Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Boat Exploration Guide

Boat Exploration Boat Owner Halcyonia
This is a guide to the multiplayer feature in Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II), the Boat Exploration! Read on to know what the boat exploration does, how it works, and items you can get from it!

What is the Boat Exploration

An AFK feature to Get Items

Boat Exploration
Boat Exploration is an idle mechanic that allows players to net some items while away from the game.

Get rewareded with several booster buns

Booster buns are items your characters can consume to boost their stats. The stat increase varies from buns to bun and can be helpful against bosses in the future. While it is not a feature you'll like to soley rely on, it's still a great one if you wish to sleep or want to take a break from the game.

Has an exploration limit of 12 Hours.

The Boat Exploration has a voyage limit of 12 hours. Once the time spent on sleep mode surpasses this, you no longer get any bonuses, so make sure to return to the Boat Lady and claim your rewards!

Is the Boat Exploration a Multiplayer Feature?

Yes! It gets more items when Online

The Boat Exploration feature is Bravely Default 2's main multiplayer feature. Unlike the first Bravely Default, it is no longer a necessity to play online to progress into its multiplayer feature. Aside from this feature, the Bravely Default 2 gameplay remains single player.

Don't Adjust the Switch's Clock

Exploration Warning 1.png

If you attempt to exploit this method by adjusting your Switch's clock, know that it won't be possible. If you adjust the clock, you will get a notification from the Boat Owner that she called off your exploration. If you continue doing so despite her warnings, you will get a 24-hour ban from exploring.

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