Pokemon Sleep

General Store Purchase Guide: Best Items to Buy

Pokemon Sleep - List of General Store Items

The General Store offers items, bundles, and upgrades in exchange for Diamonds (purchasable for real life money) in Pokemon Sleep. Read on for a list of items, bundles, and upgrades in the General Store and their Diamond cost!

List of Items and Upgrades in General Store

General Store Items and Upgrades
Good Sleep Day BundleLimited Time Bundles Snorlax BundleBargain Bundles
Daily GiftDaily Gift Great BiscuitItems
Fancy AppleInventory Upgrades DiamondsDiamonds

Limited Time Bundles

Skill Week Bundles Vol. 1 (January 20 ~ 28)

Skill Week Bundles Vol. 1 Banner Skill Week Bundles Vol. 1
Bundle Items Cost Limit
Skill Week Bundle Vol. 1 SSkill Week Bundle Vol. 1 S Poke Biscuit x5
Flying-Type Candy S x5
250 Diamonds 3
Skill Week Bundle Vol. 1 MSkill Week Bundle Vol. 1 M Great Biscuit x7
Poke Biscuit x7
・ Rufflet Incense x1
Flying-Type Candy M x2
1200 Diamonds 1
Skill Week Bundle Vol. 1 LSkill Week Bundle Vol. 1 L Ultra Biscuit x3
Great Biscuit x12
Main Skill Seed x1
・ Rufflet Incense x3
Flying-Type Candy M x5
3000 Diamonds 1

Three bundles of varying sizes are available for purchase at the General Store from January 20, 2025 at 6:00 AM UTC until January 28, 2025 at 3:59 AM UTC.

The medium and large bundles allow you to get more Rufflet Incense and Flying-Type Candy, perfect for befriending the new Pokemon Rufflet!

Super Skill Week Event

Bargain Bundles

Current Bargain Bundles End January 31, 2024

Bargain Bundles Refresh at the Start of the Month
Bundle Items Cost
Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax BundleSnorlax Bundle
Dream Cluster M x1 (bonus)
600 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Research BundleResearch Bundle
Dream Cluster M x1 (bonus)
1,500 Diamonds

You can get up to 3 Dream Cluster M bonuses per month if you buy a Bargain Bundle.

Daily Gift

Item Possible Contents (only 1) Cost
Pokemon Sleep - Daily GiftDaily Gift Poke Biscuit x1
Poke Biscuit x2
Poke Biscuit x3
Great Biscuit x1
Handy Candy S x1
Helper Whistle x1
Recovery Incense x1
Energy Pillow x1
Ingredient Ticket S x1
Ingredient Ticket M x1
Dream Cluster S x1
Diamonds x10
Diamonds x15
Diamonds x20
Diamonds x50
Diamonds x100
0 Diamonds

The Daily Gift is free and refreshes every day at 4 AM local time. When claiming this gift, you will receive one item randomly selected from the pool of items above.


Item Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Poke Biscuit Poke Biscuit x3 180 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Great Biscuit Great Biscuit x3 600 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Focus Incense Focus Incense x1 150 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Luck Incense Luck Incense x1 150 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Growth Incense Growth Incense x1 200 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Friend Incense Friend Incense x1 150 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Energy Pillow Energy Pillow x1 60 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Whistle Helper Whistle x1 200 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - E-Zzz Travel Ticket E-Zzz Travel Ticket x1 150 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Good Camp Ticket Good Camp Ticket x1 500 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Ultra Biscuit Ultra Biscuit x1 400 Diamonds

The Ultra Biscuit has a purchase limit of 3 per month.

Inventory Upgrades

Upgrade Description Cost
Expand Pokemon BoxExpand Pokemon Box Increase your Pokemon Box's capacity by 20. 120 Diamonds
Expand Ingredients PocketExpand Ingredients Pocket Increase your ingredient inventory's capacity by 20. 120 Diamonds
Expand Items PocketExpand Items Pocket Increase your item inventory's capacity by 20. 120 Diamonds


Trial Bundle (July 9 ~ February 26)

Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - Trial BundleTrial Bundle
Vol. 2
Diamonds x150
Diamonds (bonus) x350
Poke Biscuit x10
Good Camp Ticket x1
¥300 1

The Trial Bundle is a special limited-time bundle that requires real money in order to purchase it. It is essentially a bundle for Diamonds with extra items added in. Only one Trial Bundle can be purchased per person.

