Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep Best Helper Pokemon Tier List (January 2025)

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Pokemon Sleep - Best Pokemon Tier List
Whether you're new to Pokemon Sleep or have been playing since launch, you can find out which Pokemon you'll want to add to your Helper Team through our fully evolved Pokemon tier list and beginner tier list. Find out which Helper Pokemon are the best at what they do!

Best Pokemon Tier List

Best Helper Pokemon Tier Lists for Both Advanced and Beginner Players!

Best Pokemon Tier List
Beginner Tier List
Tier Helper Pokemon
S Tier Pokemon Sleep - BlastoisePokemon Sleep - RaichuPokemon Sleep - WigglytuffPokemon Sleep - VictreebelPokemon Sleep - GengarPokemon Sleep - MeganiumPokemon Sleep - TyphlosionPokemon Sleep - FeraligatrPokemon Sleep - WalreinPokemon Sleep - GardevoirPokemon Sleep - VikavoltPokemon Sleep - Alolan NinetalesPokemon Sleep - Pawmot
A Tier Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurPokemon Sleep - CharizardPokemon Sleep - ButterfreePokemon Sleep - GolemPokemon Sleep - DodrioPokemon Sleep - KangaskhanPokemon Sleep - DragonitePokemon Sleep - AmpharosPokemon Sleep - TyranitarPokemon Sleep - SlakingPokemon Sleep - MagnezonePokemon Sleep - SylveonPokemon Sleep - SteelixPokemon Sleep - DelibirdPokemon Sleep - GalladePokemon Sleep - RaikouPokemon Sleep - EnteiPokemon Sleep - SuicunePokemon Sleep - NinetalesPokemon Sleep - CramorantPokemon Sleep - MeowscaradaPokemon Sleep - QuaquavalPokemon Sleep - AggronPokemon Sleep - Weavile
B Tier Pokemon Sleep - DugtrioPokemon Sleep - PrimeapePokemon Sleep - ArcaninePokemon Sleep - PinsirPokemon Sleep - DittoPokemon Sleep - JolteonPokemon Sleep - FlareonPokemon Sleep - EspeonPokemon Sleep - SlowkingPokemon Sleep - HoundoomPokemon Sleep - AltariaPokemon Sleep - AbsolPokemon Sleep - GlaceonPokemon Sleep - OnixPokemon Sleep - Mr. MimePokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Halloween)Pokemon Sleep - BanettePokemon Sleep - AbomasnowPokemon Sleep - BewearPokemon Sleep - ComfeyPokemon Sleep - SkeledirgePokemon Sleep - QuagsirePokemon Sleep - LuxrayPokemon Sleep - DrifblimPokemon Sleep - Mimikyu
C Tier Pokemon Sleep - RaticatePokemon Sleep - ArbokPokemon Sleep - GolduckPokemon Sleep - SlowbroPokemon Sleep - MarowakPokemon Sleep - VaporeonPokemon Sleep - SudowoodoPokemon Sleep - UmbreonPokemon Sleep - WobbuffetPokemon Sleep - HeracrossPokemon Sleep - ToxicroakPokemon Sleep - LeafeonPokemon Sleep - ClefablePokemon Sleep - DedennePokemon Sleep - Eevee (Holiday)
D Tier Pokemon Sleep - PersianPokemon Sleep - SableyePokemon Sleep - SwalotPokemon Sleep - LucarioPokemon Sleep - TogekissPokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Holiday)
Tier Helper Pokemon
S Tier Pokemon Sleep - BulbasaurPokemon Sleep - CharmanderPokemon Sleep - SquirtlePokemon Sleep - CaterpiePokemon Sleep - PikachuPokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Halloween)
A Tier Pokemon Sleep - DiglettPokemon Sleep - MankeyPokemon Sleep - GastlyPokemon Sleep - EeveePokemon Sleep - ChikoritaPokemon Sleep - CyndaquilPokemon Sleep - TotodilePokemon Sleep - PichuPokemon Sleep - MareepPokemon Sleep - SudowoodoPokemon Sleep - Mime Jr.Pokemon Sleep - Shuppet
B Tier Pokemon Sleep - GrowlithePokemon Sleep - MagnemitePokemon Sleep - DoduoPokemon Sleep - IgglybuffPokemon Sleep - TogepiPokemon Sleep - WobbuffetPokemon Sleep - SlakothPokemon Sleep - SwabluPokemon Sleep - SphealPokemon Sleep - BonslyPokemon Sleep - CleffaPokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Holiday)
C Tier Pokemon Sleep - RattataPokemon Sleep - EkansPokemon Sleep - MeowthPokemon Sleep - PsyduckPokemon Sleep - BellsproutPokemon Sleep - CubonePokemon Sleep - HoundourPokemon Sleep - LarvitarPokemon Sleep - GulpinPokemon Sleep - Riolu
D Tier Pokemon Sleep - GeodudePokemon Sleep - SlowpokePokemon Sleep - WynautPokemon Sleep - Croagunk
This beginners' tier list only includes Pokemon that can be easily encountered during the first few weeks of playing.

