Pokemon Sleep

How Sleep Score is Calculated

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Score
Sleep Score, one of the main factors in determining Drowsy Power, is determined by how much time you are asleep in a Sleep Session. You can get a Sleep Score of up to 100. Keep reading for more information on how to get the highest and lowest Sleep Scores, how Sleep Score works for two Sleep Sessions, and how Sleep Score becomes currency.

How Sleep Score is Determined in Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep - Tracking Sleep Pikachu.png

Sleep Score is determinted only by how much sleep you get in a Sleep Session. Only the time you spend actually asleep will be counted towards your Sleep Score.

How Sleep Tracking Works

Sleep Score Affects Drowsy Power

Pokemon Sleep - Drowsy Power.png

Drowsy Power is computed by multiplying Snorlax Strength to your Sleep Score. The higher your Drowsy Power, the more Pokemon will appear after your Sleep Session. Higher Drowsy Power can also make rarer Pokemon appear.

Drowsy Power Explained

How to Get the Best Sleep Score

Highest Sleep Score in Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Score.png

The highest Sleep Score you can possibly get is 100. This can be obtained by sleeping for at least 8 hours and 30 minutes. The game must recognize you as asleep for that amount of time, not just have a Sleep Session for that long.

If you have trouble getting this much sleep, you can divide the time among the two Sleep Sessions you can have in a day. Each session will receive their individual score, but if you manage to sleep for a total of 8 hours and 30 minutes, they will add up to 100 in your records.

Lowest Sleep Score in Pokemon Sleep

Low Sleep Score (6) - Pokemon Sleep
Pokemon Sleep can only accept a Sleep Session if it's at least 90 minutes long. This will most likely give you a Sleep Score not more than 20.

Even though the Sleep Session needs to be at least 90 minutes long, you don't actually have to be asleep for the entirety of those 90 minutes. Your Score will depend on how much of those 90 minutes you were asleep for.

How to Play Pokemon Sleep Without Sleeping

Sleep Score for Two Sleep Sessions

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Report.png

Each Sleep Session you have for the day will have their own individual Sleep Score. However, your Sleep Scores will also be added up at the end of your second Sleep Session.

The combined Sleep Score for the day will not be used to compute for Drowsy Power. It is mainly there for your own personal reference and to serve as a cap for how much Sleep Score and Drowsy Power you can get in a day.

Please note that if you decide to have two Sleep Sessions in a day, only the first 8 hours and 30 minutes of sleep count towards your Sleep Score. This means that if you reach this amount in your first Session, you cannot have a Sleep Score for your second Session.

Sleep Session Mechanics

Sleep Score Turns Into Sleep Points

Pokemon Sleep - Biscuits in Shop.png

After a Sleep Session, you will earn Sleep Points that you can use to redeem items like the Poke Biscuit from the in-game store. The amount of Sleep Points you get is equivalent to your Sleep Score for that Sleep Session.
List of All Regular Exchange Shop Items and Prices

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Mechanics Partial Banner

List of Pokemon Sleep Mechanics and Terms

Pokemon Sleep Mechanics
Snorlax Strength and Ratings Sleep Session Mechanics
How Sleep Score is Calculated Drowsy Power Explained


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