Pokemon Sleep

Rousing Coffee: All Coffee Recipes

Rousing Coffee is a new Ingredient in Pokemon Sleep that is being added alongside the Old Gold Power Plant area. See the effects of Rousing Coffee, the possible Pokemon that can obtain it, the recipes you can make, and how to get it.

Rousing Coffee Effect

Pokemon Sleep - Rousing Coffee Rousing Coffee
Description You may have trouble sleeping if you drink too much of this. It may help make you feel more alert.
Ingredient Strength +153 Dish Strength

Ingredient for New Recipes

The Rousing Coffee is a brand new ingredient being added alongside the Old Gold Power Plant research area. Six new recipes are also being added at the same time, and five of these six feature Rousing Coffee as an ingredient.

All Pokemon Sleep Recipes

List of Pokemon that Carry Rousing Coffee

All Helper Pokemon That Obtain Rousing Coffee

Unlocked at Lv. 1

Pokemon That Can Find This Ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - GrubbinGrubbin Pokemon Sleep - CharjabugCharjabug Pokemon Sleep - VikavoltVikavolt

Unlocked at Lv. 30

Pokemon That Can Find This Ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - Paldean WooperPaldean Wooper Pokemon Sleep - AronAron Pokemon Sleep - LaironLairon Pokemon Sleep - AggronAggron
Pokemon Sleep - GrubbinGrubbin Pokemon Sleep - CharjabugCharjabug Pokemon Sleep - VikavoltVikavolt Pokemon Sleep - MimikyuMimikyu
Pokemon Sleep - ClodsireClodsire

Take note that each Pokemon has two level 30 unlockable ingredient options. Make sure to check your Pokemon's helping stats to see if they are able to find Rousing Coffee!

Unlocked at Lv. 60

Pokemon That Can Find This Ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - Paldean WooperPaldean Wooper Pokemon Sleep - AronAron Pokemon Sleep - LaironLairon Pokemon Sleep - AggronAggron
Pokemon Sleep - ShinxShinx Pokemon Sleep - LuxioLuxio Pokemon Sleep - LuxrayLuxray Pokemon Sleep - RuffletRufflet
Pokemon Sleep - BraviaryBraviary Pokemon Sleep - GrubbinGrubbin Pokemon Sleep - CharjabugCharjabug Pokemon Sleep - VikavoltVikavolt
Pokemon Sleep - MimikyuMimikyu Pokemon Sleep - ClodsireClodsire

Though these Pokemon can have Rousing Coffee as their level 60 unlockable ingredient, this is not guaranteed. Check your individual Pokemon's helping stats to make sure it has the ingredients you want!

Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon For Dishes

Obtainable During the Old Gold Power Plant Debut Event

Pokemon Sleep - Old Gold Power Plant Event.png

The Pokemon that pick up Rousing Coffee are all from the Old Gold Power Plant research area, which can be unlocked starting on October 2 if you have at least 340 Sleep Styles.

Those who can't unlock this area yet can still obtain some of the new Pokemon through the Old Gold Power Plant Debut event, which will be held from October 7 to 21. Grubbin, Shinx, and Aron will be available on Greengrass Isle during this event.

Old Gold Power Plant Debut Event

List of Rousing Coffee Recipes

Dishes with this Ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - “Defiant” Coffee-Dressed Salad “Defiant” Coffee-Dressed Salad Pokemon Sleep - “Dizzy Punch” Spicy Curry “Dizzy Punch” Spicy Curry Pokemon Sleep - “Early Bird” Coffee Jelly “Early Bird” Coffee Jelly Pokemon Sleep - “Hidden Power” Perk-Up Stew “Hidden Power” Perk-Up Stew
Pokemon Sleep - “Mold Breaker” Corn Tiramisu “Mold Breaker” Corn Tiramisu Pokemon Sleep - “Zing Zap” Spiced Cola “Zing Zap” Spiced Cola Pokemon Sleep - Clodsire Eclair Clodsire Eclair

List of All Dishes and Recipes

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Ingredient List

Moomoo Milk Fancy Apple Bean Sausage Warming Ginger
Pure Oil Honey Fiery Herb Large Leek
Tasty Mushroom Fancy Egg Soft Potato Snoozy Tomato
Soothing Cacao Slowpoke Tail Greengrass Soybeans Greengrass Corn
Rousing Coffee


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