Best Pokemon Tier List Criteria

S Tier Pokemon

Pokemon Helper Tiers
Pokemon Sleep - Master BiscuitS Pokemon Sleep - Great BiscuitA Pokemon Sleep - Poke BiscuitB Pokemon Sleep - Bonus Biscuit.C Pokemon Sleep - Eaten Bonus BiscuitD

These are Pokemon that provide excellent help very frequently. They greatly excel in either Berry finding, ingredient gathering, or by having a useful Main Skill that benefits your whole team.

Fastest Pokemon

Fastest Helper Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - PikachuPikachu
Base Frequency:
45 mins
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu
Base Frequency:
36 mins 40 secs
Pokemon Sleep - GengarGengar
Base Frequency:
36 mins 40 secs

The first Pokemon you get in Pokemon Sleep is one of the best when it comes to raising Snorlax Strength early on. Pikachu provides incredibly fast help especially compared to other early game Pokemon.

Evolving it makes it even better! Raichu, as well as Gengar, are some of the fastest Pokemon in the game. You can reliably get Berries and ingredients from them frequently, and their Charge Strength S skill can further increase Snorlax's Strength.

It would be optimal to raise both Raichu and Gengar starting from a Pichu and Gastly, so that their Charge Strength S skill can grow to level 3 through evolution.

Best Overall Healer

Best Healer Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - Energy for Everyone S Energy for Everyone S
Pokemon Sleep - WigglytuffWigglytuff Pokemon Sleep - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon Sleep - PawmotPawmot

Wigglytuff, Gardevoir, and Pawmot's Energy for Everyone skill raises the Energy of your whole team, keeping productivity up! If you raise them from their basic/baby form and evolve them twice, their skill will be at level 3, allowing them to restore 9 Energy every time their skill triggers.

Best at Gathering Favorite Berries

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - MeganiumMeganium
Durin Berry | Soothing CacaoHoneyLarge Leek

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - TyphlosionTyphlosion
Leppa Berry | Warming GingerFiery HerbPure Oil

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - FeraligatrFeraligatr
Oran Berry | Bean SausagePure Oil

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - WalreinWalrein
Rawst Berry | Pure OilBean SausageWarming Ginger

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales
Rawst Berry | Greengrass SoybeansGreengrass CornSoft Potato

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Extra Helpful S Extra Helpful S

For the Cyan Beach research area, having a Feraligatr can allow you to zip through the Snorlax ratings.

The same can be said for Typhlosion for the Taupe Hollow area, Walrein and Ninetales (Alolan Form) for the Snowdrop Tundra area, and Meganium for Lapis Lakeside. All of them also have very useful Main Skills.

Best at Gathering Ingredients

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Oran Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - VictreebelVictreebel
Durin Berry | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - VikavoltVikavolt
Lum Berry | Rousing CoffeeTasty MushroomHoney

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S

Moomoo Milk is a useful ingredient for all dish types, and Blastoise is the best at obtaining them. Blastoise can also unlock the high-Strength Soothing Cacao ingredient at level 30.

