Pokemon Sleep

Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon For Dishes

Pokemon Sleep - Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon for Dishes
Some ingredients are more valuable to certain dish types than others. Check out the best ingredients to gather for curry, salad, and dessert recipes and which Helper Pokemon are the best at getting these ingredients!

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Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon for Curry Dishes

Pokemon Sleep Dish Type Guides
Curries and Stews Salads Dessert and Drinks

Best Curry Ingredients

Common Curry Ingredients (Lv. 1)

Curry Ingredients to Focus On
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple Pokemon Sleep - Bean Sausage Bean Sausage Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb Pokemon Sleep - Snoozy Tomato Snoozy Tomato
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger

These are the ingredients we recommend to get when your Snorlax requests curries and stews.

Focusing on at least one of these ingredients, particularly in the first two rows, will guarantee that you'll be able to make curry and stew recipes easily. Many curry recipes only require one or two of these ingredients like the Fancy Apple Curry, Beanburger Curry, Mild Honey Curry, Simple Chowder, and "Solar Power" Tomato Curry.

Greengrass Corn isn't all that common, since it can only be obtained by a few Lapis Lakeside Pokemon, but it is required for the curry recipe with the highest base Strength, “Inferno” Corn Keema.

Rare Curry Ingredients (Lv. 30 and 60)

Curry Ingredients to Focus On
Pokemon Sleep - Slowpoke Tail Slowpoke Tail Pokemon Sleep - Large Leek Large Leek

These ingredients may take longer to get, but they are worth it to make high-strength curry dishes. The Slowpoke Tail is especially valuable to make Grilled Tail Curry.

List of Curry Recipes

Best Pokemon for Curry Recipe Ingredients

No. Pokemon
Type | Sleep Type
Berry | Ingredients
3 Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato
6 Pokemon Sleep - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Bean SausageWarming GingerFiery Herb
9 Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
26 Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x2 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
51 Pokemon Sleep - DugtrioDugtrio
Pokemon Sleep - Ground Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Figy Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoLarge LeekGreengrass Soybeans
71 Pokemon Sleep - VictreebelVictreebel
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
94 Pokemon Sleep - GengarGengar
Pokemon Sleep - Ghost Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Bluk Berry x1 | Fiery HerbTasty MushroomPure Oil
122 Pokemon Sleep - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Mago Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
132 Pokemon Sleep - DittoDitto
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x1 | Pure OilLarge LeekSlowpoke Tail
149 Pokemon Sleep - DragoniteDragonite
Pokemon Sleep - Dragon Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Yache Berry x1 | Fiery HerbGreengrass CornPure Oil
199 Pokemon Sleep - SlowkingSlowking
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Oran Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato
760 Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear
Pokemon Sleep - Fighting Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Cheri Berry x1 | Greengrass CornBean SausageFancy Egg

All of the starter Pokemon you can get upon starting Pokemon Sleep allow you to easily make curry and stew recipes, so this is one of the best dish requests to have when you're still early in the game.

You may also use the pre-evolved forms of these Pokemon if you do not have the final evolutions yet.

Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon for Salad Dishes

Pokemon Sleep Dish Type Guides
Curries and Stews Salads Dessert and Drinks

Best Salad Ingredients

Common Salad Ingredients (Lv. 1)

Salad Ingredients to Focus On
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple Pokemon Sleep - Bean Sausage Bean Sausage Pokemon Sleep - Snoozy Tomato Snoozy Tomato
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Soybeans Greengrass Soybeans Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb Pokemon Sleep - Pure Oil Pure Oil
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn

Salad recipes aren't quite as easy to make with no planning, unlike curry recipes. Most of the good salad recipes require at least two different ingredients, though there are still one-ingredient salad recipes such as the Fancy Apple Salad, Bean Ham Salad, and Snoozy Tomato Salad.

For salads, it's a good idea to consult a salad recipes list so you can better plan which recipes you want to make for the week, but choosing from the ingredients above is also a good place to start.

Rare Salad Ingredients (Lv. 30 and 60)

Salad Ingredients to Focus On
Pokemon Sleep - Slowpoke Tail Slowpoke Tail Pokemon Sleep - Large Leek Large Leek

These ingredients may take longer to get, but they are worth it to make high-strength salad dishes. The Slowpoke Tail is especially valuable to make Slowpoke Tail Pepper Salad.

