Pokemon Sleep

News, Events and Latest Information

News Event and Information (Professor Neroli) - Pokemon Sleep)

Keep up with the latest news and updates on Pokemon Sleep! Read on for daily updated news including Event information, patch updates, maintenance, new sleep styles and pokemon, bugs, announcements, and more!

Pokemon Sleep Event Calendar

*The events on this calendar are listed in UTC Time.
*Pokemon Sleep Events beign at 4 AM local time.
*Pokemon Debuts now release at 3 PM local time.

List of All Events

Latest News

Cresselia vs. Darkrai Event

Cresselia vs. Darkrai

A new event called Cresselia vs. Darkrai has been announced during the February 27, 2025 Pokemon Presents!

This event introduces the Legendary Pokemon Cresselia and the Mythical Pokemon Darkrai into the game. Psychic-type Pokemon will also be better helpers during this event.

Cresselia vs. Darkrai Event

Valentine’s Day 2025 Event


This year’s Valentine’s Day event for Pokemon Sleep will be held on February 10, 2025 until February 17, 2025. Two new Dessert/Drink recipes are being added into the game for this event as well as the new Pokemon Wooper (Paldea) and Clodsire.

Valentine's Day 2025 Event

Valentine’s Gifts Available!


Free gifts including Soothing Cacao, Rousing Coffee, Ingredient Tickets, and Poke Biscuits are being given away for free if you log into the game at any point between February 14 and March 4.

These items can help you make Dessert and Drink recipes this week, including the brand new recipes “Mold Breaker” Corn Tiramisu and Clodsire Eclair!

Valentine’s Day Special Gift

Super Skill Week Event

Super Skill Week Event

A new event will take place from January 20 to 27 called Super Skill Week! This weeklong event gives bonuses to all Skills Specialty Pokemon and increases the encounter chance for some of them.

Super Skill Week Event

Rufflet and Braviary Coming to Pokemon Sleep!

Rufflet and Braviary Being Added to Pokemon Sleep

On the first day of the Super Skill Week event, Rufflet and Braviary will be added into the game. These Pokemon will have the Berry Burst main skill and can be found in Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Snowdrop Tundra.

Version 2.4.0 After Maintenance on January 16

Version 2.4.0 Update
・ Preparation for new events
・ Preparations to add new Pokemon
・ Addition of a new Relaxing Sound, "Jigglypuff's Song"
・ Adjustments to certain helper Pokemon’s helping stats:
┗ Frequency shortened slightly
┗ Frequency shortened slightly
┗ Carry limit increased
┗ Frequency shortened slightly
┗ Main skill chance increased slightly
┗ Carry limit increased
┗ Frequency shortened slightly
┗ Carry limit increased
・ Addition of a new Pokemon search parameter
・ Capacity limit for the bag’s item pocket unlocked (800 → 1,000)
・ Some texts adjusted or unified
・ Other small bug fixes and adjustments

The Version 2.4.0 update will be available immediately after maintenance ends on January 16 at around 9 AM UTC. This update changes helping stats of certain Pokemon, prepares for unannounced events, increases the item bag capacity, and makes more adjustments to the game.

Version 2.4.0 Update and Patch Notes

New Year 2025 Event

New Year 2025 Event

To celebrate the new year, Pokemon Sleep is holding a two-week event from December 30, 2024 until January 13, 2025! Pokemon that were introduced in 2024 will have an increased encounter chance during this event.

Week 2 of this event opens the Cand Cram-o-matic once again, which allows you to get Type Candy M. The Event Exchange will also be open during this New Year event where you can exchange Dream Coins for items.

Pokemon Sleep New Year 2025 Event

Server Maintenance on December 17

Server Maintenance

Pokemon Sleepis will have a scheduled maintenance on December 17, 2024 from 4:30 AM to 9:00 AM UTC. This maintenance allows Version 2.3.0 to be supported.

Sleep tracking is still available while maintenance is ongoing, and those who only track one sleep session during maintenance should be able to do sleep research and snack time as usual once maintenance has concluded.

Those who track multiple sleep sessions during maintenance will instead be presented with a speed review, which shows the sleep research that the app did automatically. Pokemon Sleep will also automatically conduct snack time for you if you record more than one session during maintenance.

Server Maintenance Status

Version 2.3.0 Coming December 17

Version 2.3.0 Update
・ Changes to certain Pokemon's main skills:
┗ Before change: Charge Strength S
┗ After change: Transform (Skill Copy)
Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime
┗ Before change: Charge Strength S
┗ After change: Mimic (Skill Copy)

・ Adjustments to certain helper Pokemon’s helping stats:
┗ Frequency shortened slightly
Pikachu (Holiday)
┗ Frequency shortened slightly
┗ Carry limit increased
┗ Main skill chance increased slightly
┗ Ingredient finding chance increased slightly
┗ Main skill chance increased slightly

・ Preparation for the Holiday 2024—Double Dream Shard Research event
・ Addition of a new Relaxing Sound, "Forest"
・ Adjustments to the mission screen
・ Changes to the effects and description of the Metronome main skill
┗ Before change: Uses one main skill chosen randomly out of all main skills.
┗ After change: Uses one main skill chosen randomly from a large selection of main skills.
・ Adjustments to Sleep Point Exchange
┗ Beginning on January 1, 2025, 12:00 AM UTC, 1 Main Skill Seed will be included in the Regular Exchange
・ Some text adjusted or unified
・ Other small bug fixes and adjustments

The Version 2.3.0 update will be available immediately after maintenance ends on December 17. This update changes the main skills and helping stats of certain Pokemon, adds in the Holiday 2024 event, adds the Main Skill Seed to the Regular Exchange, and makes several more adjustments to the game.

Some of these changes have been previously announced in the Future Features and Adjustments Volume 5 news announcement beforehand.

Version 2.3.0 Update and Patch Notes

Holiday 2024 Event

Pokemon Sleep Holiday 2024 Event

Pokemon Sleep will be having a Double Dream Shard Research event to celebrate the holidays this year! From December 23 to 30, players will be able to get more Dream Shards from sleep research, make use of the Candy Boost function, and have a higher chance of catching a Shiny Pokemon. Dream Gifts will also be distributed on December 24 and 25.

Pokemon Sleep Holiday 2024 Event

New Holiday Pokemon

New Holiday Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - PawmiPawmi Pokemon Sleep - PawmoPawmo Pokemon Sleep - PawmotPawmot
Pokemon Sleep - Alolan VulpixAlolan Vulpix Pokemon Sleep - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon Sleep - Eevee (Holiday)Eevee (Holiday)

The Pawmi line as well as the Alolan forms of Vulpix and Ninetales are being added into the game during the Holiday event. A special form of Eevee wearing a red hat can also be obtained during this event.

Future Features and Adjustments Vol. 5

New Features in Next Update
・ Preparation for a new event, Holiday Event
Future Features in Development
・ Changes to main skills to highlight Pokemon individuality:
┗ Before change: Charge Strength S
┗ After change: Transform (Skill Copy)
Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime
┗ Before change: Charge Strength S
┗ After change: Mimic (Skill Copy)
・ Number of teams you can register on the Edit Teams screen increased
Long-Term Development Plans
・ Addition of a mode that allows various kinds of Pokemon to shine
・ Development of a new event, stylistically different from existing events

The addition of the 2024 Holiday event, a new game mode, a new type of event, and more teams will be implemented in future version updates of Pokemon Sleep. We can also expect to see changes in select Pokemon’s main skills.

A special gift containing Poke Biscuits, Sleep Points, Dream Cluster M, and Handy Candy S can also be claimed as long as you log in before February 3!

Future Features and Adjustments Volume 5

Pokemon Growth Week Vol. 3

Pokemon Growth Week Vol. 3

The third Pokemon Growth Week will be held from December 9 to 16! This event increases the EXP and Candies that your Pokemon receive from sleep sessions.

Pokemon Growth Week Vol. 3

Sneasel and Weavile Arriving on December 3!

New Pokemon Sneasel and Weavile

Sneasel and Weavile will be making their Pokemon Sleep debut on December 3, 2024 at 3 PM local time!

Sneasel Sleep Type, Helping Stats, and All Sleep Styles

Google Play 2024 Award Commemorative Gift

Google Play 2024 Award Commemorative Gift.png

A gift containing a Main Skill Seed and three Poke Biscuits is currently being distributed to celebrate Pokemon Sleep winning the 2024 Google Play Awards in Japan for the category Best Multi-Device Game!

Google Play 2024 Award Commemorative Gift

Version 2.2.0 Update Released

Version 2.2.0 Update
・ Addition of a new Relaxing Sound, "Pikachu Lullaby 2"
・ Adjustment to what happens immediately after the Sleep button is pressed
┗ After the Sleep button is pressed, a short loading period will begin. As soon as it’s finished, the app will automatically begin sleep tracking. This adjustment is to prevent accidental sleep tracking failures.
・ Adjustment to the pop-up that displays after tapping “Next Goal” on the home screen
・ Fixed the scroll location on the Research Community list not being preserved
・ Addition of new Sleep Tips
・ Adjustments to certain screens—such as the Pokemon details screen—so helper Pokemon react when you tap them
・ Adjustment to the map’s "This Week’s Event" pop-up so it allows you to check the details of the current event
・ Some text adjusted or unified
・ Other small bug fixes and adjustments

Version 2.2.0 of Pokemon Sleep was released on November 26, 2024. This update adds new Sleep Tips, a loading screen before starting sleep tracking in order to prevent accidental failures, and makes several more adjustments to the game.

Version 2.2.0 Update and Patch Notes

Eevee Week 2024

Eevee Week 2024

Eevee and its evolutions will have an increased encounter chance during this year's Eevee Week from November 18 to 25! Eevee will also have an increased Shiny rate.

Pokemon Sleep Eevee Week Event 2024

A Sylveon Bedtime Story Commemorative Gift

A Sylveon Bedtime Story Commemorative Gift

For the first day of the Eevee Week event, a Sylveon Incense gift has been released! This gift is being given to commemorate this event as well as the short video that Pokemon has released called A Sylveon Bedtime Story.

A Sylveon Bedtime Story Commemorative Gift

Version 2.1.0 Update

Version 2.1.0 Update
・ Preparation for the Halloween 2024 — Double Candy Research event
・ Addition of new alarms, "Berry Collection" and "Quiet Awakening"
・ Addition of a new main skill, Disguise (Berry Burst)
・ Addition of a pop-up notification when an incense is not used during sleep research and is returned to your bag instead.
・ The probability of Energizing Cheer S targeting the helper Pokémon with the lowest Energy on your team has been raised a bit more.
・ Adjustments to the main skills and main skill chances of Houndour, Houndoom, and Umbreon
・ The frequency stat of Pikachu (Halloween) has been shortened slightly
・ A change to the Tracking Device Sharing Option in Research Community. This will be automatically set to ON. You can pick what to share with your friends through the Sharing Options on the lower right of the Research Community screen.
・ Some text adjusted or unified
・ Other small bug fixes and adjustments

Version 2.1.0 has been made available after the app maintenance on October 24, 2024. This update adds the Halloween 2024 event, including Mimikyu, and makes changes to Houndour, Houndoom, Umbreon, and Pikachu (Halloween).

Version 2.1.0 Update and Patch Notes

Halloween 2024 Event

Pokemon Sleep Halloween 2024

The Halloween 2024 event has been announced for October 28 to November 4! During this event, Ghost-type Pokemon will be more helpful and will have increased encounter rates. Candy yield will also be increased for the first sleep session every day of the event.

Pokemon Sleep Halloween 2024 Event

New Pokemon: Mimikyu!

New Pokemon Mimikyu

Mimikyu is now available as of October 28, 3 PM local time, the first day of the Halloween event. It will have an increased encounter change during the Halloween celebrations.

A new version of Pikachu (Halloween) has also made its debut during this event. Instead of the Halloween Hat with orange accents from last year's event, this year's Halloween Hat Pikachu will have purple accents to its witchy hat.

Mimikyu Sleep Type, Helping Stats, and All Sleep Styles

Drifloon and Driflbim Available October 11!