Victreebel is another reliable ingredient gatherer, being able to get several staple ingredients at a fast rate. Vikavolt, a new Pokemon, can get the high-value Rousing Coffee early on, making it very valuable.

Early Game Best Ingredient Gatherers

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - BulbasaurBulbasaur
Durin Berry | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - CharmanderCharmander
Leppa Berry | Bean SausageWarming GingerFiery Herb

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SquirtleSquirtle
Oran Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - CaterpieCaterpie
Lum Berry | HoneySnoozy TomatoGreengrass Soybeans

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S

Ingredients may be harder to come by when you're just starting out, and the three Kanto starters are some of the best sources of ingredients early on in Pokemon Sleep.

Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle all specialize in ingredients, meaning they can pick up at least two ingredients at a time and find them often. They also have the Ingredient Magnet S Skill, further boosting their ingredient-finding potential.

Caterpie is a Berries specialty Pokemon that also has Ingredient Magnet S. This allows it to be an excellent source of both Berries and ingredients.

Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon For Dishes

A Tier Pokemon

Pokemon Helper Tiers
Pokemon Sleep - Master BiscuitS Pokemon Sleep - Great BiscuitA Pokemon Sleep - Poke BiscuitB Pokemon Sleep - Bonus Biscuit.C Pokemon Sleep - Eaten Bonus BiscuitD

These are Pokemon that provide fast, reliable help but may not be as generally useful as the S-tier Pokemon.

Berries Specialty Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - ButterfreeButterfree
Lum Berry | HoneySnoozy TomatoGreengrass Soybeans

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SlakingSlaking
Persim Berry | Snoozy TomatoHoneyFancy Apple

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SteelixSteelix
Belue Berry | Snoozy TomatoBean SausageSoft Potato

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - NinetalesNinetales
Leppa Berry | Greengrass SoybeansGreengrass CornSoft Potato

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S
Pokemon Sleep - WeavileWeavile
Wiki Berry | Bean SausageFancy EggGreengrass Soybeans

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Tasty Chance S Tasty Chance S

Butterfree, Slaking, and Steelix provide balanced help, being Berries Specialty Pokemon with the Ingredient Magnet skill.

Primeape and Ninetales are excellent Berries Specialty Pokemon for Lapis Lakeside and Taupe Hollow respectively, but they're not quite as good as Meganium or Typhlosion.

Ingredients Specialty Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur
Durin Berry | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - CharizardCharizard
Leppa Berry | Bean SausageWarming GingerFiery Herb

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - GolemGolem
Sitrus Berry | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - KangaskhanKangaskhan
Persim Berry | Warming GingerSoft PotatoGreengrass Soybeans

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird
Pamtre Berry | Fancy EggFancy AppleSoothing Cacao

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - CramorantCramorant
Pamtre Berry | Pure OilSoft PotatoFancy Egg

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Tasty Chance S Tasty Chance S
Pokemon Sleep - MeowscaradaMeowscarada
Wiki Berry | Soft PotatoMoomoo MilkWarming Ginger

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S
Pokemon Sleep - QuaquavalQuaquaval
Cheri Berry | Greengrass SoybeansLarge LeekPure Oil

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M
Pokemon Sleep - AggronAggron
Belue Berry | Bean SausageRousing CoffeeGreengrass Soybeans

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S

Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Kangaskhan, and Delibird are all Ingredients Specialty Pokemon that have the Ingredient Magnet skill. If you're short on ingredients for Snorlax's next meal, using one or more of these Pokemon is your best way to stock up.

The other Ingredients Specialty Pokemon on this list have really good main skills and useful ingredients that they can pick up.

