Pokemon Sleep

List of All Items and Effects

Pokemon Sleep - List of All Items

There are several new types of items such as Skill Seeds, Candies, Tickets, Biscuits and Incense in Pokemon Sleep which you can use to improve your sleep research with Snorlax and help your Pokemon. Read on to see all of the items, both new and old, and how to use them!

All Item and Collectibles

Item and Collectibles
Berries Ingredients Biscuits Evolution Items
Incense Tickets Other Items Pokemon Candies
Exp. Items Sleep Tips - -


Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Belue Berry Belue Berry This glossy and colorful Berry has a mouthwateringly delicious appearance. However, it's awfully sour.
Pokemon Sleep - Bluk Berry Bluk Berry Though this small, delicately skinned Berry is blue in color, it dyes the mouth black when eaten.
Pokemon Sleep - Cheri Berry Cheri Berry This bright red Berry is very spicy and has a provocative flavor. It blooms with delicate, pretty flowers.
Pokemon Sleep - Chesto Berry Chesto Berry This Berry's thick skin and fruit are very tough and dry-tasting. However, every bit of it can be eaten.
Pokemon Sleep - Durin Berry Durin Berry This Berry is tremendously bitter. Just one bite is enough to instantly stop hiccups.
Pokemon Sleep - Figy Berry Figy Berry This Berry is oddly shaped, appearing as if someone took a bite out of it. It's packed full of spicy substances.
Pokemon Sleep - Grepa Berry Grepa Berry One bite of this very tender Berry fills the mouth with its sweet and tangy flavor.
Pokemon Sleep - Leppa Berry Leppa Berry It takes longer to grow than Berries such as Cheri. The smaller Berries taste better.
Pokemon Sleep - Lum Berry Lum Berry This Berry's gradual process of storing nutrients beneficial to Pokemon health causes it to mature slowly.
Pokemon Sleep - Mago Berry Mago Berry This Berry progressively curves as it grows. The curvier the Berry, the sweeter it tastes.
Pokemon Sleep - Oran Berry Oran Berry Nature's gifts came together as one in this Berry. It has a wondrous mix of flavors that spread in the mouth.
Pokemon Sleep - Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry This Berry drifted from a faraway sea. It can now be cultivated even on this island.
Pokemon Sleep - Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Because of its hollow inside pocket, there isn't a lot to eat. What can be eaten is very sweet and delicious.
Pokemon Sleep - Persim Berry Persim Berry The more this Berry absorbs energy from sunlight, the more vividly colorful it grows.
Pokemon Sleep - Rawst Berry Rawst Berry If the leaves grow longer and curlier than average, this Berry will have a somewhat bitter taste.
Pokemon Sleep - Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sitrus came from the same family as Oran. It's larger and smoother-tasting than Oran.
Pokemon Sleep - Wiki Berry Wiki Berry It's said that this Berry grew lumps to help Pokemon grip it, allowing propagation farther afield.
Pokemon Sleep - Yache Berry Yache Berry This Berry has a refreshing flavor that strikes a good balance of dryness and sourness. It tastes better chilled.

List of All Berries


Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Bean Sausage Bean Sausage A healthy sausage made from beans that Pokemon like to eat.
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple An apple chosen above others. It has spectacular form and a brilliant sheen.
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg A nutritious cooking ingredient that goes well with all sorts of seasonings.
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb The fiery taste of this bright red herb will wake anyone right up.
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn This Greengrass Isle specialty can be eaten raw. It's remarkably sweet.
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Soybeans Greengrass Soybeans This Greengrass Isle specialty is easy to process into foods that are great for training.
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey A sweet honey collected by Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Large Leek Large Leek Whether this is the kind of vegetable stalk that Farfetch'd like is unknown.
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk Highly nutritious milk. Pokemon that drink it become full of energy.
Pokemon Sleep - Pure Oil Pure Oil All-purpose oil that can be used in any type of cuisine.
Pokemon Sleep - Rousing Coffee Rousing Coffee You may have trouble sleeping if you drink too much of this. It may help make you feel more alert.
Pokemon Sleep - Slowpoke Tail Slowpoke Tail A very tasty tail of something. When it falls off, it grows back quickly.
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozy Tomato Snoozy Tomato A bright-red tomato. Eat it and you'll sleep like a baby.
Pokemon Sleep - Soft Potato Soft Potato Its mellow flavor makes both body and spirit feel warm and fuzzy.
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao This cacao bean is time-consuming to process, but its soothing effects make the effort worthwhile.
Pokemon Sleep - Tasty Mushroom Tasty Mushroom A juicy mushroom with an abundance of umami flavor.
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger Spicy ginger that warms the body better than any other ingredients.

