Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

Umbra Element Overview, Location, and Drops

This is an overview for Umbra Element, an enemy in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch. Check here for basic information on Umbra Element including strengths and weaknesses, item drops, location, and more!

Umbra Element Overview

Umbra Element Summary

Umbra Element
Bravely Default II - Umbra Element
Description Monsters formed from elemental dark energy. They tend to be found in ancient ruins.
Town Halcyonia
Location Dungeon
Waterfall Path

Umbra Element Basic Information

Light Axe Bow
Half Damage
No Resistances
No Immunities
Items Dropped Oberon Gem
Dark Deluge
Stealables Spellblossom
Dark Deluge
Beastmaster Move Evil Eye
Type: Dark
Attempt to reduce Dark Resistance to all targets.

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