Pokemon Sleep

How to Get Raikou Mane

Pokemon Sleep - How to Get Raikou Mane
Participate in missions and sleep research during the Raikou Research event in order to easily get Raikou Mane in Pokemon Sleep! Read on to learn all the ways to get Raikou Mane and the best items to buy with them at the Event Exchange.

How to Get Raikou Mane

How to Get Raikou Mane

Conduct Sleep Research

Pokemon Sleep - Squirtle Sleep Session

Going to sleep and then researching Sleep Styles during the Raikou Research event will reward you with Raikou Mane for each Sleep Style. Raikou Mane will only be given during the first sleep session you have for the day if you do two.

Electric-type Pokemon that appear during sleep research will provide more Raikou Mane than other Pokemon types.

Complete Raikou Event Missions

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Event Missions
The event missions during the Raikou Research event all reward Raikou Mane in varying amounts. Try your best to complete them all!

Check Your Research Community

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Mane from Research Community
Your research community friends that are participating in the Raikou Research event have a chance to give you Raikou Mane. A friend can give you 3 Raikou Mane at a time.

Remember to check your research community through the main menu every day!

How to Add Friends and Benefits

Purchase Raikou Event Bundles

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Research Bundles Vol. 1

Both the Raikou Research Bundles (March 24 to April 9) and the Last Chance Bundles (April 1 to April 9) contain Raikou Mane in each of their bundle packages.

These bundles can be purchased from the General Store in exchange for Diamonds.

General Store Purchase Guide: Best Items to Buy

Get as a Raikou Event Gift

The Raikou Research event announcement in Pokemon Sleep's in-game news mentioned that they were giving away Raikou Mane on the first days of each Raikou event week (March 25 and April 1).

However, they have yet to send out the gift for March 25. They have instead sent a Raikou Biscuit gift to players. They currently have not clarified whether a Raikou Mane gift is still coming or if the Raikou Biscuit was meant to be a replacement to that.

Only Available During Raikou Research Event

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Research Event

Raikou Mane is only obtainable and usable during the Raikou Research event. It can be used at the Event Exchange, which will be open from March 25 when the event starts until April 11, 3:59 AM local time.

Raikou Research Event

Best Items to Buy with Raikou Mane

Raikou Incense

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Incense Raikou Incense An incense loved by Raikou. During your next sleep research, one additional Raikou will appear.

The first thing you should get with your Raikou Mane is Raikou Incense. This allows you to easily encounter Raikou after the sleep session you use it in.

Take note that only one Raikou Incense can be in your inventory at a time.

Raikou Biscuits

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Biscuit Raikou Biscuit A special treat only for Raikou that will make it a lot more friendly toward you. This biscuit increases Raikou's friendship points by 6.

To easily befriend Raikou, make sure to stock up on Raikou Biscuits before summoning it with an Incense. Raikou Biscuits increase Raikou's Friendship gauge by 6.

Once the Raikou Research event is over, any remaining Raikou Biscuits in your bag will be converted into Great Biscuits.

Main Skill Seed

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Main Skill Seed Main Skill Seed A mysterious seed that can raise the level of a Pokemon's main skill by one.

The Event Exchange has a single Main Skill Seed in stock. Although expensive at 350 Raikou Mane, it's worth it since this item is difficult to obtain without a Premium Pass.

The Main Skill Seed is normally only purchasable at the Premium Exchange, which is restricted to those with a Premium Pass subscription.

Is Premium Pass Worth It?

Can Only Be Used at the Event Exchange

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Event Exchange
Raikou Mane can only be used at the Event Exchange during the Raikou Research event. It cannot be used anywhere else, so make sure to spend as much of it as you can during the event.

The Event Exchange can be found on the right side of the main screen, under the Raikou icon.

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