Skills Specialty Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos
Grepa Berry | Fiery HerbFancy Egg

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M
Pokemon Sleep - MagnezoneMagnezone
Belue Berry | Pure OilFiery Herb

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S
Pokemon Sleep - SylveonSylveon
Pecha Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energy for Everyone S Energy for Everyone S
Pokemon Sleep - GalladeGallade
Cheri Berry | Fancy AppleGreengrass CornLarge Leek

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Extra Helpful S Extra Helpful S
Pokemon Sleep - RaikouRaikou
Grepa Berry | Bean SausageFiery HerbLarge Leek

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Electric) Helper Boost (Electric)
Pokemon Sleep - EnteiEntei
Leppa Berry | Pure OilSnoozy TomatoTasty Mushroom

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Fire) Helper Boost (Fire)
Pokemon Sleep - SuicuneSuicune
Oran Berry | Fancy ApplePure OilGreengrass Corn

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Water) Helper Boost (Water)

Although Raikou, Entei, and Suicune have a very strong main skill in Helper Boost, it only triggers rarely—about once a day at most without additional main skill trigger bonuses.

Other Skills Specialty Pokemon on this list have very strong skills. They perform better than the Pokemon in lower tiers with the same skills but they're not quite as good as Pokemon in the S tier.

Self-Healing Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - DodrioDodrio
Pamtre Berry | Greengrass SoybeansSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - DragoniteDragonite
Yache Berry | Fiery HerbGreengrass CornPure Oil

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - TyranitarTyranitar
Wiki Berry | Warming GingerGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S

Dodrio, Dragonite, and Tyranitar have the ability to keep their Energy up for the whole day because of their Charge Energy S skill. This allows them to gather Berries and Ingredients without dropping their relatively fast speed due to exhaustion.

Beginner Helper Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - DiglettDiglett
Figy Berry | Snoozy TomatoLarge LeekGreengrass Soybeans

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - MankeyMankey
Cheri Berry | Bean SausageTasty MushroomHoney

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - GastlyGastly
Bluk Berry | Fiery HerbTasty MushroomPure Oil

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - EeveeEevee
Persim Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - ChikoritaChikorita
Durin Berry | Soothing CacaoHoneyLarge Leek

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - CyndaquilCyndaquil
Leppa Berry | Warming GingerFiery HerbPure Oil

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - TotodileTotodile
Oran Berry | Bean SausagePure Oil

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - PichuPichu
Grepa Berry | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - MareepMareep
Grepa Berry | Fiery HerbFancy Egg

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M
Pokemon Sleep - Mime Jr.Mime Jr.
Mago Berry | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Mimic (Skill Copy) Mimic (Skill Copy)
Pokemon Sleep - ShuppetShuppet
Bluk Berry | Pure OilWarming GingerTasty Mushroom

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S

These beginner A-tier Pokemon are very good at whichever they specialize in, and all of them have useful skills.

B Tier Pokemon

Pokemon Helper Tiers
Pokemon Sleep - Master BiscuitS Pokemon Sleep - Great BiscuitA Pokemon Sleep - Poke BiscuitB Pokemon Sleep - Bonus Biscuit.C Pokemon Sleep - Eaten Bonus BiscuitD

The Pokemon in this tier have something going for them, but they may be more conditional and less reliable compared to A and S tier Pokemon.

Pokemon with Unique Skills

Pokemon Sleep - Extra Helpful S Extra Helpful S Pokemon Sleep - ArcanineArcanine Pokemon Sleep - JolteonJolteon
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S Pokemon Sleep - FlareonFlareon Pokemon Sleep - GlaceonGlaceon
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M Pokemon Sleep - EspeonEspeon
Pokemon Sleep - Stockpile (Charge Strength S) Stockpile (Charge Strength S) Pokemon Sleep - DrifblimDrifblim
Pokemon Sleep - Disguise (Berry Burst) Disguise (Berry Burst) Pokemon Sleep - MimikyuMimikyu

Flareon and Glaceon are a bit outclassed by Magnezone, but they make fine substitutes if you don't have an evolved Magnezone or if you're not looking to expand your cooking pot by much.

Espeon is just a little less optimal than Ampharos but it can be more suitable if Snorlax prefers its Berry.

The Extra Helpful skill of Arcanine and Jolteon look good on paper, but they aren't quite so reliable.

