to reach chapter 1, so the game may still have a lot of opening content.

Play time is limited to 5 hours

Bravely Default 2 World Map

The demo can only be played for a maximum of 5 hours per playthrough. We highly suggest playing the game twice with the first playthrough to just explore the game's features and its differences from the 1st and 2nd game.

Starts with 5 Jobs

4 Jobs

Together with the starting job Freelancer, the party consists of a Black Mage, a White Mage, a Vanguard, and a Monk for a total of 5 classes. Feel free to mix up these jobs and explore combos you can do in preparation for the game's official release.

3 changable difficulties

Bravely Default 2 Difficulty Choices

Similar to the previous entries, the game presents an easy, normal, and hard difficulty option. This can be changed on the menu after starting the game, so feel free to adjust the difficuluty later if you feel the gameplay is too easy or difficult.

Does the Demo Playthrough Carry Over?

The demo's progress cannot be carried over to the official release

Unfortunately, it is impossible to carry over your progress from the demo into the official release.

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