List of All Ingredients


Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Bonus Biscuit Bonus Biscuit Daily bonus biscuit which can be used to feed Pokemon to befriend them. This biscuit gives three friendship points.
Pokemon Sleep - Entei Biscuit Entei Biscuit A special treat only for Entei that will make it a lot more friendly toward you. This biscuit increases Entei's friendship points by 6.
Pokemon Sleep - Great Biscuit Great Biscuit A nice treat that will make a Pokemon quite a bit more friendly toward you. This biscuit gives three friendship points.
Pokemon Sleep - Master Biscuit Master Biscuit A special treat that will make a Pokemon as friendly as can be. This biscuit maxes out friendship points.
Pokemon Sleep - Poke Biscuit Poke Biscuit A treat that will make a Pokemon a little more friendly toward you. This biscuit gives one friendship point.
Pokemon Sleep - Premium Bonus Biscuit Premium Bonus Biscuit Daily bonus biscuit for Premium Pass subscribers, which can be used to feed Pokemon to befriend them. This biscuit gives four friendship points.
Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Biscuit Raikou Biscuit A special treat only for Raikou that will make it a lot more friendly toward you. This biscuit increases Raikou's friendship points by 6.
Pokemon Sleep - Suicune Biscuit Suicune Biscuit A special treat only for Suicune that will make it a lot more friendly toward you. This biscuit increases Suicune's friendship points by 6.
Pokemon Sleep - Ultra Biscuit Ultra Biscuit A nice treat that will make a Pokemon quite a bit more friendly toward you. This biscuit gives five friendship points.

List of All Biscuits

Evolution Items

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Dawn Stone Dawn Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It sparkles like an eye
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Stone Fire Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has a fiery orange heart.
Pokemon Sleep - Ice Stone Ice Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has a snowflake pattern in it.
Pokemon Sleep - King King's Rock A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is shaped like a crown.
Pokemon Sleep - Leaf Stone Leaf Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has an unmistakable leaf pattern.
Pokemon Sleep - Linking Cord Linking Cord A string exuding a mysterious energy that makes you feel a strange sense of connection.
Pokemon Sleep - Metal Coat Metal Coat A metallic coating that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is made of a special metal.
Pokemon Sleep - Moon Stone Moon Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is dark like the night sky.
Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Stone Shiny Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It shines with a dazzling light.
Pokemon Sleep - Thunder Stone Thunder Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has a distinct thunderbolt pattern.
Pokemon Sleep - Water Stone Water Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is the clear blue of a deep pool.

List of All Evolution Items


Regular Boosting Incense

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Focus Incense Focus Incense Doubles the research EXP gained after sleep research. Good for one sleep session, then consumed.
Pokemon Sleep - Friend Incense Friend Incense Ensures that at least one Pokemon will appear during snack time feeling particularly hungry. Good for one sleep session, then consumed.
Pokemon Sleep - Growth Incense Growth Incense Doubles the EXP that helpers gain after sleep research. Good for one sleep session, then consumed.
Pokemon Sleep - Luck Incense Luck Incense Doubles the Dream Shards received after sleep research. Good for one sleep session, then consumed.
Pokemon Sleep - Recovery Incense Recovery Incense Doubles the Energy that helpers recover after sleep research. Good for one sleep session, then consumed.

Pokemon Incense

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Bonsly Incense Bonsly Incense An incense adored by Bonsly, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Chikorita Incense Chikorita Incense An incense adored by Chikorita, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Eevee Incense Eevee Incense An incense adored by Eevee, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Entei Incense Entei Incense An incense loved by Entei. During your next sleep research, one additional Entei will appear.
Pokemon Sleep - Fuecoco Incense Fuecoco Incense An incense adored by Fuecoco, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Pichu Incense Pichu Incense An incense adored by Pichu, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu Incense Pikachu Incense An incense adored by Pikachu, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Psyduck Incense Psyduck Incense An incense adored by Psyduck, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Quaxly Incense Quaxly Incense An incense adored by Quaxly, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Incense Raikou Incense An incense loved by Raikou. During your next sleep research, one additional Raikou will appear.
Pokemon Sleep - Rattata Incense Rattata Incense An incense adored by Rattata, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Sprigatito Incense Sprigatito Incense An incense adored by Sprigatito, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.
Pokemon Sleep - Suicune Incense Suicune Incense An incense loved by Suicune. During your next sleep research, one additional Suicune will appear.
Pokemon Sleep - Vulpix Incense Vulpix Incense An incense adored by Vulpix, allowing it to spawn after your sleep session. It should be used before sleeping.

