Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get the Helldusk Armor

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Baldurs Gate 3 - How to Get the Helldusk Armor

The Helldusk Armor is a Legendary piece of armor in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) that you can obtain by defeating Raphael at the House of Hope. Read on to learn more about the Helldusk Armor, its stats and effects, as well as how to get it in the House of Hope!

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Notification IconHeads up! You are entering spoiler territory for a weapon that is closely tied to the main story. Proceed at your own risk, adventurer. You have been warned!

Helldusk Armor Overview

Armor Type
Chest Armor
Weight Class Heavy
Armor Class 21
Armor Effect Helldusk Armour: You are considered Proficient with this armour while you are wearing it.
Infernal Retribution: When you succeed a Saving Throw, the caster receives Burning for 3 turns.
Prime Aegis of Fire: You have Resistance to Fire damage and cannot be burned. You take 3 less damage from all sources.
Skills / Spell Unlockables
Rarity Weight Price

How to Get Helldusk Armor

Defeat Raphael in the House of Hope

Helldusk Armour Location
Obtained after beating a Level 12 Raphael in the House of Hope during the quest to find the Orphic Hammer.

How to Get the Helldusk Armor Summary

  1. Refuse Raphael's Contract
  2. Find Diabolist Helsik in the Lower City
  3. Go to the House of Hope
  4. Obtain the Orphic Hammer
  5. Defeat Raphael to Get the Helldusk Armor

Refuse Raphael's Contract

The Helldusk Armor is Raphael's personal armor that you can only get if you fight him in the House of Hope. To trigger the option that takes you to his abode in hell, progress the quest to Free Orpheus and meet with Rapahel inside the Sharess' Caress brothel in the South Span of Wyrm's Crossing.

Once you arrive, head up to the 3rd floor and look for the Devil's Den room (by reading the plaques on the walls). Speak to Raphael inside and refuse the contract. This unlocks the option to infiltrate the House of Hope via the Deal with the Devil side quest.

How to Reach the South Span of Wyrm's Crossing

When you first arrive in Rivington, the bridge called the South Span of Wyrm's Crossing will be closed off to everyone. In order to reach Sharess' Caress (which is on the bridge) you will need to head to a small ledge to the east of the Crossing entrance. From there, use jump to reach the platform that leads you to the bridge.

How to Obtain a Pass or Invitation to Enter Baldur's Gate

Before you can infiltrate the House of Hope, you will need to find a diabolist named Helsik in Baldur's Gate. However, to enter the city, you will need a pass or an invitation to Gortash's coronation. Players will be able to find a pass or invitation at the following locations:

  • Investigate the murders at the Open Hand temple. Report your findings to the investigator to receive a Lower City Pass.
  • A Flaming Fist named Jara is in the middle of session at Sharess' Caress. Break into the Nymph Grotto Room (DC10 Sleight of Hand) at the 2nd Floor of the brothel and steal the Coronation Pass next to her clothes.
  • Arfur the Toymaker is making a ruckus in front of his mansion. Investigate his basement and find the planted explosives before confronting him at the 1st Floor of Sharess' Caress. He will give you a Coronation Pass after you rattle him.

Find Diabolist Helsik in the Lower City

Once you have access to the Lower City, make your way east of the Basilisk Gate. Diabolist Helsik can be found in the Devil's Fee - a large building next to the Forge of the Nine where you find the blacksmith, Dammon.

Before you can ask Helsik to open a portal to hell for you, you will need to pass a Perception Check (WIS, DC5) and an Arcana Check (INT, DC15) on any two items on display. Once you identify two successfully, you can speak to Helsik and tell her to show you her real inventory.

After she shows you her true colors, you can then ask her to open a portal for you to the House of Hope. The price will be 20000 Gold. If you do not have that much, you can intimidate her to lower the price to half, or persuade her to waive the fee. The last method will have you retrieve the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength for her.

How to Get to the House of Hope for Free

Helsik Dialogue
Helsik: Of course, such a task will require quite the substantial donation to Lord Mammon's coffers. (20000)
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[Persuasion (DC20)]
Waive the fee and I'll add one of Raphael's artefacts to your collection.
Helsik accepts but you have to retrieve the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength for her in the House of Hope.
Helsik gets mad and tells you it isn't worth the risk. Price stays at 20,000 Gold.
[Intimidation (DC25)]
You'll halve that price or I'll halve you.
Helsik agrees. Price is discounted to 10,000 Gold.
Helsik gets mad and tells you it isn't worth the risk. Price stays at 20,000 Gold.