Pokemon with Valuable Ingredients or Berries

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - AltariaAltaria
Yache Berry | Fancy EggGreengrass SoybeansFancy Apple

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - DugtrioDugtrio
Figy Berry | Snoozy TomatoLarge LeekGreengrass Soybeans

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - DittoDitto
Persim Berry | Pure OilLarge LeekSlowpoke Tail

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - AbsolAbsol
Wiki Berry | Soothing CacaoFancy AppleTasty Mushroom

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Mago Berry | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - AbomasnowAbomasnow
Rawst Berry | Snoozy TomatoFancy EggTasty Mushroom

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear
Cheri Berry | Greengrass CornBean SausageFancy Egg

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - ComfeyComfey
Pecha Berry | Greengrass CornWarming GingerSoothing Cacao

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - QuagsireQuagsire
Oran Berry | Tasty MushroomSoft PotatoBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - LuxrayLuxray
Grepa Berry | Snoozy TomatoPure OilRousing Coffee

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - SlowkingSlowking
Oran Berry | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato

Skills Specialty

Altaria is the only Pokemon in the game so far that can find the Yache Berry, making it a valuable Pokemon to have.

The other Pokemon on this list can gather the uncommon, high-value ingredients Greengrass Corn, Tasty Mushroom, Soft Potato, Large Leek, and Slowpoke Tail most of which are only unlockable starting at level 30.

Obtaining these ingredients is necessary if you want to complete your list of recipes or add higher Strength ingredients to your dishes.

Good Helper Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - PrimeapePrimeape
Cheri Berry | Bean SausageTasty MushroomHoney

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - PinsirPinsir
Lum Berry | HoneyFancy AppleBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - HoundoomHoundoom
Wiki Berry | Fiery HerbWarming GingerLarge Leek

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M
Pokemon Sleep - OnixOnix
Sitrus Berry | Snoozy TomatoBean SausageSoft Potato

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - BanetteBanette
Bluk Berry | Pure OilWarming GingerTasty Mushroom

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - SkeledirgeSkeledirge
Bluk Berry | Fancy AppleBean SausageFiery Herb

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S

These Pokemon can gather items relatively quickly, have good items they can pick up, and have decent skills. They're generally good helper Pokemon, but they may just be overshadowed by Pokemon in the higher tiers.

Beginner Pokemon with Unique Skills

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - GrowlitheGrowlithe
Leppa Berry | Fiery HerbBean SausageMoomoo Milk

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Extra Helpful S Extra Helpful S
Pokemon Sleep - MagnemiteMagnemite
Belue Berry | Pure OilFiery Herb

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S
Pokemon Sleep - IgglybuffIgglybuff
Pecha Berry | HoneyPure OilSoothing Cacao

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energy for Everyone S Energy for Everyone S
Pokemon Sleep - TogepiTogepi
Pecha Berry | Fancy EggWarming GingerSoothing Cacao

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Metronome Metronome
Pokemon Sleep - BonslyBonsly
Sitrus Berry | Snoozy TomatoGreengrass SoybeansTasty Mushroom

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M

These Pokemon all have very useful and unique Skills that can help you with your gameplay, though the help they provide may not be very frequent.

Togepi may be a bit of a wildcard, since Metronome triggers a random Main Skill. But this does give you a chance to activate a very strong skill.

Other Good Beginner Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - WobbuffetWobbuffet
Mago Berry | Fancy AppleTasty MushroomPure Oil

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S
Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Holiday)Pikachu (Holiday)
Grepa Berry | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SlakothSlakoth
Persim Berry | Snoozy TomatoHoneyFancy Apple

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SwabluSwablu
Pamtre Berry | Fancy EggGreengrass SoybeansFancy Apple

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - SphealSpheal
Rawst Berry | Pure OilBean SausageWarming Ginger

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S

The Skills Specialty Pokemon here provide frequent help but cannot collect multiple Berries or ingredients at a time. They also have okay Main Skills—nothing unique or too impactful.

Swablu is a decent Pokemon for the most part, but its Main Skill isn't the best for beginners. Slakoth and Spheal are also good Pokemon all around, but they aren't very fast.

