Splatoon 3

Mini Splatling Guide: How to Use, Stats, and Best Gear Abilities

The Mini Splatling is a Splatling weapon in Splatoon 3. Read on to see its stats, including its sub, special, damage, and range, as well as our analysis and tips on how to use Mini Splatling and the best gear abilities to go with it.

Mini Splatling Info and How to Get

Mini Splatling Overview

Weapon Sub Special
Splatoon 3 Mini SplatlingMini Splatling Splatoon 3 Burst BombBurst Bomb Splatoon 3 Ultra StampUltra Stamp
Points for Special Type
180 Splatling
Unlock Level
Mini Splatling will be available for purchase from Ammo Knights upon reaching Level 12.

Mini Splatling Tier Ranking

D Mini Splatling currently is considered a D Tier weapon.
Mini Splatling is one of the least effective weapons in the game right now. Try out some of the other Splatling-type weapons to have better success in your matches.

Best Weapons Tier List: Main Weapons Ranked

Mini Splatling Stats: Damage and Range

Damage 32 (Max Damage)
(Test Range Lines)
3.1 (Maximum)
2.7 (Effective)

Mini Splatling Analysis, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Mini Splatling Analysis

Overall Ranking
Turf War.png Turf Wars Splat Zones.png Splat Zones Tower Control.png Tower Control Rainmaker.png Rainmaker Clam Blitz.png Clam Blitz

Mini Splatling Characteristics

Ratings of Individual Characteristics
Inking Potential 5 Star.png Ease of Use 3 Star.png
Offense 2 Star.png Defense 2 Star.png
Utility 3 Star.png Shield Penetration 2 Star.png

Mini Splatling Strengths and Weaknesses

Mini Splatling Strengths Mini Splatling Weaknesses
Splatoon AdvantagesProvides decent inking potential considering the short charge-period.

Splatoon AdvantagesGood synergies with Quick Bomb.
Splatoon DisadvantagesShort range.

Splatoon DisadvantagesDiving in with Ultra Stamp will leave you in a vulnerable position afterwards.

Best Gear Abilities for Mini Splatling

Gear Ability Effect
Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink.
Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon.
Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed.
Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Increases movement speed in Inkling or Octoling form.

All Gear Abilities and Effects

How to Use Mini Splatling Effectively

Favor using the Burst Bomb only for out-of-reach enemies.

Due to the limited range of the Mini-Splatling, enemies might be able to escape your firepower. Chase them down and finish the deal by throwing Burst Bombs.

Defend the frontlines aggressively.

While this weapon is used for defending areas, you unleash multiple ink projectiles after each charge. Use this to your advantage by slowly pushing up each time you splat an enemy Inkling.

Use the Ultra Stamp to force invading opponents out of your base.

In game modes like Clam Blitz or Rainmaker, this special weapon offers a neat way of clearing up opponents when they reach your base. Ultra Stamp results in a one-hit splat on each enemy who gets stamped by it.

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List of Splatling Weapons

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Mini SplatlingMini Splatling Nautilus 47Nautilus 47


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