New Pokemon Drifloon

Drifloon and Drifblim are being added into Pokemon Sleep and can be encountered starting on October 11, 4 AM local time.

Despite being a latecomer to the festivities, Drifloon will have an increased encounter rate in Greengras Isle and the Old Gold Power Plant during the Old Gold Power Plant Debut event.

Drifloon Sleep Type, Helping Stats, and All Sleep Styles

Version 2.0.0 Update

Version 2.0.0 Update
・ Addition of a new area, the Old Gold Power Plant
・ Addition of two new Sleep Style Dex goals
・ Preparation for the Old Gold Power Plant Debut event
・ Addition of a new ingredient, Rousing Coffee
・ Addition of six new recipes
・ Adjustments to make it possible to use multiple Ingredient Tickets
・ Adjustments that make the Back button take you directly back to the home screen when pressed and held
・ Some text adjusted or unified
・ Other small bug fixes and adjustments

Version 2.0.0 of Pokemon Sleep has been made available after maintenance on October 1, 2024. This update adds in the Old Gold Power Plant research area as well as new features tied to it such as the Rousing Coffee ingredient and recipes.

Version 2.0.0 Update and Patch Notes

Old Gold Power Plant Event

Pokemon Sleep - Old Gold Power Plant Event

Encounter Aron, Shinx, and Grubbin in the Old Gold Power Plant Event in Greengrass Isle! This event will run from October 7 to October 21, 2024.

Old Gold Power Plant Opening Event

Smart Watch Compatibility is Now Out!

Pokemon Sleep Smartwatch Compatibility Top Banner.png
You can now connect Pokemon Sleep your Smart Watch! If you own certain models of the Apple Watch, Fitbit, Google Pixel Watch, or a Galaxy Watch/Ring, you can use these devices to track your Sleep in lieu of a Pokemon GO Plus +!

Smart Watch Compatibility and How to Connect

Sleep Style Discovery Week Event

Sleep Style Discovery Week.png

The Sleep Style Discovery Week event being held from September 23 to 30 increases the chance of finding unregistered sleep styles in Pokemon Sleep.

Take this chance to build up your Sleep Style Dex in time for the new area being added on October 2, Old Gold Power Plant!

Sleep Style Discovery Week Event

Suicune Research Event

Pokemon Sleep - Suicune Research

The final Pokemon of the Johto Legendary trio, Suicune, will appear in Pokemon Sleep during the Suicune Research event from September 2 to 16! Water-type Pokemon will be stronger during this event.

Bonuses will be applied to Greengrass Isle during the first week of the event, while you can choose Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, or Lapis Lakeside as the event location for the second week.

Suicune Research Event

Water Type Week Bundles

Pokemon Sleep - Water Type Week Bundles Vol. 1.png

Three Water Type Week bundles will be available at the General Store from August 19, 2024 at 6:00 AM UTC to August 27, 2024 at 12:59 AM UTC to help celebrate the Water Type Week event.

Bundles for Water Type Week

Unity Update Coming August 27

Pokemon Sleep - 600MB Unity Update.png

Pokemon Sleep will be updating its Unity engine on August 27, 2024, which will then require all users to redownload 600 MB of data upon start-up. Linking an account or taking note of your Transfer Code is highly recommended in order to prevent your save file from disappearing.

600MB Unity Update Coming August 27

Water Type Week

Pokemon Sleep - Water Type Week

Water Type Week is being held from August 19 to 26 and features all Water-type Pokemon in the game. During this week, Water types can be easily encountered, and the Mini Candy Boost function can be used.

New Pokemon: Wooper and Quagsire!

Wooper and Quagsire New Arrivals.png

Wooper and Quagsire are being added into Pokemon Sleep on the first day of the Water Type Week event. These two Pokemon can start appearing on August 19 at 3 PM local time.

Water Type Week Event

Version 1.10.1 Update

Version 1.10.1 Update
・ The Good-Night Ribbon awarding animation fails to trigger in some cases
・ A bug where the sorting settings for the Pokemon Box screen and the Team member selection screen were the same

Version 1.10.1, released on August 2, 2024, fixes two main bugs that were present in Version 1.10.0. One is a bug where the Good-Night Ribbon would fail to be awarded to a Pokemon, and another is connected to the sorting settings when you go through all of the Pokemon you own.

A few more bugs have been identified in this update that will be fixed in a future update.

Version 1.10.1 Update and Patch Notes

Account Linking Bonus Gift

Pokemon Sleep - Account Linking Bonus

After the Version 1.0.9 update, you can now claim a bonus gift of 100 Diamonds after linking an account to Pokemon Sleep. Those who have already linked an account prior to the update can find this gift automatically in their gift box.

Those who have yet to link either a Google account, Facebook account, or Apple ID can do so by going to Settings. After linking at least one account, you should be able to find this gift in your gift box.

Account Linking Bonus Gift

Pokemon Sleep Review

Sleep Tracker Fun GO Plus+
Pokemon Sleep - Poke Biscuit4/10 Pokemon Sleep - Great Biscuit7/10 Pokemon Sleep - Great Biscuit7/10
Free Only Premium Overall
Pokemon Sleep - Master Biscuit8/10 Pokemon Sleep - Poke Biscuit4/10 Pokemon Sleep - Great Biscuit6/10

Pokemon Sleep is a fun and relaxing Pokemon game that can truly motivate you to go to sleep. It doesn't require a lot of time to play (at least while awake), and the Pokemon collecting aspect is as good as ever. However, it does not function very well as an accurate sleep tracker.

The game can be experienced in full without having to pay any fee, though you can buy the Pokemon GO Plus+ or the Premium Pass for an enhanced experience.

Pokemon Sleep Review: Is Pokemon Sleep Worth It?

Pokemon Sleep Types Quiz Now Live

Pokemon Sleep Type Quiz - Pokemon Sleep
While we await the launch of the game, Pokemon Sleep has a fun quiz on their website to help you determine your sleep type. It takes into account your usual sleep times, activity levels, and how often you wake up after going to bed. The quiz then matches you to a Pokemon with similar sleeping habits as you.

Pokemon for Each Sleep Type Combination

Time Sleep Type Pokemon
Espeon - Pokemon SleepMorning Pokemon Sleep - Dozing Pokemon Sleep - Dozing VigorothVigoroth
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing Espeon - Pokemon SleepEspeon
Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering SwabluSwablu
Charmander - Pokemon SleepDaytime Pokemon Sleep - Dozing Bulbasaur - Pokemon SleepBulbasaur
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing Charmander - Pokemon SleepCharmander
Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering Squirtle - Pokemon SleepSquirtle
Umbreon - Pokemon SleepNighttime Pokemon Sleep - Dozing Umbreon - Pokemon SleepUmbreon
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing MeowthMeowth
Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering Diglett - Pokemon SleepDiglett

Let Us Know What Sleep Type You Got Below!

Dozing 81
Snoozing 72
Slumbering 94

Sleep Type Quiz

Previous News

August Good Sleep Day Event on August 19 ~ 21

Pokemon Sleep - Good Sleep Day Event

The Good Sleep Day event for August will be held from August 19, 2024 until August 21, 2024 with the full moon on August 20.

There are bonuses to Drowsy Power, Pokemon EXP, and Sleep Points during this 3-day event, with increased bonuses on the day of the full moon. The full moon Drowsy Power bonus depends on which day of the week it lands on. Since the full moon for August falls on Tuesday, the Drowsy Power bonus for this month is set to x3!

Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable are also more common during the Good Sleep Day event, but most especially on the full moon day.

Good Sleep Day Event

Version 1.10.0 Update

Version 1.10.0 Update
・ Preparations for future events
・ Addition of a new feature: Good-Night Ribbon
・ Adjustment that allows helper Pokemon with the Skills specialty to bank main skill uses
・ Rewards when you've reached the max area bonus
・ Unlocking the limits for research rank, helper Pokémon levels, and more:
・ Research rank: 55 → 60
・ Pokemon level: 55 → 60
・ Max levels of certain main skills: 6 → 7
┗ Ingredient Magnet S
┗ Extra Helpful S
┗ Cooking Power-Up S
・ Recipe level: 55 → 60
・ Max expanded capacity of the bag’s ingredients pocket: 600 → 700
・ Addition of three-star sleep styles to the sleep styles that can be discovered on Greengrass Isle
・ Increase to Strength gains from certain dishes
Bedtime rewards increase
・ Sleep research rewards increase
・ Adjustment to game function when you edit your team
┗ Any banked skills will be cancelled when any changes are made to the active team
Special Pikachu’s max friendship level unlocked: 18 → 20
・ Addition of exclusive Pokémon GO Plus + achievements
・ Compatibility for tablet devices and folding smartphones
・ End of Pokemon Sleep support on Android OS 7
・ Some texts adjusted or unified
・ Other small bug fixes and adjustments

The Version 1.10.0 update was made available immediately after the August 1 maintenance. This update adds several new features and makes changes to gameplay that were previously announced during the daily news announcements of the First Anniversary Fest.

The most significant changes include the increase of max level limits, which allows the level 60 ingredients of Pokemon to be unlockable, and the ability to bank skill uses for Skills Specialty Pokemon. This update also makes Pokemon Sleep available for tablet devices!

Version 1.10.0 Update and Patch Notes

Pokemon Growth Week Vol. 2

Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Growth Week Vol. 2

Pokemon Growth Week is coming back in August to help you raise your Pokemon! This event, to be held from August 5 to 12, allows your helper Pokemon to quickly gain EXP by allowing the EXP gained from sleep sessions to be multiplied by 1.5x. Pokemon Candies obtained during the first sleep research of each day will also be multiplied by 1.5x.

Pokemon Growth Week

Poke Biscuits Gift for the 1st Anniversary

Poke Biscuits Gift for the 1st Anniversary

Pokemon Sleep is giving away 4 Poke Biscuits to all players for successfully achieving their 30,000 repost goal for the app's anniversary on their Japanese social media account!

Poke Biscuits Gift for the 1st Anniversary

Daily Anniversary News Announcements

Day Announcement
Day 1
(July 14)
Pokemon Sleep - Day 1 Announcement - Ultra Biscuit
・ New item: Ultra Biscuit
Ultra Biscuit Commemorative Gift (07/15 ~ 09/23)
Day 2
(July 15)
Pokemon Sleep - Day 2 Announcement - Max Level Cap Adjustment
Max level cap adjustments coming soon in an August update
┗ Level 60 ingredients unlockable soon!
Day 3
(July 16)
Pokemon Sleep - Day 3 Announcement - More Bedtime Rewards and Others
・ Increased Bedtime Rewards in the August update
・ More EXP and Dream Shards from sleep research in the August update
・ The 5% area bonus each week will be given to other research areas upon reaching the maximum limit.
Day 4
(July 17)
Pokemon Sleep - Day 4 Announcement - Gameplay Updates
・ Addition of 3-star Sleep Styles to Greengrass Isle in the August update
・ Increasing the Strength of certain dishes in the August update
Skills Specialty Pokemon will be able to store up to two uses of their main skill after the update
・ Stored skill uses will be canceled if the Pokemon is switched out in the team
Day 5
(July 18)
Pokemon Sleep - Day 5 Announcement - Planned Future Events.png
・ New event in late September to help encounter unregistered Sleep Styles
Good Sleep Day event to have a similar bonus starting in October
Day 6
(July 19, Anniversary)
Pokemon Sleep - Day 6 Announcement - First Anniversary Gift
First Anniversary Bonus Gift
・ Distribution: July 20, 3 AM UTC ~ September 23, 4 AM UTC
Day 7
(July 20)
Pokemon Sleep - Good Night Ribbons
Good-Night Ribbon update in early August
・ Good-Night Ribbon raises stats of helper Pokemon based on sleeping time shared.

All daily news announcements are made at 10 PM UTC.

Daily Anniversary News Announcements

Bundles for the First Anniversary Event

Pokemon Sleep - First Anniversary Bundle

A small, medium, and large First Anniversary Bundle will be available at the General Store from July 20 (Pokemon Sleep's anniversary) until August 3. Each of these bundles include Biscuits, Incense, and Candies.