If you missed out on Vol. 1, don't worry! Vol. 2 of the Trial Bundle will be available from July 9, 2024 to February 26, 2025.

Pokemon Sleep Trial Bundle


Diamonds Cost
60 Diamonds $1.19 USD
260 Diamonds $4.79 USD
620 Diamonds $10.99 USD
1,500 Diamonds $23.99 USD
3,100 Diamonds $47.99 USD
7,000 Diamonds $97.99 USD

General Store Overview

Different from Sleep Point Exchange Shop

The Sleep Point Exchange Shops, both Regular and Premium, are different from the General Store because these shops exchange items for Sleep Points. You can get Sleep Points after regular sleep sessions.

Regular Exchange Shop Items and Prices

Purchase Diamonds in General Store

Pokemon Sleep - General Store Purchase Guide - Diamonds

Diamonds can be purchased with actual money in the General Store. This is how you can use your budget to make in-game purchases.

However, Diamonds can also be acquired by merely adding new items and recipes into your Notes, following your bedtime, as well as accomplishing Mission objectives.

How to Get Diamonds

Best Items to Buy from the General Store


Limited-Time Bundles

Recurring Limited Time Bundles
Bundle Usual Items Cost
Pokemon Sleep - Good Sleep Day Bundle Vol. 2Good Sleep Day Bundle
Great Biscuit x9
Luck Incense x2
Growth Incense x2
Focus Incense x2
1500 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Autumn Treats Bundle Vol. 1 MAutumn Treats Bundle M
(during Autumn)
Ingredient Ticket M x1
Great Biscuit x1
100 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - Halloween 2023 Bundle 1Halloween Bundle L
(during Halloween)
Great Biscuit x10
Friend Incense x3
Handy Candy S x6
Handy Candy M x2
1500 Diamonds

Limited-time bundles are—you guessed it—available only for a short period of time. Usually they're tied to events, holidays, milestones, and other special occasions. Because of their limited nature, these bundles always offer the most bang for your buck and are worth getting if you have the Diamonds for them.

All limited-time bundles are offered at much lower prices compared to buying the items individually. Some notable recurring bundles are the Good Sleep Day Bundle for Incenses and Great Biscuits, the very cheap Autumn Treats Bundle M, and the Biscuit and Candy-filled Halloween Bundle L.

Snorlax Bundle

Bargain Bundles
Bundle Items Cost
Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax BundleSnorlax Bundle
Dream Cluster M x1 (bonus)
600 Diamonds

Bargain Bundles are item bundles that are always present in the game. The best one to get here is the Snorlax Bundle, which can easily be acquired by playing the game normally and stocking up on your Diamonds.

Bargain Bundles refresh at the start of every month, so try to get the one you want before then!

Good Camp Ticket

Pokemon Sleep - Good Camp Ticket

The Good Camp Ticket comes with several limited-time benefits that will upgrade your helpers and your Sleep Session results by giving you access to the Good Camping Set for only 500 Diamonds.

Good Camp Ticket Effect and How to Get

Inventory Upgrades Not a Priority

Pokemon Sleep - General Store Purchase Guide - Inventory Upgrades

Inventory Upgrades are very useful when you're nearing your maximum capacity. Should the time come that you need to increase space, these only come at a cheap 120 Diamonds.

If you don't need to upgrade immediately, however, try to save up your Diamonds as much as you can!

What is the General Store?

Microtransaction Store in Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep - General Store

The General Store is one of the stores found under the Shop menu and offers items and bundles for sale in exchange for Diamonds, which are the game's in-game currency.

You can earn Diamonds simply by progressing through the game or by purchasing them with real money.

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Items Partial Banner

List of All Items and Effects

All Items

All Item Categories
Berries Ingredients
Biscuits Evolution Items
Incense Tickets
Pokemon Candies Exp. Items
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Shop Guides

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