C Tier Pokemon

Pokemon Helper Tiers
Pokemon Sleep - Master BiscuitS Pokemon Sleep - Great BiscuitA Pokemon Sleep - Poke BiscuitB Pokemon Sleep - Bonus Biscuit.C Pokemon Sleep - Eaten Bonus BiscuitD

These are average-performing Pokemon. They aren't bad, but they're also not very good at anything in particular. They may be easily replaced in your Helper Team by other Pokemon.

Evolved Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - RaticateRaticate
Persim Berry | Fancy AppleGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - ArbokArbok
Chesto Berry | Bean SausageFancy EggFiery Herb

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - GolduckGolduck
Oran Berry | Soothing CacaoFancy AppleBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - SlowbroSlowbro
Oran Berry | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S
Pokemon Sleep - MarowakMarowak
Figy Berry | Warming GingerSoothing Cacao

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - VaporeonVaporeon
Oran Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SudowoodoSudowoodo
Sitrus Berry | Snoozy TomatoGreengrass SoybeansTasty Mushroom

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M
Pokemon Sleep - UmbreonUmbreon
Wiki Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Moonlight (Charge Energy S) Moonlight (Charge Energy S)
Pokemon Sleep - WobbuffetWobbuffet
Mago Berry | Fancy AppleTasty MushroomPure Oil

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S
Pokemon Sleep - HeracrossHeracross
Lum Berry | HoneyTasty MushroomBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - ToxicroakToxicroak
Chesto Berry | Pure OilBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - LeafeonLeafeon
Durin Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S
Pokemon Sleep - ClefableClefable
Pecha Berry | Fancy AppleHoneyGreengrass Soybeans

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Metronome Metronome
Pokemon Sleep - DedenneDedenne
Grepa Berry | Fancy AppleSoothing CacaoGreengrass Corn

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Tasty Chance S Tasty Chance S
Pokemon Sleep - Eevee (Holiday)Eevee (Holiday)
Persim Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S

These Pokemon are easily outclassed by the Pokemon in the higher tiers. They're not particularly fast and most have unremarkable Main Skills.

Of these Pokemon, Arbok might stand out and be more useful than higher tier Pokemon if you encounter a Snorlax that favors the Chesto Berry.

Beginner Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - RattataRattata
Persim Berry | Fancy AppleGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - EkansEkans
Chesto Berry | Bean SausageFancy EggFiery Herb

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - MeowthMeowth
Persim Berry | Moomoo MilkBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - PsyduckPsyduck
Oran Berry | Soothing CacaoFancy AppleBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - BellsproutBellsprout
Durin Berry | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - CuboneCubone
Figy Berry | Warming GingerSoothing Cacao

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - HoundourHoundour
Wiki Berry | Fiery HerbWarming GingerLarge Leek

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M
Pokemon Sleep - LarvitarLarvitar
Sitrus Berry | Warming GingerGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Energy S Charge Energy S
Pokemon Sleep - GulpinGulpin
Chesto Berry | Greengrass SoybeansTasty MushroomHoney

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - RioluRiolu
Cheri Berry | Pure OilSoft PotatoFancy Egg

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S

These Pokemon cannot pick up Berries or ingredients quickly. Their Main Skills also aren't the best. However, the Berries and ingredients they do pick up are still of great use especially if they are Snorlax's favorite Berries or ingredients for a recipe you're trying to unlock.

D Tier Pokemon

Pokemon Helper Tiers
Pokemon Sleep - Master BiscuitS Pokemon Sleep - Great BiscuitA Pokemon Sleep - Poke BiscuitB Pokemon Sleep - Bonus Biscuit.C Pokemon Sleep - Eaten Bonus BiscuitD

Pokemon in this tier still have their uses, but not everyone may find them useful. They are not the best at providing general help.

Not the Most Useful Main Skills

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - PersianPersian
Persim Berry | Moomoo MilkBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SableyeSableye
Wiki Berry | Pure OilTasty MushroomSoothing Cacao

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - SwalotSwalot
Chesto Berry | Greengrass SoybeansTasty MushroomHoney

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - LucarioLucario
Cheri Berry | Pure OilSoft PotatoFancy Egg

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - TogekissTogekiss
Pecha Berry | Fancy EggWarming GingerSoothing Cacao

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Metronome Metronome
Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Holiday)Pikachu (Holiday)
Grepa Berry | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shard Magnet S Dream Shard Magnet S

Unfortunately, the Dream Shard Magnet S skill drags down these Skills Specialty Pokemon. Dream Shards are very easy to come by in Pokemon Sleep, especially if you've been playing for a while.