Go to the House of Hope

With the materials secure to open a portal, make your way to the House of Hope by setting up the materials on the blood circle inside Helsik's room. Follow the set-up above to open the portal.

  • Place the Skull on the star point near Helsik's desk.
  • Next, place, the Coin of Mammon on the point to the right of the Skull.
  • Continuing clockwise, skip a point and place the Diamond on the next one.
  • Next, place the Incense on the point after the Diamond.
  • Finally, place the Infernal Marble in the center of the star.

Warning: The game isn't lying when it tells you that there are many challenges in Hell. Before you attempt to get the Helldusk Armor, make sure you're at least a Level 10 party since, at the end of this quest, you will need to defeat a Level 12, 666 HP Raphael along with a handful of 96 HP Cambions.

Obtain the Orphic Hammer

Baldurs Gate 3 - Orphic Hammer

In order to summon and fight Raphael in the House of Hope you will need to first steal the Orphic Hammer. Once you pick it up from its pedestal, Raphael will come rushing back to the House of Hope, unlocking his boss fight.

How to Get the Orphic Hammer

Defeat Raphael to Get the Helldusk Armor

To get the Helldusk Armor piece, you will need to defeat Raphael (Level 12 and boasting 666 HP). He will also have allies in the form of Korilla the Warlock, Yurgir the Orthon, as well as 6 Cambions. Once the devil is dead, simply loot the Helldusk Armor off of his body.

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All Chest Armor

List of All Chest Armor

Githyanki Half Plate Leather Armour Scale Mail
Chain Shirt Ring Mail Armour Simple Robe
Robe Adamantine Scale Mail Adamantine Splint Armour
Blazer of Benevolence Bloodguzzler Garb Chain of Liberation
Dark Justiciar Mail Poisoner's Robe Robe of Summer
Robust Chain Shirt Slippery Chain Shirt Spidersilk Armour
The Jolty Vest The Oak Father's Embrace The Protecty Sparkswall
Cloth Armour Simple Cloth Barbarian Clothes
Breastplate Chain Mail Damaged Chain Shirt
Drow Studded Leather Armour Elegant Robe Half Plate Armour
Hide Armour Elegant Studded Leather Padded Armour
Damaged Scale Mail Plate Armour Scale Mail of Devotion
Scale Mail of the Ancients Simple Jerkin Sorcerer Robe
Splint Armour Studded Leather Armour Scale Mail of Vengeance
Yuan-Ti Scale Mail Helldusk Armour Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo
Veil of the Morning Icebite Robe Dark Justiciar Half-Plate
Selunite Robe Damaged Dark Justiciar Armour Infernal Robe
Reaper's Embrace Flawed Helldusk Armour The Graceful Cloth
Cloth of Authority Penumbral Armour Druid Leather Armour
Monastic Robes Dwarven Splintmail The Mighty Cloth
Scarlet Leather Armor Barkskin Armour Obsidian Laced Robe
Shadeclinger Armour Armour of Persistence Bonespike Garb
Unwanted Masterwork Scale Mail Armour of Agility Armour of Devotion
Armour of Landfall Armour of Moonbasking Armour of the Sporekeeper
Bhaalist Armour Bided Time Blackguard's Plate
Cerebral Citadel Armour Drunken Cloth Elven Chain
Emblazoned Plate of the Marshal Enraging Heart Garb Flame Enamelled Armour
Garb of the Land and Sky Hedge Wanderer Armour Hellgloom Armour
Ironwood Breastplate Luminous Armour Moon Devotion Robe
Potent Robe Psionic Ward Armour Psychic Feedback Armour
Rippling Force Mail Robe of Exquisite Focus Robe of Spell Resistance
Robe of Supreme Defense Robe of the Weave Sarevok's Wretched Armour
Sharpened Snare Cuirass Shelter of Athkatla Torment Drinker Armour
Vest of Soul Rejuvenation Viconia's Priestess Robe Wavemother's Robe
Protective Plate


1 Anonymousover 1 year

You kill Raphael in act 3 after sneaking into the House of Hope. Note: you must go inside the house behind his back, you cannot side with him.


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