The medium bundle also contains a Sub Skill Seed, while the large bundle contains the new Ultra Biscuit, a Main Skill Seed, and for the first time, Handy Candy L.

Bundles for the First Anniversary Event

Dream Gift Contents

Pokemon Sleep - Dream Gift

You can open a Dream Gift every day for the duration of the First Anniversary Fest. The 14 items you can get from this gift each day include Incense for the new Paldea Pokemon, Type Candies, Diamonds, Dream Shards, Sleep Points, Ingredient Tickets, and Handy Candies.

All Dream Gift Contents

Pokemon Befriending Bundles

Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Befriending Bundles

Volume 1 of the Pokemon Befriending Bundles will be available at the General Store from July 15 to 30.

These bundles are focused on helping you befriend the Paldea starter Pokemon being added during the First Anniversary Fest of Pokemon Sleep, with one bundle centered on Sprigatito, one on Fuecoco, and one on Quaxly. Biscuits, Incense, and candies can be found in each bundle.

Pokemon Befriending Bundles

Paldea Starters Coming to Pokemon Sleep!

Pokemon Sleep - Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly Arrive in the 1st Anniversary Festival

On July 15, 2024 at 3 PM local time, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly, and their evolutions make their way into Pokemon Sleep! These are the first Pokemon from Generation 9 that will be added into the game and the third set of starter Pokemon after the Kanto and Johto starters.

Paldea Starters Coming to Pokemon Sleep on July 15

First Anniversary Fest

Pokemon Sleep - First Anniversary Fest
The main anniversary event called First Anniversary Fest takes place right after the lead-up event ends on July 15. This event will be held for two weeks and introduces the Paldean Starters Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly to Pokemon Sleep!

Several bonuses will also be active between the two weeks of the event. Week 1 bonuses will be focused on befriending Pokemon, while week 2 is all about raising Pokemon. For both weeks, you'll get a free Dream Gift, increased Research EXP, and daily news announcements related to the game.

First Anniversary Fest

1st Anniversary Lead-Up Gift Week

Pokemon Sleep - 1st Anniversary Lead-Up Gift Week
The lead-up event called 1st Anniversary Lead-Up Gift Week will be held from July 8 to 14. At 3 AM UTC every day of this event week, 150 bonus sleep points will be distributed as gifts for a total of 1,050 bonus sleep points for the duration of this event.

1st Anniversary Lead-Up Gift Week

Version 1.9.0 Update Released

Version 1.9.0 Update
・ Addition of a display option for the pop-up that appears when Snorlax’s rating goes up
・ Preparation for the First Anniversary Fest
・ Addition of a new product, Trial Bundle Vol. 2
・ Change to the help adjustments based on Energy
・ Adjustments to some dishes made with Greengrass Soybeans:
Ninja Curry
・ Strength: 6,159 → 9,445
・ Greengrass Soybeans required: 15 → 24
・ Large Leeks required: 9 → 12
"Water Veil" Tofu Salad
・ Strength: 1,843 → 3,113
・ Greengrass Soybeans required: 10 → 15
・ Snoozy Tomatoes required: 6 → 9
Ninja Salad
・ Strength: 10,095 → 11,659
・ Greengrass Soybeans required: 15 → 19
"Huge Power" Soy Donuts
・ Strength: 3,213 → 5,547
・ Pure Oil required: 9 → 12
・ Greengrass Soybeans required: 6 → 16
・ Loading time sped up on Pokémon Box screen
・ Power consumption reduced for tracking sleep without laying mobile device face down
・ Some texts

The Version 1.9.0 update is now available after maintenance on July 9, 2024. This update adds in the First Anniversary Fest, Trial Bundle Vol. 2, makes adjustments to certain recipes using Greengrass Soybeans, and makes more optimizations to the game.

Version 1.9.0 Update and Patch Notes

Version 1.8.1 Update Released

Version 1.8.1 Update
・ Fixed a bug that, in some cases, causes an "Unknown error" pop-up to appear when moving to Lapis Lakeside
・ Fixed a bug where the effects of shiny Pokemon were displayed in unintended locations on some screens

Version 1.8.1 has been released on July 3, and it fixes two notable errors. One is an error that occurs for some users when traveling to Lapis Lakeside, and another is a Shiny effect display error.

Version 1.8.1 Update and Patch Notes

Trial Bundle

Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - Trial BundleTrial Bundle Diamonds x150
Diamonds (bonus) x350
Poke Biscuit x10
Good Camp Ticket x1
¥300 (about $1.99) 1

Volume 2 of the Trial Bundle containing Diamonds, Poke Biscuits, and a Good Camp Ticket will be available at the General Store from July 9 to Febraury 26 after Volume 1 is pulled from the store on July 8.

Unlike other bundles, this Trial Bundle can be purchased with real money in your local currency. It costs about ¥300 or $1.99 USD, which is much cheaper compared to buying these items individually from the General Store. You can only get one Trial Bundle per Volume per person, however.

Pokemon Sleep Trial Bundle

Pokemon Growth Bundle Vol. 1

Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Growth Bundle Vol. 1

A Pokemon Growth Bundle Vol. 1 will be available at the General Store from June 30 to July 9! This bundle contains items in line with the Pokemon Growth Week event including Great Biscuits, Growth Incense, Handy Candy M, and Dream Cluster S.

Pokemon Growth Bundle

20 Million Downloads Gift

Pokemon Sleep - 20 Million Downloads Gift

Pokemon Sleep has reached 20 million downloads worldwide in iOS and Android devices! As a rewards, a special gift contining a Main Skill Seed, Dream Cluster M, Poke Biscuits, and Sleep Points is being distributed to all players who log in between June 25 and August 26.

20 Million Downloads Gift

Candy Cram-o-matic Gift

Cram-o-matic Gift

You can get a free gift containing Pikachu Candy and Dream Shards upon interacting with the Candy Cram-o-matic for the first time during the Summer Festival. This is given by Professor Neroli after he explains the basics of the machine.

Candy Cram-o-matic Gift: Free Pikachu Candy

Version 1.8.0 Update Released

Version 1.8.0 Updates
・ Preparation for the Summer Festival
・ Adjustments to the helping stats of certain helper Pokemon:
・ Carry limit +3
・ Ingredient finding ×1.05
・ Carry Limit +2
・ Frequency shortened slightly
・ Main skill chance ×1.05
・ Capacity limit for the bag's item pocket unlocked
┗ Items pocket max capacity: 700 → 800
・ Some texts adjusted or unified
・ Other small bug fixes and adjustments
・ Alarms set on Pokémon GO Plus + going off an hour late (in countries with Daylight Saving Time)

The Version 1.8.0 update, released on June 11 after maintenance, adds in the Summer Festival Event, adjusts stats of certain Pokemon, expands max item capacity, and fixes Pokemon GO Plus+ time syncing for those with Daylight Savings.

Version 1.8.0 Update and Patch Notes

Summer Festival Bundles

Pokemon Sleep - Summer Festival Bundles.png

Three Summer Festival Bundles will be available at the General Store from June 17, 6:00 AM UTC until June 25, 3:59 AM UTC to go with the Summer Festival event. Each bundle contains Biscuits, Incense, and Candies for the various event Pokemon, including the new Pokemon Cramorant!

Bundles for the Summer Festival

Summer Festival Event

Pokemon Sleep - Summer Festival Event

Pokemon Sleep is having a Summer Festival event from June 17, 4:00 AM local time until June 24, 3:59 AM local time as the northern hemisphere starts heating up.

Water, Flying, and Bug Pokemon are at the center of this event, as well as more Strength from cooking, and the new event feature: the Candy Cram-o-matic!

Summer Festival Event

New Pokemon: Cramorant

Pokemon Sleep - New Pokemon Cramorant

Cramorant is the first Pokemon from Generation 8 that will be added into Pokemon Sleep! It can be encountered starting at 3 PM local time on June 17, the first day of the Summer Festival event.

Cramorant Sleep Type, Helping Stats, and All Sleep Styles

Entei Biscuit Gift

Pokemon Sleep - Entei Biscuit Gift

An Entei Biscuit is being given away to celebrate the start of the Entei Research event. Those who are particiapting in the event should be able find this gift in their Gift Box.

Event Gift: Entei Biscuit

Entei Research Event

Pokemon Sleep - Entei Research Event

The Entei Research event is now rolling out from May 20, 2024 to June 3, 2024 at the Greengrass Isle research area! This two-week event allows Fire-type Pokemon to be much more effective helpers.

During this event, you can obtain Entei Mane and exchange it for items through the Event Exchange store.

Entei Research Event

New Pokemon: Entei!

Pokemon Sleep - Entei Coming Late May

Entei is being added on May 20, the first day of the Entei Research event, at 3 PM local time.

Entei is a Skills Specialty Pokemon similar to Raikou with the Helper Boost (Fire) Main Skill.

Entei Sleep Type, Helping Stats, and All Sleep Styles

Version 1.7.2 Released

Version 1.7.2 Update
・ Preparation for the Entei Research event
・ Changes to the conditions for when the Sleep EXP Bonus Gauge applies
┗ Before change: During sleep research, applied when any helper Pokemon on the team reached the current max level of 55, regardless of the user’s research rank.
┗ After change: During sleep research, will apply when any helper Pokemon on the team has reached the max level possible for the user’s research rank at the time.
・ Added new perks to the Novice Researcher Bonus
┗ One additional hungry Pokemon
┗ If all of a user’s area bonuses add up to less than 100%, then the researcher’s area bonus will increase by 10% each week
・ Adjustments to the helping stats of certain helper Pokemon:
・ Frequency shortened by 200 seconds
・ Ingredient finding ×1.2
・ Carry Limit +3
・ Main skill chance ×1.1
・ Carry limit +3
・ Frequency shortened by 100 seconds
・ Implementation of improvements so regular sleep research can be conducted for both sessions when two sleep tracking sessions are reported at the same time via Pokemon GO Plus +

Version 1.7.2 is now available to download after the May 14 maintenance. This update adds in the Entei Research event, gives bonuses to new players, adjusts helping stats of certain Pokemon, and updates sleep research mechanics for the Pokemon GO Plus+ device.

Version 1.7.2 Update and Patch Notes

Fire Type Week Event is Now Over!

Pokemon Sleep - Fire Type Week.png

For one week, starting on May 6, 4:00 AM local time until May 13, 3:59 AM local time, Fire-type Pokemon had a greater appearance rate! The Mini Candy Boost function also made a return during this event.

The Fire Type Week event is best used to prepare your Fire types for the Entei Research event happening in late May.

Fire Type Week Event

New Pokemon: Vulpix and Ninetales!

Pokemon Sleep - Vulpix

Two new Fire-type Pokemon, Vulpix and Ninetales, can be encountered in the game starting from May 6, the first day of the event, at 3 PM local time!

These two Pokemon are available on Greengrass Isle and Taupe Hollow only.

Vulpix Sleep Type, Helping Stats, and All Sleep Styles

Fire Type Week Bundles Vol. 1

Fire Type Week Bundles Vol.1
Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Type Week BundlesFire Type Week Bundle Vol. 1 S Poke Biscuit x5
・ Cyndaquil Incense x1
250 Diamonds 3
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Type Week BundlesFire Type Week Bundle Vol. 1 M Poke Biscuit x10
Eevee Incense x1
Fire Stone x1
600 Diamonds 1
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Type Week BundlesFire Type Week Bundle Vol. 1 L Great Biscuit x8
・ Vulpix Incense x1
・ Charmander Incense x1
・ Growlithe Incense x1
・ x10
Dream Cluster S x6
1500 Diamonds 1

Three sizes of Fire Type Week Bundles Vol. 1 will be available at the General Store from May 6, 2024 at 6:00 AM UTC until May 14, 2024 at 12:59 AM UTC.

Each bundle includes at least one Fire-type Pokemon Incense. The large bundle also includes the brand new item, Fire-Type Candy S, and Incense for the new Pokemon Vulpix.

