Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Shieldmaster Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default II - Shieldmaster

This is a guide to the Shieldmaster Job class in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to know all the details about the Shieldmaster Job including its abilities, specialties, stat modifiers, and weapon proficiencies!

Shieldmaster Overview

Bravely Default 2 Shieldmaster Portrait
Shieldmaster Overview
・A hugely useful damage-absorbing addition to any party.
・Turns are slow to come around, but the effects of shieldmasters' abilities last a long time, which often more than makes up for their sluggishness.

Shieldmaster Notable Stats

Bravely Default 2 HP Ratio Bravely Default 2 MP Ratio Bravely Default 2 Strength Ratio Bravely Default 2 Defense Ratio
MagicMagic DefenseHealing PowerAgility
Bravely Default 2 Magic Ratio Bravely Default 2 Magic Defense Ratio Bravely Default 2 Healing Power Bravely Default 2 Agility Ratio

How to Play the Shieldmaster

Maximize Chance to Be Targeted

The Shieldmaster specializes in taking the brunt of attacks. It is also capable of wielding two shield which further emphasizes its role as a defensive class. Make sure to raise all your defenses and raise your target chance to make the Shieldmaster Shine

Block Ally Damage and Repel!

The Shieldmaster can also protect allies manually and automatically when they're in critical HP (doesn't work for AOE attacks). With the Shieldmaster's Reprisal and Bodyguard combo, nothing will hurt your allies anymore!

Shieldmaster Ability List

Ability Type Cost Level Effect
Bodyguard Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand - 1 The user will step in to take damage in place of a selected ally, automatically adopting the Default stance in the process.
Dual Shields Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 2 Allows a shield to be equipped in each hand. Doing so increases aim by 100%.
Blinding Flash Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 14 MP 3 Attempt to blind all targets.
The Courage to Resist Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 1 Slot 4 Defaulting does not increase BP, but does nullify all status ailments except slow, stop and doom.
Crushed Ice Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 44 MP 5 Perform a physical attack that's extremely effective on frozen targets.
Reprisal Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 40 MP 6 For five turns, 50% of any damage received by the user will also be inflicted on the attacker.
Defender of the People Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand - 7 Take up to three attacks in place of allies before the user's next turn, automatically adopting the Default stance in the process. Does not apply to attacks that target all allies.
Heavy Hitter Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 1 BP 8 Perform a physical attack on a target. The heavier the equipment in the user's left hand, the greater the damage inflicted.
Bumblewhacker Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 44 MP 9 Perform a physical attack that's extremely effective on confused targets.
Fast Hands Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 10 Any speed reductions caused by equipment in either hand become speed bonuses instead.
No Guts, No Glory Bravely Default 2 Support Ability IconSupport 1 Slot 11 Physical and magical defence increase with BP, but will also decrease when BP drop below zero.
The Gift of Wisdom Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 33% MP 12 Donates 33% of the user's max. MP to a target. If MP is below 33% of max. level, all available MP will be donated.
Super Heavy Hitter Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 2 BP 13 Perform two physical attacks on a target. The heavier the equipment in both the user's hands, the greater the damage inflicted.
Firmly Grounded Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 20% HP 14 Boost MP and magical attack for three turns by an amount based on the user's encumbrance. Any negative effects of being overburdened are ignored.
Harsh Reprisal Bravely Default 2 Command Ability IconCommand 68 MP 15 For three turns, 100% of any damage received by the user will also be inflicted on the attacker.

Best Abilities

Fast Hands

An ability that can turn a slow fighter into a fast one. Converting speed reduction from heavy weapons gives these tanky classes more turns to unleash their might!

Defender of the People

An ability that guarantees a block to three attacks is nothing short of a godly ability and is a game changer against bosses that you have fully analyzed.

Shieldmaster Speciality and Special Ability


Specialities Effects
Protect Ally The user will step in to take damage in place of allies who are close to death, automatically adopting the Default stance in the process. Certain status ailments may render this ability ineffective.
Chivalrous Spirit Performing Protect Ally, Bodyguard or Defender of the People restores a little MP, and grants the user an additional BP.

Speciality 2 Can only be learned after leveling the Shieldmaster to Level 12.

Special Ability

Special Ability
Increase all allies' physical and magical defence for three turns.
Bonus Effects
Physical Attack +15%
Use Shieldcraft x12

Shieldmaster Weapon Proficiencies

Below are the weapons proficiencies for the Shieldmaster Job. Refer to this section to know which weapons are best suited for the Shieldmaster Job.

sword icon bravely default 2,size :20x20 Sword Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Dagger Icon Dagger Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Ax Icon AxProficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Shield Icon Shield Proficiency Rank
Bravely default 2 Spear Icon Spear Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Bow Icon Bow Proficiency Rank Bravely Default 2 Staff Icon Staff Proficiency Rank

How to Unlock the Shieldmaster Job

Defeat Galahad

How to Beat Galahad.jpg

Galahad is a huge lump of meat and as a tank, it will be an easy fight... if he's alone at least. The Picto-Mona you fought with him for the first time as well as the Picto-demons from Lily and Roddy's battle are aiding him now! Emerge victorious in this battle to obtain the Shieldmaster Asterisk!

How to Beat Galahad

Best Sub-Jobs for Shieldmaster


Bastion Job

Adds another layer to the Shieldmaster's defensive abilities. This is a great Job Combo if you want to stay alive against a tough boss.



This combo will work extremely well when you reach the postgame and equip the last Job's Sub-Job Speciality 2 to gain the Vanguard's Attention Seeker Speciality. This gives your Shieldmaster the ability to finally deal some damage.

Vanguard Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs


Hellblade Job.jpg

An infinitely healing Tank if you equip the Sub-Job Speciality 1 ability. This is an unkillable tank that protects all allies from harm. Minus Strike can also be used to deal damage to enemies since the Shieldmaster's HP Pool is high, just make sure to sacrifice some HP by using some of the Hellblade's abilities!

Hellblade Job Abilities and Best Sub-Jobs

Bravely Default 2 Job Guides

Jobs List

Jobs Partial Banner.png

List of Jobs

Freelancer Bravely Default 2Freelancer White Mage Icon.pngWhite Mage Black Mage Icon.pngBlack Mage Monk Icon.pngMonk
Vanguard Icon.pngVanguard Thief Icon.pngThief Bard Icon.pngBard Beastmaster Icon.pngBeast Master
Gambler Icon.pngGambler Berserker Icon.pngBerserker Red Mage Icon.pngRed Mage Hunter Icon.pngRanger
Shieldmaster Icon.pngShieldmaster Pictomancer Icon.pngPictomancer Dragoon Icon.pngDragoon Swordmaster Icon.pngSwordmaster
Spiritmaster.pngSpiritmaster Salve-Maker.pngSalve-Maker Oracle.pngOracle Bastion.pngBastion
Phantom.pngPhantom Arcanist.pngArcanist Hellblade.pngHellblade Hellblade.pngBravebearer

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