Pokemon Sleep

List of All Pokemon Candies and How to Get Them

Pokemon Candies are used to level up your Helper Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep. Read on for a list of all Pokemon Candies in the game and how to get them!

List of All Pokemon Candies

All Candy Items

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy S Handy Candy S A small but very special candy that can be turned into 3 candy for any species of Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy M Handy Candy M A very special candy that can be turned into 20 candy for any species of Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Handy Candy L Handy Candy L A very special candy that can be turned into 100 candy for any species of Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Fire-Type Candy Fire-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Fire-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Grass-Type Candy Grass-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Grass-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Water-Type Candy Water-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Water-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Electric-Type Candy Electric-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Electric-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Ice-Type Candy Ice-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Ice-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Fighting-Type Candy Fighting-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Fighting-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Ground-Type Candy Ground-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Ground-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Poison-Type Candy Poison-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Poison-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Flying-Type Candy Flying-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Flying-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Psychic-Type Candy Psychic-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Psychic-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Bug-Type Candy Bug-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Bug-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Rock-Type Candy Rock-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Rock-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Ghost-Type Candy Ghost-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Ghost-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Dragon-Type Candy Dragon-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Dragon-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Dark-Type Candy Dark-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Dark-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Steel-Type Candy Steel-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Steel-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy-Type Candy Fairy-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Fairy-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Normal-Type Candy Normal-Type Candy A special candy that can be turned into multiple candies of a chosen Normal-type Pokemon.

How to Get Pokemon Candies

Pokemon Candies Obtained from Every Method

Method Candy
Use Handy Candy S 3
Use Handy Candy M 20
Use Handy Candy L 100
Sleep Research Bonus 3+
Helper Pokemon Random Drop 2
Transfer Pokemon to Professor 5
Research Community Sleep Styles 1

Discover Sleep Styles

Pokemon Sleep - Research Candy Rewards

You can get Pokemon Candies after discovering Sleep Styles of Pokemon you'll encounter after finishing a sleep session.

If you manage to meet multiple Pokemon, you'll be able to get a lot of Candies!

Sleep Style Dex:
List of All Pokemon Sleep Styles

Obtain from Helper Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Magnemite Candy

Sometimes, Helper Pokemon can give you their respective Candies if you tap and interact with them while they are on the field.

Send Pokemon to Professor Neroli

Pokemon Sleep - Send to Professor

You can nab some Pokemon Candy if you send back Pokemon to Professor Neroli, but do note that you will not get them back as this is the equivalent of releasing them.

Obtain from Research Community

Pokemon Sleep - Candy from Research Community

You can get Candies for each Sleep Style your Research Community sends. The Candy you obtain corresponds to the Pokemon that your Research Community friend keeps a picture of when doing their sleep research.

How to Add Friends and Benefits

How to Use Pokemon Candies

Use to Evolve Helper Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Using Candies for Evolving

If you want your Helper Pokemon to evolve into their next stage, you need to use their species' Candy. You need to collect a specific amount of Candies for them to evolve, along with reaching a certain level or using a certain evolution item.

How to Evolve Pokemon

Use to Level Up Helper Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Helper Pokemon Candies

Aside from sleeping, you can also use Pokemon Candies to quickly level up your Helper Pokemon. Helper Pokemon with high levels are able to contribute more to your research, so use Candies to level them up!

How to Level Up Pokemon Fast

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2 Abbrayover 1 year

Medium Handy Candy gives 20 🍬👍

1 Anonymousover 1 year

so should i use all my candies to level them up or save some for evolution but use most of them for levelling up


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