Bundles for Fire Type Week

Version 1.6.0 Released

Version 1.6.0 Update - New Features
・ Preparation for new events
・ Addition of a new item, Fire-type Candy
・ Addition of a new Relaxing Sound, "Waves"
・ Partial adjustment to helper Pokémon’s Energy recovery from cooking
・ Adjustments to which Pokémon appear in some areas

Version 1.6.0 adds in everything needed for the Fire Type Week and Entei Research events, adds a new Fire-type Candy item, allows Pokemon at full Energy to still gain Energy from dishes, and gives habitats to all of the Pokemon without an island home yet.

This update was made available after the April 30 app maintenance.

Version 1.6.0 Update and Patch Notes

Special Gift: Future Features and Adjustments Vol. 4

Future Features and Adjustments Volume 3 Gift

A special gift was made available alongside the Future Features and Adjustments Volume 4 announcement. This gift containing 10x Poke Biscuits, 1000 Sleep Points, 2x Dream Cluster M, and 20x Handy Candy S can be found automatically in the Gift Box.

Special Gift: Future Features and Adjustments Volume 4

Future Features and Adjustments Vol. 4

Future Features
・ Addition of a new item, Fire-type Candy. These can be exchanged for any Fire-type Pokemon’s candies.
・ Adjustments to allow Pokémon with 100 Energy or more to gain a small amount of Energy from cooking.
Future Features in Development
・ Preparation of additional Pokemon arrivals
Entei Research event
・ Summer events that allow you to get candy of various types
・ A feature to help you feel closer to the Pokemon you’ve befriended (the more sleep time you have spent together, the better the effects)
Future Fixes and Improvements
・ Features and balance adjustments to help Pokémon Sleep beginners progress easily in the game

Pokemon Sleep has shared what's in store for the game in its future updates, including the Entei Research and summer events, more Pokemon, and more useful features!

Future Features and Adjustments Volume 4

Pokemon Sleep Flower Festival is Over!

Pokemon Sleep - Flower Festival Event
Event Dates Start Date: April 22, 2024, 4:00 AM
End Date: April 29, 2024, 3:59 AM
Event Mechanics and Bonuses
  • Grass- and Fairy-type Pokemon are more likely to appear
  • Pokemon of various sleep types appear during sleep research
  • Increased Shiny rate
  • Snorlax's requested dishes is set to Salads
  • Dish Strength is multiplied by 1.5x (Extra Tasty dishes are 3 - 4.5x)
  • One guaranteed hungry Pokemon per day
  • Limited-time missions
Event Islands All
Fixed cooking request:

The Pokemon Sleep Flower Festival was held from April 22, 4:00 AM local time to April 29, 3:59 AM local time.

This event gives Grass and Fairy Pokemon a greater appearance rate and increased Shiny chance. Snorlax's cooking request will be set to Salads, and dish strength will be boosted for the whole week.

Flower Festival Event

New Pokemon: Comfey!

Pokemon Sleep - Comfey Coming on April 22

On the first day of the Flower Festival event, Comfey will make its debut in Pokemon Sleep! It will start appearing on April 22 at 3 PM local time. Any Comfey Incense you obtain during the event cannot be used until this time.

Comfey will only be available on Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Lapis Lakeside.

Comfey Coming to Pokemon Sleep on April 22!

Version 1.5.1 Released

Version 1.5.1 Update
Bug Fixes:
・ Some "shiny Pokemon" do not appear as profile icon options

Version 1.5.1 fixes the Shiny icon bug present in the Version 1.5.0 update for some players. However, there are players who are still experiencing this bug even after updating to 1.5.1. A further fix will be implemented in a future update.

Version 1.5.1 Update and Patch Ntoes

Version 1.5.0 Released

Version 1.5.0 Update
New Features
・ Preparation for the Flower Festival event
・ Addition of Shiny Pokemon profile icons
・ Addition of the new "Campfire" Relaxing Sound

Game Contents
・ Changes to the cooking times on the home screen:
・ Breakfast (before change): 6:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. → (after change) 4:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m.
・ Dinner (before change): 6:00 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. → (after change) 6:00 p.m. to 3:59 a.m.

Balance Adjustments
・ Adjustments to the helping stats of certain helper Pokemon:
・ Carry limit +6
・Ingredient finding ×1.3
・ Carry limit +6
・ Main skill chance ×1.1
・ Ingredient finding ×1.1
・ Carry limit +6
・ Main skill chance ×1.1
・ Ingredient finding ×1.1
・ Main skill chance ×1.15
・ Ingredient finding ×1.1
・ Carry limit +6
・ Main skill chance ×1.15
・ Adjustment to the target of main skill Energizing Cheer S
・ Starting level of newly befriended Pokemon raised from between 1-3

Version 1.5.0 adds the Flower Festival event, Shiny Pokemon icons, changes meal times, and implements several game balance changes to Pokemon Sleep.

This update was made available after the April 18 maintenance

Version 1.5.0 Update and Patch Notes

Flower Festival Bundles Vol. 1

Flower Festival Bundles
Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - Flower Festival BundleFlower Festival Bundle Vol. 1 S Poke Biscuit x5
・ Chikorita Incense x1
250 Diamonds 3
Pokemon Sleep - Flower Festival Bundle MFlower Festival Bundle Vol. 1 M Poke Biscuit x10
Eevee Incense x1
Leaf Stone x1
600 Diamonds 1
Pokemon Sleep - Flower Festival Bundle LFlower Festival Bundle Vol. 1 L Great Biscuit x10
Friend Incense x2
・ Comfey Incense x2
・ Comfey Candy x60
1500 Diamonds 1

Three Flower Festival Bundles will be available at the General Store from April 22, 6:00 AM UTC until April 30, 3:59 AM UTC. Each bundle contains Biscuits and a Pokemon Incense for one of the featured event Pokemon, including the new Pokemon Comfey.

Flower Festival Bundles

Version 1.4.3 Released

Version 1.4.3 Update
・ Bug Fix

A single bug, likely related to the in-game update notices and news, is all that was revealed to have been fixed in Version 1.4.3.

However, downloading this update is necessary before maintenance begins on April 18 in order to prevent issues. Those who don't have automatic updates on must check their phone's app store and download this update manually. Despite being an important update, the app will not prompt you to download it.

Version 1.4.3 Update and Patch Notes

Champion Tournament 2024 Gift (April Fools)

Pokemon Sleep - Champion Tournament 2024 April Fools

A special gift containing Poke Biscuits, Recovery Incense, Energy Pillows, and a Dream Cluster M is currently being distributed in Pokemon Sleep to celebrate the "Champion Tournament 2024" and April Fools' Day. A video of the "tournament" has also been released.

April Fools: Champion Tournament 2024 Commemorative Gift

Version 1.4.2 Released

Version 1.4.2
Bug Fixes:
・ Error 26300 and 26301 during Sleep Point Exchange
・ The Community Research pop-up cannot be scrolled
・ The "SP" display from the Pokémon details screen appears in the incorrect location
・ The number displayed for "Research EXP/Dream Shards/Raikou's Mane" obtained during sleep research may appear in the incorrect location

Version 1.4.2 fixes several bugs that were found during the Raikou Research event, including Errors 026300 and 026301.

Version 1.4.2 Update and Patch Notes

Version 1.4.1 Released

Version 1.4.1
Bug Fixes:
・ Players cannot proceed beyong the "Now Loading..." screen
・ Adjusted the volume balance of the music when starting the game

Version 1.4.1 is an optional update that fixes a few bugs that some players have encountered. It is unclear which bugs excatly have been fixed, but a fix for the loading screen bug was implemented in a small hotfix prior to this update. This update may have also fixed a bug causing the Poke Biscuit icon to block players from moving on during sleep research.

Version 1.4.1 Update and Patch Notes

Raikou Incense Gift + 1.5x Drowsy Power Weekend Event

Expires April 08, 2024

Item Quantity Expiry
Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Incense Raikou Incense x1 April 08, 2024
Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Biscuit Raikou Biscuit x1 April 08, 2024

The Pokémon Sleep team has found an issue when players use Raikou Incense where only the 1-star Sleep Style would appear, regardless of the player's Rank and Drowsy Power.

The issue has been fixed, and a balance update has been applied which makes it easier for all players to encounter Raikou's other Sleep Styles.

As compensation, Pokémon Sleep has given out one Raikou Incense and one Raikou Biscuit to all players on March 28, 2024.

Additionally, a Special Campaign will be held over the weekend where a Drowsy Power bonus of x1.5 will be applied to Sleep Score.

This campaign will begin on Saturday, March 30, 2024, at 4:00 AM and end on Monday, April 1, at 3:59 AM.

Raikou Incense and Biscuit Gift + Weekend 1.5x Drowsy Power Event

How to Fix Error Code 026300 and 026301

Pokemon Sleep - How to Fix Error 026300 and 026301

Two error codes have been popping up for some players trying to exchange Sleep Points at either the Regular Exchange or Premium Exchange.

A visual bug causing the stock amounts for items to display incorrectly is the primary reason players are triggering this error. Stocks have appeared to be replenished during the Raikou Research event for some players, however internally, the numbers are actually the same.

How to Fix Error Code 026300 and 026301

How to Fix Error Code 025200

Pokemon Sleep - How to Fix Error 025200

Many Pokemon Sleep players are encountering Error 025200 when picking up Berries and ingredients from their helper Pokemon. This error is possibly tied to the Raikou Research event, which has started in eastern countries but has yet to make it to the US where most reports of this error come from.

Pokemon Sleep is actively trying to fix this error since it is preventing many people from playing the game during a crucial event period. No user-side fixes appear to work, so an update from the developers is necessary to fix this error.

How to Fix Error Code 025200

Raikou Research Event is Rolling Out

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Research Event

Raikou is being introduced in Pokemon Sleep through the Raikou Research Event currently rolling out globally! This event runs from March 25, 4:00 AM local time to April 8, 3:49 AM local time.

During this event, players will need to collect Raikou Mane and exchange them for items that can aid in catching Raikou such as Raikou Incense and Raikou Biscuits. Using Raikou Incense will allow you to encounter Raikou after your sleep session.

Electric-type helper Pokemon are also stronger during this event, picking up extra ingredients and having a higher trigger rate for their main skills.

Raikou Research Event

Version 1.4.0 Released

Version 1.4.0 Update
・ Preparation for the Raikou Research event
・ Changing the max number of Berries and ingredients that any helper Pokemon can hold at one time to 999
・ Making it impossible to discard Master Biscuits
・ Adjustments to show Pokemon sleep styles in order of rarity on the sleep research results screen after snack time

Version 1.4.0 is a smaller update that adds the Raikou Research event into Pokemon Sleep. It also introduces some quality of life adjustments including preventing the Master Biscuit item from being accidentally discarded in your bag and putting a 999 limit on the maximum number of items a Pokemon can hold (likely for items obtained through skills only).

Version 1.4.0 Update and Patch Notes

World Sleep Day Special Gift

Pokemon Sleep - World Sleep Day Top Banner
To celebrate World Sleep Day, Pokemon Sleep users will be given a special commemoration gift of a Growth Incense, Poke Biscuits, and a Focus Incense.

These items can be claimed from the gift box and are good for getting you and your Pokemon's Levels up to better prepare for the Raikou Research Event.

World Sleep Day Commemoration Gift

Electric Type Week Bundles Vol. 1

Electric Type Week Bundles Vol.1
Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Type Week Bundles Vol.1Electric Type Week Bundle Vol. 1 S Poke Biscuit x5
・ Pichu Incense x1
250 Diamonds 3
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Type Week Bundles Vol.1Electric Type Week Bundle Vol. 1 M Poke Biscuit x10
Eevee Incense x1
Thunder Stone x1
600 Diamonds 1
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Type Week Bundles Vol.1Electric Type Week Bundle Vol. 1 L Great Biscuit x8
Friend Incense x2
・ Dedenne Incense x1
・ Mareep Incense x1
Handy Candy S x10
Dream Cluster S x5
1500 Diamonds 1

A small, medium, and large Electric Type Week bundle will be available at the General Store from March 11, 6:00 AM to March 19. 3:59 AM. These bundles contain Incense for the first stage evolutions of the Electric-type Pokemon featured during the Electric Type Week event as well as Biscuits and other items.