List of Salad Recipes

Best Pokemon for Salad Recipe Ingredients

No. Pokemon
Type | Sleep Type
Berry | Ingredients
6 Pokemon Sleep - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Bean SausageWarming GingerFiery Herb
9 Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
26 Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x2 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
51 Pokemon Sleep - DugtrioDugtrio
Pokemon Sleep - Ground Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Figy Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoLarge LeekGreengrass Soybeans
71 Pokemon Sleep - VictreebelVictreebel
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
76 Pokemon Sleep - GolemGolem
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom
94 Pokemon Sleep - GengarGengar
Pokemon Sleep - Ghost Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Bluk Berry x1 | Fiery HerbTasty MushroomPure Oil
122 Pokemon Sleep - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Mago Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
132 Pokemon Sleep - DittoDitto
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x1 | Pure OilLarge LeekSlowpoke Tail
149 Pokemon Sleep - DragoniteDragonite
Pokemon Sleep - Dragon Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Yache Berry x1 | Fiery HerbGreengrass CornPure Oil
199 Pokemon Sleep - SlowkingSlowking
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Oran Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato
248 Pokemon Sleep - TyranitarTyranitar
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x1 | Warming GingerGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage
454 Pokemon Sleep - ToxicroakToxicroak
Pokemon Sleep - Poison Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Chesto Berry x1 | Pure OilBean Sausage
760 Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear
Pokemon Sleep - Fighting Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Cheri Berry x1 | Greengrass CornBean SausageFancy Egg

These are the best Pokemon to have on your Helper Team to obtain salad ingredients. You may also use the pre-evolved forms of these Pokemon if you do not have the final evolutions yet.

Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon for Dessert Dishes

Pokemon Sleep Dish Type Guides
Curries and Stews Salads Dessert and Drinks

Best Dessert and Drink Ingredients

Dessert/Drink Ingredients to Focus On
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Soybeans Greengrass Soybeans
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn

These ingredients, especially the first row, are the best and easiest to collect in order to make dessert and drink recipes. These ingredients are versatile and can be used in a variety of desserts and drinks. They are also all available as level 1 ingredients.

You don't really need any of the level 30 or 60 unlocked ingredients in order to make good dessert recipes, but an uncommon dessert ingredient you may want to have is Greengrass Corn.

It can be used in two high-Strength dishes, “Explosion” Popcorn and “Teatime” Corn Scones, but it can only be obtained by a few Pokemon from Lapis Lakeside.

List of Dessert and Drink Recipes

Best Pokemon for Dessert and Drink Recipe Ingredients

No. Pokemon
Type | Sleep Type
Berry | Ingredients
3 Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato
9 Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
26 Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x2 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
76 Pokemon Sleep - GolemGolem
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom
127 Pokemon Sleep - PinsirPinsir
Pokemon Sleep - Bug Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Lum Berry x1 | HoneyFancy AppleBean Sausage
225 Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird
Pokemon Sleep - Flying Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Pamtre Berry x1 | Fancy EggFancy AppleSoothing Cacao
248 Pokemon Sleep - TyranitarTyranitar
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x1 | Warming GingerGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage
359 Pokemon Sleep - AbsolAbsol
Pokemon Sleep - Dark Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Wiki Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoFancy AppleTasty Mushroom
760 Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear
Pokemon Sleep - Fighting Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Cheri Berry x1 | Greengrass CornBean SausageFancy Egg

You may also use the pre-evolved forms of these Pokemon if you do not have the final evolutions yet.

Best Team for Desserts and Drinks

Best Pokemon for Cooking

Cooking Power-Up S Main Skill

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - FlareonFlareon
Leppa Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S
Pokemon Sleep - MagnezoneMagnezone
Belue Berry | Pure OilFiery Herb

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S
Pokemon Sleep - GlaceonGlaceon
Rawst Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S

Magnezone, Flareon, and Glaceon all have the Main Skill Cooking Power-Up S, which temporarily expands the cooking pot for the next meal you cook. This lets you make dishes that require more ingredients than your regular cooking pot can handle.

Cooking Guide: Tips for Dish Strength and Best Dishes

Best Ingredients Specialty Pokemon

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Oran Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - GengarGengar
Bluk Berry | Fiery HerbTasty MushroomPure Oil

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - DittoDitto
Persim Berry | Pure OilLarge LeekSlowpoke Tail

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Transform (Skill Copy) Transform (Skill Copy)

While Venusaur and Charizard are also solid ingredient-gatherers, Moomoo Milk is a common ingredient for all dish types. This makes Blastoise a more consistent source of useful ingredients.

Gengar is the fastest Ingredients Specialty Pokemon and picks up the high-Strength Fiery Herb ingredient. Most Gengar can also pick up the uncommon Tasty Mushroom ingredient at level 30.

Ditto is the only Ingredients Specialty Pokemon that can pick up the valuable Slowpoke Tail ingredient at level 60. Unfortunately, Ditto is also quite a rare Pokemon. When you see one, try your best to befriend it!

Honorable mentions are Victreebel, Dugtrio, and Mr. Mime, who all have similar helping stats and are consistent sources of ingredients! The newer Pokemon Delibird, Dragonite, and Bewear also appear to be good sources of ingredients.

Best Pokemon Tier List

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