List of All Incense


Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Ticket S Ingredient Ticket S A great ticket you can exchange for 10 cooking ingredients.
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Ticket M Ingredient Ticket M A great ticket you can exchange for 30 cooking ingredients.
Ingredient Ticket L A great ticket you can exchange for 100 cooking ingredients.
Pokemon Sleep - E-Zzz Travel Ticket E-Zzz Travel Ticket A special ticket that lets you move to another site at any time. (You can only move to areas you have already unlocked.)
Pokemon Sleep - Good Camp Ticket Good Camp Ticket Lets you borrow a Good Camp Set for seven days to aid your research and help you raise Snorlax.

List of All Tickets

Other Items

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Main Skill Seed Main Skill Seed A mysterious seed that can raise the level of a Pokemon's main skill by one.
Pokemon Sleep - Sub Skill Seed Sub Skill Seed A mysterious seed that can improve the quality of a Pokemon's random sub skill by one.
Pokemon Sleep - Energy Pillow Energy Pillow A specially made pillow that restores 50 Energy to a single helper Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Whistle Helper Whistle An especially energizing whistle. One blow, and your team of helpers will gather three hours' worth of Berries and ingredients for you. This will not cause main skills to trigger.

Pokemon Candies

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy S Handy Candy S A small but very special candy that can be turned into 3 candy for any species of Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy M Handy Candy M A very special candy that can be turned into 20 candy for any species of Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy L Handy Candy L A very special candy that can be turned into 100 candy for any species of Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Fire-Type Candy Fire-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Fire-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Grass-Type Candy Grass-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Grass-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Water-Type Candy Water-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Water-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Electric-Type Candy Electric-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Electric-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Ice-Type Candy Ice-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Ice-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Fighting-Type Candy Fighting-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Fighting-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Ground-Type Candy Ground-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Ground-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Poison-Type Candy Poison-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Poison-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Flying-Type Candy Flying-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Flying-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Psychic-Type Candy Psychic-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Psychic-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Bug-Type Candy Bug-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Bug-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Rock-Type Candy Rock-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Rock-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Ghost-Type Candy Ghost-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Ghost-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Dragon-Type Candy Dragon-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Dragon-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Dark-Type Candy Dark-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Dark-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Steel-Type Candy Steel-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Steel-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy-Type Candy Fairy-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Fairy-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Normal-Type Candy Normal-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Normal-type Pokemon.

List of All Pokemon Candies

Exp. Items

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Cluster S Dream Cluster S A mysterious mass that sparkles brilliantly. It can be exchanged for 177 Dream Shards. The number of Dream Shards you receive will increase as your research rank rises.
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Cluster M Dream Cluster M A mysterious mass that sparkles brilliantly. It can be exchanged for 1,062 Dream Shards. The number of Dream Shards you receive will increase as your research rank rises.
Dream Cluster L A mysterious mass that sparkles brilliantly. The number of Dream Shards you receive will increase as your research rank rises.
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shards Dream Shards Used to raise a Pokemon's level.

List of All Experience Items

Sleep Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Tips When Cooking

Sleep Tips in Pokemon Sleep aim to help players get better sleep, which is the primary goal of the app.

If you are having a hard time falling asleep, consider reading through all the tips and apply and follow them in your day-to-day life!

List of All Sleep Tips

All Shops in Pokemon Sleep

Regular Shops

Pokemon Sleep has three shops where you can spend Sleep Points or Diamonds to get items that will help you in your sleep research.

All Shop Guides
Pokemon Sleep - Regular Exchange ShopRegular Exchange Shop Pokemon Sleep - Premium Exchange ShopPremium Exchange Shop Pokemon Sleep - General StoreGeneral Store

Event Exchange

Pokemon Sleep - Entei Event Exchange

The Event Exchange is a special shop that only opens during certain events and uses Mane, such as Raikou Mane or Entei Mane, as its form of currency.

Event Exchange Store Items and Prices

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

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Pokemon Sleep
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