Since this bundle set is labeled as Vol. 1, we can expect more Electric Type Week events in the future and the return of these bundles.

Bundles for Electric Type Week

Version 1.3.0 Released

Version 1.3.0 Update
・ Addition of a new product, Trial Bundle
・ Addition of a subsection on the Stats page (viewable from the Edit Teams screen) to display the effects of helper Pokemon’s sub skills
・ When a player uses a Helper Whistle, the effects will be calculated based on the frequency listed under Helping Stats on the Stats page (viewable from the Edit Teams screen).
・ Addition of a new parameter to search Pokémon by: Sub Skills.
・ Addition of a new Relaxing Sound, “Game Sync.”
・ Changes to the End Sleep Session button so a session stops with a slide rather than a tap
・ Research rank, helper Pokemon max levels, and other limits unlocked:
・ Research rank: 50 → 55
・ Pokemon level: 50 → 55
・ Max levels of main skills Charge Strength S, Charge Strength M, Dream Shard Magnet S: 6 → 7
・ Recipe level: 50 → 55
・ Max expanded capacity of the bag’s items pocket: 600 → 700
・ Details added to explanatory text for certain items, such as the Helper Whistle and the Good Camp Ticket.
・ Other small bug fixes.

Several new features including a new bundle, improvements to how sub skill effects are shown, an improved End Sleep Session slider to prevent accidental taps, and increased bag capacity and max level caps for Pokemon, Research Rank, sub skills, and recipes have been added in Version 1.3.0 of Pokemon Sleep.

Version 1.3.0 Update and Patch Notes

Electric Type Week

Pokemon Sleep - Electric Type Week Event
Event Dates Start Date: March 11, 2024, 4:00 AM
End Date: March 18, 2024, 3:59 AM
Event Bonuses
  • Electric-type Pokemon are more likely to appear
  • Pokemon of various sleep types appear during sleep research
  • Guaranteed hungry Pokemon
  • Mini Candy Boost function
  • Limited-time missions
Event Islands All

Electric Type Week will be held from March 11, 4:00 AM UTC until March 18, 3:59 AM UTC as an opportunity for users to catch and level up Electric-type Pokemon to be used during the Raikou Research Event.

Electric Type Week Event

New Pokemon: Dedenne

Pokemon Sleep - Dedenne Arrives March 11

On March 11 at 3 PM, during Electric Type Week, Dedenne will be added to Pokemon Sleep! It is also one of the featured Pokemon of the Electric Type Week Event.

Dedenne Coming to Pokemon Sleep on March 11!

Pokemon Day 2024 Bundles

Pokemon Day 2024 Bundles
Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Day 2024 BundlePokemon Day 2024 Bundle S Great Biscuit x1
Poke Biscuit x2
Handy Candy S x4
250 Diamonds 3
Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Day 2024 BundlePokemon Day 2024 Bundle M Poke Biscuit x18
Friend Incense x3
Handy Candy S x10
Dream Cluster M x1
1200 Diamonds 1
Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Day 2024 BundlePokemon Day 2024 Bundle L Great Biscuit x18
Main Skill Seed x1
Growth Incense x2
Handy Candy M x2
Handy Candy S x5
Dream Cluster M x1
3000 Diamonds 1

Three Pokemon Day 2024 Bundles will be available at the General Store from February 28 to March 7. Each bundle size contains Biscuits and Handy Candies to help you befriend and level up Pokemon. These items may be best used to get and raise Electric-type Pokemon in time for the Raikou Research Event.

Pokemon Day 2024 Bundles

Pokemon Day Broadcast Commemorative Gift

Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Day Gift

During the Pokemon Presents broadcast for Pokemon Day, a gift was released containing 10 Poke Biscuits and 1000 Diamonds. This gift will automatically be added to your Gift Box as long as you log into Pokemon Sleep before April 30, 7 PM UTC.

Pokemon Day Gift

Valentine's Day Special Gift

Pokemon Sleep - Valentine

A free gift containing 30 Soothing Cacao, 5 Ingredient Ticket S, and 5 Poke Biscuits is being distributed on Valentine's Day, February 14!

These items can be claimed from the gift box and are helpful in making dessert/drink recipes for this week's Valentine's Day 2024 Event.

Valentine's Day Special Gift

Version 1.2.0 Released

Version 1.2.0 Update
New Features and Bug Fixes
・ Preparation for the “Valentine’s Day 2024” event
・ Addition of 2 new Dessert/Drink recipes
・ Addition of a feature that allows researchers to check their recipes at any time from the cooking pot on the home screen
・ Addition of a feature that allows researchers to extend the effect duration of the Good Camp Ticket
・ Addition of a feature that allows researchers to use multiple ingredients by tapping and holding on the ingredient while choosing ingredients for cooking
・ Fixes to other small bugs

Raising carry limits for the following:
・ Kangaskhan: +2
・ Pinsir: +2
・ Ditto: +4
・ Heracross: +3
・ Sableye: +6
・ Absol: +4

Version 1.2.0 adds the Valentine's Day 2024 Event, the two new Valentine's themed Dessert/Drink recipes, and other useful features to the game.

Carry limits for Pokemon without evolutions have also been increased.

Version 1.2.0 Update and Patch Notes

Bundles for Valentine's Day 2024

Valentine's Day 2024 Bundles
Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - ValentineValentine's Day 2024 Bundle S Poke Biscuit x2
Friend Incense x1
Ingredient Ticket S x1
Handy Candy S x3
250 Diamonds 3
Pokemon Sleep - ValentineValentine's Day 2024 Bundle M Poke Biscuit x20
Ingredient Ticket M x3
・ Absol Incense x1
・ Bulbasaur Incense x1
・ Slowpoke Incense x1
1200 Diamonds 1
Pokemon Sleep - ValentineValentine's Day 2024 Bundle L Great Biscuit x20
Ingredient Ticket M x5
・ Chikorita Incense x2
・ Pinsir Incense x2
・ Jigglypuff Incense x2
3000 Diamonds 1

Three bundles are being released alongside the Valentine's Day 2024 event.

These bundles contain Biscuits, Ingredient Tickets, and Pokemon Incense of the featured event Pokemon, and they will be available at the General Store from February 11, 4 AM UTC until February 20, 3:59 AM UTC.

Bundles for Valentine's Day 2024

Valentine's Day 2024 Event

Pokemon Sleep - Valentine

Pokemon Sleep will hold a Valentine's Day Event from February 12 to 18. Two new dessert/drink recipes will be added into the game during this event.

Bulbasaur, Jigglypuff, Slowpoke, Pinsir, Chikorita, and Absol will have increased chances of appearing, and they will also have a higher Shiny appearance rate.

Valentine's Day 2024 Event

Version 1.1.0 Released

Pokemon Sleep - Version 1.1.0 Patch Notes

Version 1.1.0 is the largest update Pokemon Sleep has received so far. It introduces a lot of new features such as your Pokemon gaining Energy while eating with Snorlax, the new Greengrass Corn ingredient and recipes featuring it, the Lapis Lakeside research area, two new Sleep Style Dex goals, and more!

For a full list of patch notes, check out this link:

Version 1.1.0 Update and Patch Notes

Lapis Lakeside Opening Event

Pokemon Sleep - Lapis Lakeside Event Pokemon.png

Those who do not have enough Sleep Styles to unlock the new area Lapis Lakeside can go to Greengrass Isle from January 29 until February 12.

For two weeks, Ralts, Dratini, and Stufful will be available on Greengrass Isle. However, those who have unlocked Lapis Lakeside are encouraged to go to the new island instead, since these Pokemon have a naturally higher encounter rate there.

Special missions rewarding Ralts Incense, Dratini Incense, and Stuful Incense will be available for all Pokemon players regardless of which research area you're in.

Lapis Lakeside Opening Event

New Island: Lapis Lakeside

Pokemon Sleep - Lapis Lakeside

A brand new research area called Lapis Lakeside will be added into Pokemon Sleep on January 24!

Those who have gathered 240 Sleep Styles in their Sleep Style Dex will be able to go to this research area either by using an E-Zzz Travel Ticket or by waiting until the next Monday to move to it.

New Pokemon to be Added

New Pokemon at Lapis Lakeside
Pokemon Sleep - DratiniDratini Pokemon Sleep - DragonairDragonair Pokemon Sleep - DragoniteDragonite
Pokemon Sleep - RaltsRalts Pokemon Sleep - KirliaKirlia Pokemon Sleep - GardevoirGardevoir
Pokemon Sleep - GalladeGallade Pokemon Sleep - StuffulStufful Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear

Alongside the new research area, nine new Pokemon will be added into Pokemon Sleep. The Dratini line, Ralts line, and Stufful and Bewear will all be available at Lapis Lakeside.

Lapis Lakeside: New Island Coming Soon!

Bundles for New Year 2024

New Year 2024 Bundles
Bundle Items Cost Limit
New Year 2024 BundleNew Year 2024 Bundle S Poke Biscuit x10
Growth Incense x7
Handy Candy S x7
1200 Diamonds 1
New Year 2024 BundleNew Year 2024 Bundle M Great Biscuit x18
Poke Biscuit x10
Sub Skill Seed x1
Handy Candy M x3
3000 Diamonds 1
New Year 2024 BundleNew Year 2024 Bundle L Great Biscuit x30
Main Skill Seed x1
Sub Skill Seed x1
Handy Candy L x1
・ Bulbasaur Incense x2
・ Charmander Incense x2
・ Squirtle Incense x2
5000 Diamonds 1

Three bundles are being released alongside the New Year 2024 event, one small (S), one medium (M), and one large (L). These bundles are a bit more expensive compared to other event bundles, but they also contain more valuable items than usual.

Each bundle contains Biscuits and Handy Candies. Take note that there is only one of each bundle at the General Store. Each bundle can only be obtained once per person.

Bundles for New Year 2024

New Year 2024 Event is Now Over!

Pokemon Sleep - New Year 2024

Pokemon Sleep celebrated the new year with a special event from January 1 to January 7, 2024! The EXP gained by Pokemon during sleep sessions was multiplied by 1.5 times during this event. Bonus Sleep Points were also awarded every day, with a total of 2024 Sleep Points given if you track sleep every day during this event.

Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu, Snover, and Abomasnow had increased encounter chances during this event in their respective research areas.

New Year 2024 Event: Featured Pokemon and Bonuses

Holiday Event 2023 is Now Over!

Pokemon Sleep - Christmas Event.png

Pokemon Sleep had a week-long Double Dream Shard event from December 18 to December 24 at the Greengrass Isle research area to celebrate the holiday season. This event introduced Holiday Pikachu, Delibird, Snover, and Abomasnow.

Christmas Event Bonuses

Date Bonus Dream Shard Pokemon Appearing
December 18-23 x2 Dream Shard from Sleep Research A few Pokemon of different Sleep Types
December 24 (Christmas Eve) x2 Dream Shard from Sleep Research Many Pokemon of different Sleep Types

Featured Pokemon

Halloween Event Increased Encounter Rate
Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Holiday)Pikachu (Holiday) Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird Pokemon Sleep - SnoverSnover
Pokemon Sleep - AbomasnowAbomasnow Pokemon Sleep - SphealSpheal Pokemon Sleep - GlaceonGlaceon

Pokemon Sleep Christmas Holiday Event: Bonuses, and Featured Pokemon

Holiday 2023 Bundles

Holiday 2023 Bundles (Dec 17~26)
Bundle Items Cost Limit
Pokemon Sleep - Holiday 2023 Bundle SHoliday 2023 Bundle S Poke Biscuit x3
Luck Incense x1
Handy Candy S x3
250 Diamonds 3
Pokemon Sleep - Holiday 2023 Bundle MHoliday 2023 Bundle M Poke Biscuit x20
Sub Skill Seed x1
Handy Candy S x5
Dream Cluster S x3
1200 Diamonds 1
Pokemon Sleep - Holiday 2023 Bundle LHoliday 2023 Bundle L Great Biscuit x18
Main Skill Seed x1
Handy Candy M x2
Dream Cluster M x2
3000 Diamonds 1

The three Holiday 2023 Bundles were available at the General Store from December 17 to December 26, with each bundle costing 250, 1200, and 3000 Diamonds.

