Pokemon Sleep

List of Pokemon Sleep Mechanics and Terms

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Mechanics and Terms

Feeling confused about what all the Pokemon Sleep terms mean and what they do? Keep reading to learn how all the Sleep Mechanics like Drowsy Power, Snorlax Strength, Sleep Score, and Sleep Session affect your game and how to use them to your advantage.

Pokemon Sleep Mechanics

Pokemon Sleep Mechanics

Drowsy Power

Pokemon Sleep - Drowsy Power.png

Drowsy Power influences the number of Pokemon that appear around Snorlax after a Sleep Session. The higher the Drowsy Power, the more Pokemon appear.

The minimum amount of Pokemon that can appear after a Sleep Session is three, but if your Drowsy Power manages to reach one million, four Pokemon will appear. Two million and three million Drowsy Power make five Pokemon appear. As of the moment, the maximum Drowsy Power and maximum amount of Pokemon that can appear are unconfirmed.

You can also get rarer Pokemon with higher Drowsy Power. Since your Drowsy Power increases naturally as you play the game, you are more likely to encounter rare Pokemon and an increased amount of Pokemon towards the end of the week before it resets again on Monday.

Drowsy Power is computed by multiplying Snorlax Strength with your Sleep Score for that Sleep Session.

Drowsy Power Explained

Snorlax Strength

Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Strength

Every time you feed your weekly Snorlax berries or a meal, Snorlax gains Strength. Snorlax Strength is classified into different ratings, starting from Basic 1 to Master 20. Your Snorlax rating affects the number of Pokemon species that can be appear after a Sleep Session.

There are currently 415 Pokemon species available in the Sleep Style Dex of Pokemon Sleep. It is likely that all 415 Pokemon species can be found once you reach the maximum rating of Master 20. The maximum rating requires 3,245,795 Snorlax Strength.

You only get to stay with a Snorlax for a week. Every Monday, you will be introduced to a new Snorlax whose Snorlax Strength will have to be built up again.

Snorlax Strength and Ratings

Sleep Score

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Score
Your Sleep Score is determined by how many hours of sleep you got in your Sleep Session. To get a Sleep Score of 100, you need to sleep for at least 8 hours and 30 minutes.

If you have trouble getting this much sleep, you can divide the time among your two Sleep Sessions. Each session will receive their individual score, but they will add up to 100 in your records

Please note that if you decide to have two Sleep Sessions in a day, only the first 8 hours and 30 minutes of sleep count towards your Sleep Score. This means that if you reach this amount in your first Session, you cannot have a Sleep Score for your second Session.

After a Sleep Session, you will earn Sleep Points that you can use to buy items from the in-game store. The amount of Sleep Points you get is equivalent to your Sleep Score for that Sleep Session.

How Sleep Score is Calculated

Sleep Session

Pokemon Sleep - Tracking Sleep Pikachu

Pokemon Sleep can only track your sleep while in a Sleep Session. A Sleep Session starts after you press the Sleep button in your app or after your press and hold the main button of your Pokemon GO Plus+ device while it's in Sleep Mode.

You'll know that you're in a Sleep Session when the screen shows Tracking Sleep and a sleeping Pikachu or whichever Pokemon you currently have as your team's leader. While in a Sleep Session, you can play relaxing sounds to help you sleep or set an alarm for when you want to be woken up.

A Sleep Session needs to be at least 90 minutes for it to be recorded. Once you're awake and ready to end your Sleep Session, tap End Sleep Session or press and hold the main button of your Pokemon GO Plus+ device.

Sleep Session Mechanics

Other Pokemon Sleep Terms

Sleep Term Definition
Sleep Report Given after a Sleep Session, this contains all the data gathered from your Sleep Session including duration, Sleep Type, and your Sleep Score.
Snorlax Rating Determined by Snorlax Strength, this can be Basic, Great, Ultra, or Master. This affects how many Pokemon species you can find.
Sleep Type This is determined by how you slept in your Sleep Session. The Sleep Types are Dozing, Snoozing, Slumbering, and Balanced.
Sleep Style Sleep Styles are the different sleeping positions of the Pokemon you can find around Snorlax after a Sleep Session.
Sleep Points This is a form of currency that you can exchange for items at the store. You get Sleep Points based on your Sleep Score.
Friendship Points These only appear when befriending Pokemon after researching their Sleep Styles. Biscuits are used to increase Friendship Points.

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