Togekiss's Metronome skill is also too unreliable to have on a team that strives to raise Snorlax's Strength. Togekiss is one of the few Pokemon with access to the Fancy Egg ingredient though, so it has that niche use.

Very Slow Beginner Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - GeodudeGeodude
Sitrus Berry | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - SlowpokeSlowpoke
Oran Berry | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S
Pokemon Sleep - WynautWynaut
Mago Berry | Fancy AppleTasty MushroomPure Oil

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Energizing Cheer S Energizing Cheer S
Pokemon Sleep - CroagunkCroagunk
Chesto Berry | Pure OilBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S

These Pokemon are still useful for the ingredients and Berries they can pick up, but you may find it difficult to get more than a few pieces whenever you tap on them.

It may not be a good idea to use these Pokemon if you're trying to raise Snorlax fast. However, if you find yourself needing the specific ingredients or Berries they have, they can still be of great use to you.

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Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

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List of All Tips and Tricks

General Pokemon Sleep Tips

General Pokemon Sleep Tips
How to Get a Green Snorlax Best Pokemon Tier List
Daily Routine Guide and Tips How to Add Friends and Benefits
Is Premium Pass Worth It? Is Pokemon Sleep Pay to Win?
Good Camping Set Benefits How to Get a High Team RP
How to Level Up Pokemon Fast How to Build the Best Helper Team
How to Evolve Pokemon Best Time to Feed Snorlax
What Happens After Skipped Sleep Sessions How to Link and Back Up Accounts
All Snorlax Colors How to Use the Candy Boost Function
Best Team for Desserts and Drinks All Max Level Caps and Upgrade Limits
Best Eeveelutions Best Raikou Event Team
Best Salad Team How to Use the Candy Cram-o-matic

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Tips and Tricks
Biscuit Guide Best Morning Helper Team
Best Time to Wake Up -

Pokemon Sleep - Daytime Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Afternoon Tips and Tricks
Helper Pokemon Tips Best Daytime Helper Team
When to Check Your Helper Pokemon How to Keep Helper Pokemon Energized
How to Get More Ingredients How to Get More Berries
Best Time for Second Sleep Session -

Pokemon Sleep - Night (Sleeping) Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Night (Sleeping) Tips and Tricks
Best Bed Times All Sleep Types and How to Get Each One
How to Do the Balanced Sleep Type Pattern How to Do the Slumbering Sleep Type Pattern
How to Do the Snoozing Sleep Type Pattern How to Do the Dozing Sleep Type Pattern
How to Play Pokemon Sleep Without Sleeping Best Night Helper Team

Pokemon GO and Plus+ Tips

Pokemon GO and Plus+ Tips
How to Connect to Pokemon GO Plus+ How to Get Berries From Pokemon GO
How to Get Night Cap Snorlax How to Get Night Cap Pikachu
Pokemon GO Plus+ Date Skip for Night Cap Snorlax How Pokemon GO Plus+ Sleep Tracking Works
How to Turn On Silent Mode for Pokemon GO Plus+ -

Shiny Pokemon Guides

Shiny Hunting Guides
Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Snorlax from Doggo_onlineShiny Snorlax Guide Shiny BulbasaurShiny Bulbasaur Guide Shiny RattataShiny Rattata Guide
Shiny BellsproutShiny Bellsprout Guide Shiny PichuShiny Pichu Guide Shiny IgglybuffShiny Igglybuff Guide
Shiny TogepiShiny Togepi Guide Shiny MareepShiny Mareep Guide Shiny LarvitarShiny Larvitar Guide
Shiny EeveeShiny Eevee Guide


2 Seviper104about 2 months


1 Anonymous5 months

Hello, which is tier is Quagsire?


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