The bundles include a Luck Incense for the Small bundle, and Dream Clusters for the Medium and Large bundles, all of which can be used during the Holiday Event!

Christmas Holiday Bundle 2023

Version 1.0.16 Released

Version 1.0.16 Update
・ Stopping Facebook account linking for new users
・ Fixed a bug where in some cases it would become impossible to proceed after starting sleep research that was reported later
・ Fixed a bug where, in a small number of cases, the "Unknown Error" pop-up would keep appearing during sleep research, making it impossible to proceed
・ Daily gift is added to the shop screen during snack time

Version 1.0.16 was released on December 21, 2023, which suspended account linking to Facebook along with a few bug fixes.

Version 1.0.16 Update and Patch Notes

Version 1.0.15 Released

Version 1.0.15 Update
New Features
・ Preparation for the Holiday Event
・ Daily Gifts added to the General Store
Game Contents
・ Adjustments to make it easier to pick up Berries and ingredients by flicking
・ The friend list in the Research Community has been changed to show friends in order of the most recent to send research reports
・ The max capacity that the bag’s items pocket can be enlarged to has been changed from 500 to 600
・ The max capacity that the bag’s ingredients pocket can be enlarged to has been changed from 500 to 600
・ Play will now be temporarily suspended when the device’s time settings are repeatedly changed
・ On the Map screen, the numbers of Pokémon whose sleep styles haven’t been seen yet will be replaced with “???”
・ A notification has been added to inform users that they don’t have enough storage space if the device has less than 100 MB of storage space left
・ The max number of research reports that can be received through the research community has been changed to 50 per day
・ Adjustments to a case that caused sleep consistency grades to become considerably worse
Balance Adjustments
・ Number of candies received when sending certain Pokemon to the professor increased
・ Effectiveness of main skill Dream Shard Magnet S increased
・ Effectiveness of main skill Extra Helpful S increased
・ Adjustments so that when a Pokemon with a main skill specialty hasn’t had its main skill triggered after a certain number of times, it will become easier for the main skill to be triggered
・ The third “Get Snorlax to a certain rating” mission (the mission that has a reward of Pokémon incense) in the weekly missions was made easier to complete
Bug Fixes
・ Notifications not displaying properly when the server is crowded
・ Pokemon in the Pokemon Box that have Natures that lower their Energy recovery recovering only up to 80 after sleep tracking
・ Bonus Biscuits that were given out automatically during sleep research not being counted towards “Give out X biscuits” missions
・ In certain very rare cases, the app becoming unable to proceed when linking it with an Apple ID
・ (Android only) News text not displaying properly when the text size is affected by Android devices’ font size settings

Version 1.0.15 was released on December 14, 2023, which brought along several balance adjustments, bug fixes, and minor game content changes.

Version 1.0.15 Update and Patch Notes

Special Gift: Future Features and Adjustments Vol. 3

Future Features and Adjustments Volume 3 Gift

A special gift was made available alongside the Future Features and Adjustments Volume 3 announcement. This gift containing 10x Poke Biscuits, 1000 Sleep Points, 2x Dream Cluster M, and 20x Handy Candy S can be found automatically in the Gift Box.

Special Gift: Future Features and Adjustments Volume 3

Future Features and Adjustments Vol. 3

Future Features and Adjustments (1.0.15+)
・ A function to give out rewards such as Poke Biscuits at no cost through a Daily Gift
・ Adjustments to make it easier to pick up Berries and ingredients by flicking
・ A holiday event
・ A function that allows the whole team to eat cooked dishes together (recovering a small bit of Energy)
・ A function that allows you to check cooking recipes at any time
・ Adding new Pokémon and a new area, Lapis Lakeside
・ Adding new ingredients and recipes
・ A function to make Pokemon you’ve befriended feel closer to you (good things happen when more sleeping time is shared)

The first few points have already been implemented in Version 1.0.15. Other features to be added include new cooking mechanics, ingredients, recipes, and the Lapis Lakeside research area.

Future Features and Adjustments Volume 3 (Updates 1.0.15+)

Version 1.0.14 Released (iOS Only)

Version 1.0.10 Update Bug Fix
・The app not progressing beyond the loading stage on the title screen in certain situations

Version 1.0.14 was released on November 30, 2023 for iOS users. This small update fixes only one bug where the title screen would get stuck while loading the game on iOS devices.

Version 1.0.14 Update and Patch Notes (iOS only)

Google Play 2023 Award Commemoration Gift

Pokemon Sleep - Google Play Best of 2023 Award Commemoration Gift

Pokemon Sleep has won three awards (two in Japan, one in the US) in Google Play Best of 2023!

To commemorate this achievement, Pokemon Sleep is distributing a commemorative gift containing a Main Skill Seed, 1000 Sleep Points, and 5 Poke Biscuits. These gifts should automatically be available in your gift box.

Google Play 2023 Award Commemoration Gift

Poke Biscuits Gift Giveaway Now Available!

Gift Item Amount
Pokemon Sleep - Poke Biscuit Poke Biscuit x5

A gift of five Poke Biscuits has been given away on November 24, 2023! This gift should automatically be in your Pokemon Sleep gift box.

Originally supposed to be for the first 10,000 responders to a survey posted on Pokemon Sleep's Japanese X account, this turned into a giveaway for all Pokemon Sleep users because of overwhelming response.

Poke Biscuits Free Gift: Japanese X/Twitter Giveaway!

Eevee Week Event is Now Over! (November 20 ~ 27)

Pokemon Sleep - Eevee Week

The Eevee Week event for 2023 has concluded!

For one week from November 20 until November 27, Eevee and its evolutions had a higher encounter rate, Main Skills had a higher trigger rate, and special missions were made available. Eevee also had boosted Shiny odds!

Eevee Week Event

Version 1.0.13 Released

Version 1.0.13 Update
New Features
・ Changes to allow a player to receive five candies of a randomly selected Pokemon capable of evolving with a Linking Cord when they use a Linking Cord from the bag screen
・ Changes to the research community specs so that when a player receives research data from friends, it will be possible to occasionally receive two candies instead of one
・ Adding new Relaxing Sounds and alarms
・ Adding a notice on the Sleep Research Results screen when the researcher is already at the max research rank (50), explaining that research EXP is converted into Dream Shards
・ Changes to Sleep EXP specs so that, if a helper Pokemon has reached its max level (50), any extra Sleep EXP earned through sleep research will be added to the “Sleep EXP Bonus Gauge”
Game Contents
・ Changes to show a notification mark on the home screen’s shop icon, as well as the shop screen’s General Store icon, whenever new bundles are added to the shop
・ Adjustments to the weekly rollover so that if Snorlax have already requested the same kind of food a certain number of times in a row, they will be less likely to choose the same one again
・ Changes to the Sleep Style Dex so that if a researcher evolves a shiny Pokemon, the evolved Pokemon’s shiny version will count as discovered
Bug Fixes
・ On Android devices, the screen brightness within the app reverting to how it was set before sleep tracking, even if the brightness was adjusted after sleep tracking
・ A closeness increase display of “+1” appearing on the Research Community screen for friends who are already at max closeness
・ Some texts displaying incorrectly, such as Pokemon nicknames and numbers of items held

Version 1.0.13 was made available after the server maintenance on November 15 (November 16 UTC). More opportunities to get Pokemon Candies are introduced in this update.

There are also new additions to the game that benefit Pokemon Sleep players who have reached the maximum research rank or the maximum level for their Pokemon, including the new Sleep EXP Gauge. This gauge gives a Handy Candy S as a reward when filled.

Version 1.0.13 also helps out those trying to complete their list of recipes and allows those who have evolved their Shiny Pokemon to view the evolved form's registered Sleep Styles in its Shiny color.

Version 1.0.13 Update and Patch Notes

Onix and Steelix Coming to Pokemon Sleep!

Pokemon Sleep - Onix and Steelix New Pokemon.png

Onix and Steelix are made their Pokemon Sleep debut on November 14, 2023! These two Slumbering Type Pokemon can only be found at the Taupe Hollow research area once they are introduced in the game.

Onix and Steelix Coming to Pokemon Sleep!

Version 1.0.12 Released

Version 1.0.12 Patch Notes
Fixes the Following Display Errors:
・Pokemon's level display becomes 35
・Snorlax's energy display becomes 1.60
・All Pokemon nicknames become "Pikachu"
・All item names become "Handy Candy"
・Numerical values, such as the number of items you own, are displayed incorrectly with values such as 0 or 999
・Some text is displayed in a foreign language
・The screen freezing during the evolution of a Pokemon

Other Updates:
・Preparations for adding new Pokemon

Version 1.0.12 fixes several text display errors that some users have encountered, including text bugs for Pokemon nicknames, item names, and numerical values. It also sets the groundwork for new Pokemon additions coming in the near future.

Version 1.0.12 Update and Patch Notes

Halloween Event 2023 is Now Over!

Pokemon Sleep - Halloween Event

Pokemon Sleep celebrated a week-long Double Candy Research event from October 30 to November 5 at the Greengrass Isle research area. This event introduced Halloween Hat Pikachu, Shuppet, and Banette.

Halloween Event Bonuses

Date Bonus Candy Pokemon Appearing
October 30 x2 for first sleep session A few Pokemon of different Sleep Types
October 31 (Halloween) x3 for first sleep session Many Pokemon of different Sleep Types
November 1-4 x2 for first sleep session A few Pokemon of different Sleep Types
November 5 x3 for first sleep session Many Pokemon of different Sleep Types

Featured Pokemon

Halloween Event Increased Encounter Rate
Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Halloween)Pikachu (Halloween) Pokemon Sleep - ShuppetShuppet Pokemon Sleep - BanetteBanette
Pokemon Sleep - GastlyGastly Pokemon Sleep - HaunterHaunter Pokemon Sleep - GengarGengar
Pokemon Sleep - MeowthMeowth Pokemon Sleep - CuboneCubone

Pokemon Sleep Halloween Event

Version 1.0.11 Released

Version 1.0.11 Patch Notes
Game Contents
・ Changes to main skill Cooking Power-Up S so that it will not be activated when the pot's capacity has exceeded 200 through main skill boosts
・ Changes to the Your Sleep Session pop-up that appears after sleep tracking, so that it shows how much Energy the Pokémon in your Pokémon Box recovered
・ Changes to Snorlax’s animations so that Snorlax eats Berries faster after the user presses the Sleep button
・ Changes to Snorlax’s animations so that if the user presses the Sleep button while Snorlax is still eating, the animation can be skipped even if it includes Snorlax’s rating going up
・ Changes to the Sleep Consistency screen so that failed sleep tracking (tracking that stopped before the user pressed End Sleep Session) appears translucent
・ Changes to the order of profile icons to Pokédex entry order.
Bug Fixes
・ Fixes to a bug that caused the game to become unable to proceed if, after claiming a gift from the Present Box, a user tapped the Back button on the lower left without pressing OK on the pop-up.
・ Fixes to a bug that, in some cases, prevented Snorlax’s Strength-up animation from displaying when a Charge Strength main skill was triggered on the home screen.
・ Fixes to a bug on the sleep research screen that prevented the correct amount of Dream Shards and research EXP to be displayed at the top of the screen after a user tapped Speed Review (the camera button on the bottom right).
(Android only) Temporary fixes to a bug that, in some cases, prevented the app from linking to Google or Facebook from Android devices even if the user tried to link accounts.
(Android only) Fixes to a bug that caused the app’s background music to stop playing on Android devices if the user moved the app to the background while it was playing Relaxing Sounds from the sleep tracking screen, and then reopened the app to stop sleep tracking.

After the server maintenance on October 24, Version 1.0.11 of Pokemon Sleep was released. This update inctroduces adjustments that help create a smoother gameplay experience and make errors less likely to occur.

This update also fixes an important account linking bug on Android devices. Those who have successfully linked accounts after updating are still able to claim the Account Linking Gift in the Gift Box.

