Pokemon Sleep

All Weekly Missions and Rewards

Pokemon Sleep - Weekly Missions

Weekly Missions are objectives that you can do each week to get various rewards in Pokemon Sleep. Read on to learn all possible weekly missions, the rewards you can get, and how to clear them!

All Weekly Missions and Rewards

You can get eight different missions each week. The requirements per mission, along with the amount of the corresponding reward, may vary from player to player. It may also be influenced by your research rank and the research area you're at for the week.

Mission Reward
Pokemon Sleep - Basic 1 Snorlax Rating IconGet Snorlax to a certain Basic rating Pokemon Sleep - Diamonds Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Great 1 Snorlax Rating IconGet Snorlax to a certain Great rating Pokemon Sleep - Dream Cluster M Dream Cluster M
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shards Dream Shards
Pokemon Sleep - Ultra 1 Snorlax Rating IconGet Snorlax to a certain Ultra rating Random Incense for a Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - Dream Cluster S Dream Cluster S
Pokemon Sleep - Master 1 Snorlax Rating IconGet Snorlax to a certain Master rating Random Incense for a Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple CurryCook dishes for Snorlax Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shards Dream Shards
Pokemon Sleep - Oran BerryGive Snorlax Berries Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shards Dream Shards
Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Cyan BeachGive Snorlax Favorite Berries Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy S Handy Candy S
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing Sleep TypeStick to your bedtime Pokemon Sleep - Diamonds Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Shiny IgglybuffBefriend Pokemon Pokemon Sleep - Dream Shards Dream Shards
Pokemon Sleep - Bonus BiscuitGive out a certain number of Biscuits Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy S Handy Candy S
Pokemon Sleep - Croagunk CandyUse Pokemon Candies Pokemon Sleep - Diamonds Diamonds

How to Clear Weekly Missions

Raising Snorlax to a Certain Rating

Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Strength

For this mission, you need to raise your Snorlax Strength to a certain rating. Each week, your Snorlax Strength starts at Basic and will level up to Great, Ultra, and Master.

Feeding Snorlax its favorite Berries, cooking dishes, and using Pokemon with a Charge Strength Skill can raise your Snorlax Strength level.

Snorlax Rating Goals Depend on Your Progress

Pokemon Sleep - Cyan Beach

The rating goals will depend on the research area you're in, the highest rating you have for that area, and your current research rank.

In your early days of playing Pokemon Sleep, you would have the goal to reach a certain Basic rating, rewarding you with Diamonds. However, as you level up and reach higher Snorlax ratings, this goal will no longer appear. Instead, you'll get goals for reaching Great, Ultra, and even Master ratings.

The rewards you get will also change depending on your progress. You can get Dream Shards, Dream Cluster S, or Dream Cluster M for the lower rating goals. For the highest Snorlax rating goal (either Ultra or Master), you can receive a Pokemon Incense.

Snorlax Strength and Ratings Guide

Cooking Dishes

Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Eating Dishes

Simply cooking dishes and feeding Snorlax during breakfast, lunch, and dinner will help you progress through this mission.

You can make breakfast from 6 AM to 12 PM, lunch from 12 PM to 6 PM, and dinner from 6 PM to 6 AM.

List of All Dishes and Recipes

Feeding Snorlax Berries

Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Eating Berries

There are two missions that require you to feed Snorlax a certain amount of Berries. One missions counts all Berries you give to Snorlax, while the the other one requires the Berries to be Snorlax's favorites.

Each island's Snorlax has a fixed set of favorite Berries, with the exception of Greengrass Isle that has a random set of favorite Berries every week.

Snorlax will automatically eat any Berries in the Berry Box near it, which you can fill up by interacting with your Helper Pokemon on the field.

How to Get More Berries

Sticking to Bedtime Schedule

Pokemon Sleep - Tracking Sleep Pikachu

Sticking to the bedtime schedule that you set in the app will help you progress through this mission. Note that you need to start your sleep session between 90 minutes before and 30 minutes after the set time for it to count towards the mission.

You can set your bedtime in the Sleep menu before you start a sleep session.

Best Bed Times

Befriending Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Snack Time with Shiny Rattata and Regular Rattata

For this mission, you need to befriend and recruit a certain number of Pokemon during the week.

Feeding Pokemon different Biscuits and maxing out their friendship level after discovering their Sleep Styles will let you recruit them, befriending them in the process.

Biscuit Guide: Befriend Pokemon Without Making Them Full

Giving Pokemon Biscuits

Pokemon Sleep - Feeding Pokemon Biscuits

For this mission, all you need to do is give the Pokemon you meet after each sleep session Biscuits.

You can buy Biscuits in the Regular Exchange or Premium Exchange shops with Sleep Points, and in the General Store with Diamonds. You can also get a free Bonus Biscuit every day, which counts towards this mission.

Do note that Pokemon can get full after you feed them Biscuits, so you are likely going to progress through this mission through multiple sleep sessions.

List of All Biscuits and How to Get Them

Using Pokemon Candies

Pokemon Sleep - Level Up Larvitar

Pokemon Candies are used to level up Helper Pokemon, and you can get these Candies by discovering Sleep Styles, checking out your friends' research progress in the Research Community menu, or by using Handy Candies.

To use Pokemon Candies, navigate to the Pokemon menu and select Pokemon Box. Choose a Pokemon you want to raise, select Level Up, then choose how many Pokemon Candies and Dream Shards you want to use.

How to Level Up Pokemon Fast

Weekly Mission Details

Objectives with Rewards

Pokemon Sleep - What are Weekly Missions

Weekly Missions are objectives that are given to you each week. These missions revolve around feeding Pokemon Biscuits and raising Snorlax, which fit with the daily tasks you do in the game.

You can aim to complete these missions for some useful rewards, like items you can use on your Pokemon or while researching, or Diamonds to purchase more items in the General Store.

Missions reset each week, which coincides with the time when you need to start another research with a new Snorlax.

Check Hint for Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Weekly Mission Hints

If you're feeling stuck on a certain mission, you can tap Hint in the menu for a tip on how to clear the mission. This is helpful if you're having a hard time progressing through one of the missions.

Requirements and Rewards May Vary

The requirements for each mission and the amount of rewards obtained after clearing it may vary from player to player.

For example, one player may be tasked to raise Snorlax to Basic 4 and with a reward of 130 Dream Shards, while another player may get a mission to raise Snorlax to Basic 5 with a reward of 210 Dream Shards.

Requirements and rewards may also gradually increase as you reach more goals and increase your research rank.

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