Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

How to Beat Amphora

quest boss - how to beat amphora.png

This is a guide to Amphora, a Quest Boss battle in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II). Read on to know how to beat Amphora, its strengths and weaknesses, and the best strategy against Amphora.

Amphora Basic Info

Amphora Strengths, and Weaknesses, and Obtainable Items

Half Damage
No Resistances
Earth Wind Water
Items Dropped None available
Stealables None available

How to Beat Amphora

Amphora Recommended Jobs, Abilities, and Equipment

Recommended Jobs

Best Jobs
Vanguard Icon Vanguard White Mage Icon White Mage Black Mage Icon Black Mage Beastmaster Icon Beastmaster

Recommended Sub-Jobs

Best Sub-Jobs
Freelancer Icon Freelancer - - -

Recommended Abilities

Best Abilities
Muzzle Enrage Square One (optional) Cura
Poison Qigong Wave Body Slam -

Recommended Equipment

Best Equipment
Wind Talisman Iron Bangle High Magic Defense Gear -

Amphora Movesets

Earthpound Heavy physical attack to one target.
Big Blow A wind elemental single target attack.
Supercharged Increases magic damage by 100%
Thundara Tier 2 Thunder spell. Amphora can group target with this spell.
Splash A single target magical attack.
Hole Up Hides in the vase, all attacks taken will have their damage reduced to 1.

Amphora Strategy

Capture a Vishno

Bravely Default II - Vishno

There are huge enemies in the Mansion called Vishno. Using Off the Leash for Vishno will make it use a barrage of attacks that can deal around 1000 - 1500 damage per use.

Capturing 4 of them can help with quickly defeating Amphora during its dangerous critical phase.

Control Its Aggro

Amphora is vulnerable to poison so make sure to apply it as soon as possible. Also, almost all of Amphora's attacks are single target attacks so having a Vanguard with Enrage is extremely helpful for the fight.

Have the Vanguard focus on alternating between defaulting and using Enrage then unleashing a 4 turn burst when BP reaches max.

Since the Vanguard is taking all the damage, have a White Mage focus on healing the tank while others unleash attacks on Amphora

Counter Amphora's Supercharged-Thundara Combo with Muzzle

Amphora Thundara Cancel Silenced

Amphora's critical HP state will have it start comboing Supercharged and Thundara for a potential team wipe in a single turn.

To avoid this, have a Beastmaster focus on using Muzzle to silence Amphora once its HP falls below 8000.

From here, make sure to finish the battle fast as Amphora can recover from Silence after a few turns.

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