Version 1.0.11 Update and Patch Notes

Missing Premium Pass Rewards for iOS Users

iOS Premium Pass Subscription Issues
・ Premium Pass 3-month subscription bonus rewards are not in the gift box
・ The current Premium Pass subscription period is one month less than the actual duration
・ The date for the next round of bonus items is not updated

A problem occurred at the App Store causing Pokemon Sleep subscriptions for iPhone users to have inaccurate subscription durations and preventing some eligible users from receiving their 3-month subscription gift rewards.

Pokemon Sleep is taking steps to correct this issue. We can expect a solution with the next app update.

Missing Premium Pass Rewards for iOS Users

Version 1.0.10 Released

Version 1.0.10 Update
・Fixes the iOS "Quick Start" issue
・Fixes complications caused by network instability

Version 1.0.10 fixes the Quick Start data transfer issue that caused many iPhone users to lose their Pokemon Sleep data after upgrading to a new iPhone.

This update also fixes issues that arose in Version 1.0.9 of the app for users who had unstable internet connections.

Version 1.0.10 Update and Patch Notes

Version 1.0.9 Released

Version 1.0.9 Patch Notes
Game Contents
・Changes to make Pokémon in the Pokémon Box recover a small amount of Energy from sleep
・Changes to when fonts for other languages will be downloaded: when they become needed for display (this will apply to users who install or reinstall the app in the future)
・Changes to give a gift of diamonds to users who link their accounts or who have already linked accounts
・Changes to allow users to navigate to their bag from the Gift Box screen when the gift cannot be accepted because the bag’s items pocket is full

Bug Fixes
・Fixes to a bug that caused adjustments based on Pokémon Natures not to be reflected when using candies to gain EXP
・Fixes to a bug that caused multiple messages to be unintentionally sent in a single day to the research community (when sleep is tracked twice in one day, the results of only the first sleep research session will be sent to friends)
・Fixes to a bug that caused session photos not to be displayed when the graphic quality was set low
・Fixes to a bug that caused Error 028001 to occur when the Auto Cook button was pressed repeatedly

Version 1.0.9 of Pokemon Sleep was released during the September 26 server maintenance.

This update allows Pokemon in the Box to recover a small amount of Energy during sleep sessions. It also rewards people who have linked accounts to Pokemon Sleep, likely a response to the amount of people who have lost their Pokemon Sleep data after upgrading to a new iPhone using Apple's Quick Start feature.

Unfortunately, there seem to be issues in this version update that surface when internet connection is unstable. Pokemon Sleep has been working on a fix for these issues even before the update dropped, but they may not be addressed until the next update.

Version 1.0.9 Update and Patch Notes

Quick Start Data Transfer Bug for iPhone Users

Pokemon Sleep - Starting on New Device

The Quick Start feature that allows you to transfer data quickly from an old iPhone to a new one does not work properly with Pokemon Sleep.

Users who want to transfer their Pokemon Sleep accounts to a new iPhone should not rely on this feature and should instead use the account linking feature on the Pokemon Sleep app to keep their data secure.

Once you have your Apple ID or social media accounts linked to Pokemon Sleep, you can delete the app on your new iPhone and reinstall it in order to properly start the transfer process.

Minors and those without outside accounts to link can instead get a transfer code and Support ID from their old phone. Take note of these codes and enter them onto the app on your new phone.

Quick Start Data Transfer Bug for iPhone Users

Special Gift for Future Features and Adjustments: Volume 2

Pokemon Sleep - Future Features and Adjustments Vol 2

A special gift containing 10x Poke Biscuits, 1000 Sleep Points, 20x Handy Candy S, and a Growth Incense is now available for players who started using Pokemon Sleep before October 28.

Special Gift: Future Features and Adjustments Volume 2

Planned Future Features and Adjustments: Volume 2

Future Features and Adjustments: Volume 2
Future Update Fixes
・Pokemon recovering a small amount of Energy from sleep while inside the Pokemon Box
・Fixes to an issue that caused the effects of Pokemon Natures not to be reflected when candies were used to give EXP

Future Development Plans
・Implementing seasonal events
・Adding new Pokemon in September and October
・Adding new Relaxing Sounds and alarm sounds

A lot more features including events such as Pokeween and new Pokemon will be added in future updates of Pokemon Sleep! Fixes for known issues will also be implemented.

Planned Future Features and Adjustments Volume 2 (Updates 1.0.9+)

Heal All Boxed Pokemon on Sundays Glitch

Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Box Sorted by Energy.png

A glitch has been disovered that allows you to heal your Pokemon and have them regain energy without having to go to sleep or use an item. However, this glitch only works on Sundays.

This glitch can be executed by going to your current Helper Team, swapping each of the Pokemon one-by-one, returning to the main screen with Snorlax, and repeating this process for all of your tired Pokemon.

Heal All Boxed Pokemon on Sundays Glitch

Future Features and Adjustments Special Gift

Pokemon Sleep - Gift Box.PNG

A special gift has been released for Pokemon Sleep players who started playing before September 2, 2023.

This gift includes 10x Poke Biscuits, 30x Handy Candy S, a Growth Incense, and a Focus Incense.

You can claim this gift through the gift box on the upper right corner of the main menu.

Special Gift (August 14, 2023): Future Features and Adjustments Gift

Autumn Treats Free Bundles Everyday (Now Over)

Pokemon Sleep - Autumn Treats Bundle

Autumn Treats Bundles
Bundle Items Cost
Autumn Treats Bundle Vol. 1 S Ingredient Ticket S x2
Poke Biscuit x2
Autumn Treats Bundle Vol. 1 M Ingredient Ticket M x1
Great Biscuit x1
100 Diamonds

From October 9, 4 AM UTC until October 16, 3:59 AM UTC, two limited-time bundles were available daily at the General Store. These generous bundles are made available to celebrate the bountiful autumn harvests.

We can expect Volume 2 of this bundle set to appear again the following year.

Autumn Treats Free Bundles

100 M Pokemon Befriended Bundles

Pokemon Sleep - 100 M Pokemon Befriended Bundles

Limited Time Bundles
Bundle Items Cost
Pokemon Sleep - 100M Befriended Bundle S100 Mil. Pokemon Befriended Bundle S Poke Biscuit x10
Friend Incense x2
Handy Candy S x5
600 Diamonds
Pokemon Sleep - 100M Befriended Bundle M100 Mil. Pokemon Befriended Bundle M Great Biscuit x20
Friend Incense x6
Handy Candy S x10
Handy Candy M x3
3,000 Diamonds

To commemorate 100 million Pokemon being befriended in Pokemon Sleep worldwide, two special bundles will be available at the General Store from September 17, 2023 until September 22, 2023, 5 AM UTC.

These two 100 Mil. Pokemon Befriended Bundles both provide a lot of value and allow you to befriend even more Pokemon. The medium bundle in particular is an excellent deal because of the abundance of Great Biscuits and the Premium Exchange-exclusive Handy Candy M.

Special Limited Time Bundle: 100 M Pokemon Befriended Bundles

10 Million Downloads Commemorative Gift

Pokemon Sleep - 10 Million Downloads Gift Rewards

Pokemon Sleep is celebrating 10 million downloads of the app worldwide by giving all players a special gift! This gift contains 1000 sleep points, a Good Camp Ticket, 3 Ingredient Tickets, and 5 Poke Biscuits.

The distribution period for this gift is from August 25 to September 22, 5 AM UTC.

10 Million Downloads Gift

Version 1.0.8 Released

Version 1.0.8 Update
・Fixed Error -000001 which caused some players to be unable to log in

There appears to be only one fix introduced in Version 1.0.8. However, this one bug prevented many people from logging into Pokemon Sleep after finishing their sleep session.

Error -000001 is believed to be connected to the introduction of Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime as this error first started popping up the day they were added into the game.

Version 1.0.8 Update and Patch Notes

Version 1.0.7 Released

Version 1.0.7 Patch Notes
Game Contents
・Adjustments to make it possible to use more than one Dream Cluster at once from the bag's items pocket
・Adjustment to display the pop-up that says "Synchronize with your Pokemon GO Plus+ to receive sleep data?" while transitioning from the title screen to the home screen even when a new week begins
・Difficulty giving biscuits to a Pokemon when its friendship point gauge overlapped with another Pokemon during snack time
・Adjustments to make it possible to open the bag from the "Bag Capacity Reached" pop-up when a player with a full item pocket tries to claim mission rewards

Bug Fixes
・Helper Pokemon's Energy returning to 100 if the app was restarted when they had over 100 Energy
・Players being unable to edit their teams on some devices
・The app becoming unable to proceed if the player exchanged sleep points for items when their bag's items pocket was full
・Help contents from the special Pikachu that appears when players pair a Pokemon GO Plus+ sometimes not changing even when its friendship increased
・Energy gained from cooking not being reflected in sleep reports if a player cooked immediately after moving sites when a new week began, closed the app, and tracked their sleep with their Pokemon GO Plus+

Version 1.0.7 of Pokemon Sleep has been released! This update improves how items are handled and fixes some of the problems regarding the Pokemon GO Plus+ device.

Version 1.0.7 Update and Patch Notes

Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime Coming to Pokemon Sleep!

Pokemon Sleep - Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime

Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime are the first Pokemon to be added after the release of the game.

They will start to appear in the Cyan Beach research area on September 12, 2023, 6 AM UTC.

Some users had September 15 listed as the date when the in-game news announcement first arrived, but this has been corrected to September 12.

Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime Coming to Pokemon Sleep!

Planned Future Updates (Version 1.0.7+)

Next Update Fixes
・Pokemon recovering Energy while inside the Pokemon Box
・An issue that causes the app to run slowly or freeze on some devices
・Further optimization of battery usage during sleep tracking
Future Development Plans
・Adding new Pokemon
・Adding more alarm sounds and Relaxing Sounds
・Implementing night mode for the loading screen
・Responding to an issue that makes it difficult to meet one's bedtime
・Responding to an issue that makes it difficult to collect Berries among other things located near the edge of the screen
・Putting on the Good Sleep Day event starting Wednesday, August 30

Pokemon Sleep is working on future updates to fix bugs and to improve the overall quality of the game.

Planned Future Updates (Patches 1.0.7+)

Version 1.0.6 Released

Version 1.0.6 Patch Notes
Game Contents
・Implementing the Good Sleep Day event, starting Wednesday, August 30
・Broadening the conditions required to meet one's bedtime so that players can meet their bedtimes by starting sleep tracking up to 90 minutes before or 30 minutes after their set bedtime
・Implementing night mode for the loading screen
・Adjustments to graphic quality settings to include four levels (settings will be divided more finely than before, to help with performance and power usage)
・Adjustments to the Research Community so that the player is returned to the same scroll location when they look at a friend's research and then return to the Research Community screen
・Decreasing the amount of data for new users to download when they register
・Adding a function that notifies the player on the home screen when a Good Camp Ticket's effects have ended

Sleep Tracking
・Adjustments to make it possible to conduct sleep research even when damage to sleep data causes sleep tracking to fail
・Addressing an issue that caused sleep duration measurements to be significantly shorter when the Slumbering stage was not detected during sleep tracking
・Further optimization of power use during sleep tracking

This update was released during the August 25 server maintenance.

Version 1.0.6 introduces the Full Moon Good Sleep Day Event and has several improvements to both active gameplay and sleep tracking that makes the app more reliable.

A plethora of bugs were also fixed in this update. Please check the link below for a full list of patch notes:

Version 1.0.6 Update and Patch Notes

Balance Patch Released (August 9, 2023)

August 9 Balance Patch Notes
Missions have been adjusted as follows:
・ Candy requirements have been lowered by about 20%.
・ The number of Pokemon you must befriend to earn a reward has been reduced by about 15%.
・ The number of Dream Shards, Handy Candy S, and diamonds given as rewards have been increased.

Pokemon Sleep has stealthily implemented a balance patch and has listed these adjustments to the game's balance.

It seems that completing weekly missions is now easier with this patch, and the rewards for doing so have been increased!

