Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Helio and Gladys

story boss - how to beat helio and gladys.png
This is a guide to Helio and Gladys, a Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Helio and Gladys, their strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Helio and Gladys.

Helio and Gladys Basic Info

Helio Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Dark Wind Spear Sword
Half Damage
Light Water
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

Gladys Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Light Earth Axe
Half Damage
Lightning Fire Bow Sword
No Immunities
No Damage Type Absorbed
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

How to Beat Helio and Gladys

Helio and Gladys Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Red Mage  Icon Red Mage Ranger Icon Ranger Vanguard Icon Vanguard Shieldmaster Icon Shieldmaster

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Bard Icon Bard Beastmaster Icon Beastmaster Berserker Icon Berserker Pictomancer Icon Pictomancer

Recommended Abilities and Items

Best Abilities/Items
Aeroga Neo Cross Slash Stonega Humanoid Slayer
Survey Disaster Counter-Savvy Defensive Offence

List of Abilities

Helio and Gladys Movesets

Helio Movesets

Healara's Blessing Summons a spirit that uses Healara once for three different turns.
Regeneration Applies Regen to the target.
Used as a counter to physical attacks.
Banishra Deals massive light elemental damage to a single / multiple targets
Used as a counter against magic attacks

Gladys Movesets

Counter Default Increase her BP by 1.
One Step Ahead Attacks enemies that use offensive abilities.
Solid Stance Assumes an offensive stance that allows her to attack twice in 1 turn.
Solid Right Style Damages a target and delays its turn.
Fourfold Flurry Hits a target 4 times.
Fluid Stance A stance that focuses on counter attacks
Fluid Stance Counters all attacks with an attack that reduces their BP by one.

Helio and Gladys Strategy

Burst Down Helio on the First Turn

Helio Defeated Bravely Default 2
Helio is the duo party's healer similar to your first boss battle with Selene and Dag. He's an easier target but he'll often spam healing abilities and regenerative effects on himself and Gladys.

Eliminating him as quickly as possible is the best method of making this fight easier. To do so, the Red Mage's Chain Spell + Aeroga should be able to deal 16000 Damage with 4 braves (assuming each hit deals at least 2000 damage).

With support damage from Humanoid Slayer and Neo Cross Slash, it should be possible to eliminate him in a single turn.

Don't Default!

Gladys Default Counter
Gladys counters your default by building BP of her own, she can then use this to assume Solid Stance which will allow her to attack twice in a single turn. If she braves four times, this will be equal to 6 attacks against your party members.

To stop her from building up BP, use your idle turns to apply buffs or heal party members.

Rely on Revenge to build BP

Since defaulting isn't recommended, you'll have to rely on Revenge (or other BP boosting abilities you have learned) through out the fight.

Gladys' Solid Stance attacks are annoying and can one shot softer members of your team, so we recommend not letting her obtain BP.

No White Mage Needed

Only Helio can deal AOE damage to the party, if you succeed in eliminating him on the first turn, your only problem should be healing single units.

A Red Mage's Heal or Healara should suffice for this so if you have a White Mage for this party, consider swapping it out for a Bard or other jobs that can support the team or weaken enemies.

Use Enrage on Gladys on BP 3

Fourfold Flurry Gladys
Once Gladys builds up 3 BPs, use the Vanguard's Enrage to draw all attacks to her. Her attacks will consists of normal attacks with a last Fourfold Flurry that deals 4 damage to a unit. If you are also running a Shieldmaster, use Bodyguard on your Vangaurd to further bulk up your defenses.

Only a tanky member can survive this assault so always remember to do this or you might suffer a team wipe.

Attack with your Red Mage

If your Red Mage has an open turn to attack, combine Disaster with Chain Spell to deal massive damage to Gladys.

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