Bravely Default 2 Walkthrough Comments

Swordmaster Job Abilities and Best Sub-JobsComment

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    3 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    the second of the 2 may be actually useful against gwyndion boss fight if you dont want to swap the character to a caster and need to worry about HP cause of the reflect damage.

    2 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    has no one thought of using phantom for ethernal blade in end game with swordmaster before? aspir attack mutlitask and ethernal edge make for insane dps. and add in the fact you can use critical flow to constantly have 3 BP at all times makes it an extremely dangerous combo or if against a single target swap multitask and aspir for drain attack and a beastmaster passive for infinite hp and constant dps increase from using your infinite BP you got with critical flow

    1 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    I have something I want to mention. I saw that the stats for this job, seem to be exactly the same as Dragoon's stats. I have not reached chapter 3 yet, but is this real or a mistake? Could you look into this, please?

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