Balance Patch (August 9, 2023)

Version 1.0.5 Released

Version 1.0.5 Update
Device Fixes
All ・Changed how sleep sessions that are not registered because of invalid sleep data are being handled.
・Slumbering sleep that lasts for 4 hours or more will no longer be counted as untracked time.
・Fixed the issue that causes the game to freeze when Snorlax eats up the remaining Berries in its box after cooking a dish.
・Fixed a bug that causes Error 025900.
・Fixed a bug that causes Error 001001 when receiving the Pokemon GO bonus.
・Fixed a bug that causes Error 028001 when repeatedly pressing the Start Cooking button.
・Fixed an issue where the profile icon of a Pokemon is still unavailable after evolving into that Pokemon.
・Fixed an issue where the nickname of the leader Pokemon was not displayed in push notifications.
iOS ・A fix for a bug that prevents relaxing sounds from playing from headphones.
Android ・A fix for a bug that causes relaxing sounds to play both on speakers and headphones.

The Japanese Pokemon Sleep Twitter account has listed several fixes they've implemented in this update.

They also announced that the Pokemon Sleep app will force this update by August 9, 2023 if the app has not been updated by then. Any ongoing sleep sessions during this time will not be interrupted, and you will be able to view your sleep report after the app has been updated.

Version 1.0.5 Update and Patch Notes

Version 1.0.4 Released

Version 1.0.4 Update
This update includes the following improvements
・Speed of animation related to sleep research
・An issue with the date of birth selection screen, where unintended dates were registered if the OK button was pushed while the date spinner was still moving
The following issues have been resolved
・A bug that caused the 'Unreviewed Sleep Reports' button to not respond on the home screen when a new week begins
・An input error occurring when selecting the date and time for manual sleep data entry

Official patch notes for the Version 1.0.4 patch of Pokemon Sleep has been released, which include fixes regarding sleep research and recording sleep data.

Version 1.0.4 Update and Patch Notes

Version 1.0.3 Released

Version 1.0.3 Update
・Fixed a bug that prevented users from proceeding past the title screen when sleep tracking ends during maintenance.
・Reduced power consumption for smart phones tracking sleep with the screen facing up.
・Fixed a bug that caused the Energy tutorial to become unplayable.
・Fixed a bug that prevents accepting a friend request from a user that already has 50 friends.
・Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze after finishing weekly research and moving to a new site.
・Fixed the bug that caused the game clock to be off by an hour in regions recognizing Daylight Savings Time.

Pokemon Sleep's official Twitter account released a list of bug fixes for Version 1.0.3 following the release of the patch.

Future Bug Fixes

Future Bug Fixes
・Fixing issues that cause sleep sessions to be tracked inaccurately or not tracked at all.
・Making the game run faster.
・Fixing a bug that causes the "Report Later” button on the weekly home screen to be unresponsive.
・Fixing input errors that occur when choosing a date/time when adding sleep data manually.
・Fixing issues with alarms on iOS devices sounding too quietly or not at all.
・Fixing a bug that causes the relaxing sounds on Android devices to play both through speakers and headphones.

Pokemon Sleep has also shared a list of issues that they are aiming to fix in future updates.

Version 1.0.3 Update and Patch Notes

How to Fix Error Code 009901

Pokemon Sleep - How to Fix Error Code 009901 - Error Code 009901

Several players have encountered Error Code 009901 recently in Pokemon Sleep. Because it functions as a prompt to have players update their app, this is likely an update error code.

Players are advised to immediately update Pokemon Sleep once they see this error. For more details on how to fix this should it reoccur, check out our full guide!

How to Fix Error Code 009901

Version 1.0.2 Released

Version 1.0.2 Update
・Fixed issues regarding volume adjustments for Relaxing Sounds
・Fixed errors in the loop timing for Relaxing Sounds
・Fixed issues regarding Cooking functions not working, even though it's cooking time (in countries with Daylight Saving Time)

Version 1.0.2 of Pokemon Sleep has been released, along with fixes for some issues in the game!

Version 1.0.2 Update and Patch Notes

How to Fix Error Code 010100

Pokemon Sleep - Error Code 010100

Some players have been receiving this error message when using Pokemon Sleep, which prevents them from accessing anything beyond the title screen.

Pokemon Sleep advises those who receive this message to delete their Pokemon Sleep app, and then reinstall it afterwards.

How to Fix Error Code 010100

Professor Neroli Name and Profile: Is Neroli a Tree?

Pokemon Sleep - Professor Neroli Profile.png

Who is Professor Neroli? Is Neroli a tree, just like the names of many other Pokemon Professors that came before him? What's his story and what is his research all about?

Get to know the resident Professor of Pokemon Sleep and get the answers all these questions by checking out his page!

Professor Neroli Name and Profile

Catching Some Z's Sleep Event for Pokemon GO

Pokemon Sleep - Catching Some Z

Catching Some Z's, the crossover event for Pokemon GO to celebrate Pokemon Sleep and the release of the new accessory, Pokemon Go Plus+, is now over.

Take a look at all the event's details, acquirable Pokemon and rewards below!

Catching Some Z's Event Guide

Snoozing Snorlax ASMR Livestream

Starting on July 14, 2023, Pokemon hosting a week-long livestream featuring a sleeping Snorlax. This livestream is to celebrate the release of Pokemon Sleep.

The livestream ran from July 14 at 8:00am (UTC) until July 20 at 7:59am (UTC).

Snoozing Snorlax ASMR Livestream Details

Pokemon Sleep Released July 20, 2023

Available Now Globally including U.S and Japan

Pokemon Sleep Full Release Date

Pokemon Sleep is now live in almost every country including the U.S, Japan, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, South America and Africa.

Available in Select Countries in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East

Pokemon Sleep has also been launched in select countries in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East on July 18, 2023. Check your phone's Google Play store or App Store to see if the game is out now in your country.
Full Release Date

Open Beta Test has Now Ended

Pokemon Sleep - Open Beta Test

The Open Beta Test for Pokemon Sleep has now ended.

Those who participated are now recommended to uninstall the beta version of the app from their phone in order to facilitate a smooth and speedy transition to the full version upon its release later this month.

The beta version was available from July 10, 2023 up to July 13, 2023 at 12:00 AM UTC for Android devices in the following countries:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Venezuela
  • Panama
  • Peru

Beta Release

How to Play Pokemon Sleep Video

A new video about Pokemon Sleep has been released on July 6, 2023. This video gives players a preview on how to play Pokemon Sleep, its mechanics, and the variety of Pokemon that can be encountered while using the app.

Pokemon Sleep Introduction Video

An introduction video about Pokemon Sleep was shown during the Pokemon Presents livestream last February 27, 2023. The video features the first look at the app itself, ever since it was announced back in 2019.

A release date of Summer 2023 has also been announced alongside the video.

Pokemon GO Plus+ Available Now

Along with the app comes its ingenious new accessory, Pokemon GO Plus+! This gadget will make tracking your sleeping patterns easier, as well as aid you in your adventures in Pokemon GO!

Check out how to get your own Pokemon GO Plus Plus (+) and more details about it by visiting its page below!

Pokemon GO Plus Plus (+) Overview

What is Pokemon Sleep?

What is Pokemon Sleep Banner.png

Pokemon Sleep is a game and sleep tracking app that tracks how much sleep you've gotten, if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night, and other information regarding your sleep quality. You can then collect Pokemon Sleep Styles when you wake up.

What is Pokemon Sleep?

List of Trailers

How to Play Pokemon Sleep

This Pokemon Sleep video provides information on how to set up your phone, how the sleep tracking works, and more gameplay information.

Pokemon Sleep Introduction Video

This trailer shows us a few of the Sleep Styles that are obtainable in the game. It also introduces us to the Pokemon Sleep Professor, Professor Neroli.

Teaser Trailer: Rest Your Very Best!

This is the first trailer to show off the Pokemon Go Plus Plus (+) device. This trailer does not show any actual gameplay.

(Japanese Only) Pokemon Sleep Trailer

This calming trailer features Snorlax, the central Pokemon on your Pokemon Sleep island, as he eats berries and lazes about.

Pokemon GO Plus Plus (+) Video

This video shows more information about the Pokemon Go Plus Plus (+) device and how it works with Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon GO.

List of Trailers

All News and Events

Latest News

Pokemon Sleep Events

Current and Upcoming Events
Cresselia vs. DarkraiCresselia vs. Darkrai Start Date: Mar. 31, 4:00 AM
End Date: Apr. 14, 3:59 AM
Good Sleep Day EventApril Good Sleep Day Start Date: Apr. 12, 4:00 AM
End Date: Apr. 15, 3:59 AM
Past Events
New Year 2025New Year 2025 Event Super Skill WeekSuper Skill Week
Old Gold Power Plant EventOld Gold Power Plant Opening Event Halloween EventHalloween Event 2024
Eevee WeekEevee Week 2024 Holiday EventHoliday Event 2024
Lapis Lakeside Opening EventLapis Lakeside Opening Event Electric Type Week EventElectric Type Week
Raikou Research EventRaikou Research Event Flower Festival EventFlower Festival
Fire Type WeekFire Type Week Entei Research EventEntei Research Event
Summer Festival EventSummer Festival 1st Anniversary Lead-Up Gift Week1st Anniversary Lead-Up Gift Week
First Anniversary FestFirst Anniversary Fest Water Type WeekWater Type Week
Suicune ResearchSuicune Research Event Sleep Style Discovery WeekSleep Style Discovery Week
ValentineValentine's Day 2025 Event Pokemon Growth WeekPokemon Growth Week Vol. 4

List of All Events

Server Maintenance Status

Server Maintenance Status (January 16)
Maintenance is underway!

Updates and Patch Notes

All Updates and Patch Notes
Version 2.4.0 January 16, 2025
Version 2.3.0 December 17, 2024
Version 2.2.2 December 2, 2024
Future Features (Vol. 5) November 29, 2024
Version 2.2.1 November 28, 2024
Version 2.2.0 November 26, 2024
Version 2.1.0 October 24, 2024
Version 2.0.1 October 7, 2024
Version 2.0.0 October 1, 2024
Version 1.11.1 September 6, 2024
Version 1.11.0
(Unity Update)
August 27, 2024
Version 1.10.1 August 2, 2024
Version 1.10.0 August 1, 2024
Version 1.9.0 July 9, 2024
Version 1.8.1 July 3, 2024
Version 1.8.0 June 11, 2024
Version 1.7.3 May 22, 2024
Version 1.7.2 May 14, 2024
Version 1.7.1 May 8, 2024 (Android)
Version 1.7.0 May 8, 2024 (Android)
Version 1.6.0 April 30, 2024
Future Updates (Vol. 4) April 26, 2024
Version 1.5.1 April 19, 2024
Version 1.5.0 April 18, 2024
Version 1.4.3 April 10, 2024
Version 1.4.2 March 29, 2024
Version 1.4.1 March 24, 2024
Version 1.4.0 March 21, 2024
Version 1.3.0 February 29, 2024
Version 1.2.0 February 8, 2024
Version 1.1.0 January 23, 2024
Version 1.0.16 December 21, 2023
Version 1.0.15 December 14, 2023
Future Updates (1.0.15+) December 14, 2023 - TBD
Version 1.0.14 November 30, 2023 (iOS)
Version 1.0.13 November 16, 2023
Version 1.0.12 November 7, 2023
Version 1.0.11 October 24, 2023
Version 1.0.10 September 28, 2023
Version 1.0.9 September 26, 2023
Future Updates (1.0.9+) September 26, 2023 - TBD
Version 1.0.8 Update and Patch Notes September 13, 2023
Version 1.0.7 September 7, 2023
Version 1.0.6 August 25, 2023
Future Updates (1.0.6+) August 25, 2023 - TBD
Balance Patch August 9, 2023
Version 1.0.5 August 7, 2023
Version 1.0.4 July 27, 2023
Version 1.0.3 July 26, 2023
Version 1.0.2 July 25, 2023
Version 1.0.1 July 18, 2023

All Updates and Patch Notes

Previous News

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Walkthrough Top Page

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Pokemon Sleep - Dishes and Recipes Partial BannerngDishes and Recipes Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Mechanics Partial BannerSleep Mechanics
Pokemon Sleep - Specialties Partial BannerSpecialties Pokemon Sleep - Natures Partial BannerNatures
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