Pokemon Sleep

Morning Guide and Tips (Befriending and Breakfast)

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips

Mornings in Pokemon Sleep are filled with tasks, missions, and to-do's. Learn useful tips and tricks on how to start your mornings, prepare for the day ahead, recruit new Pokemon, and keep them happy and healthy in this guide!

Morning Preparation Phase

Pokemon Sleep Morning Guide
Pokemon Sleep - SnorlaxPreparation Pokemon Sleep - Feeding Pokemon BiscuitsBefriending Pokemon Sleep - Obtaining BerriesTeam Selection
Morning Preparation Phase
1. Make Sure that Snorlax Has As Much Strength As Possible
2. Check the Missions Board, Sleep Pass, and Collect Rewards

Preparing for the morning ahead always starts with the night before. Make the necessary preparations to maximize your chances of getting new and rare Pokemon!

Increase Snorlax' Strength with Meals and Berries

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips - Meals

Ensuring that Snorlax has as much Strength possible will increase your chances of getting new and rare Pokemon. You can increase their Strength by feeding Meals.

Cooking the same Meal multiple times will increase its level, which in turn will give Snorlax more Strength!

Cooking Guide: Tips for Increasing Dish Strength and Best Dishes

Check the Missions Board, Sleep Pass, and Collect Rewards

Make sure to check both the Missions Board and your Sleep Pass and collect your rewards should you complete any achievements.

The Missions Board can grant you various rewards such as Candies and Consumables. The Sleep Pass grants you Sleep Points, which you can then exchange for items such as Biscuits, Stones, and even Incense!

All Weekly Missions and Rewards

Befriending and Sleep Data Review Phase

Pokemon Sleep Morning Guide
Pokemon Sleep - SnorlaxPreparation Pokemon Sleep - Feeding Pokemon BiscuitsBefriending Pokemon Sleep - Obtaining BerriesTeam Selection
Befriending and Sleep Data Review Phase
1. Ending Your Sleep Session
2. Review Your Sleep Data
3. Check for New Pokemon
4. Snack Time with New Pokemon

Ending Your Sleep Session

As soon as you wake up, you should end your Sleep Session and submit your Sleep Data to Professor Neroli. From here, you can choose to view your Sleeping Data or go see your new Pokemon directly.

End Sleep Session Routine for Pokemon GO Plus+

If you are tracking your sleep using Pokemon GO Plus+, then you have the option to feed Snorlax and collect Berries before you end your Sleep Session.

Do so, and once you're done, simply hold down the middle button until your Pokemon GO Plus+ vibrates to end your Sleep Session and submit your Sleep Data.

Pokemon GO Plus+ Guide

Review Your Sleep Data

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips - Review Your Sleep Data

Reviewing your sleep data can actually be quite insightful, as it can give you a general idea of the Pokemon you're about to get. That way, you can watch out for potential rare and Shiny Pokemon!

Sleep Session Mechanics

Check for New Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips - New Pokemon

Pokemon are bound to show up after every Sleep Session, may they be new ones or ones you've already encountered. Make sure to check each and every one to put their Sleep Styles in the Dex!

If you encounter new ones, their Friendship meters will be empty, while encountering ones you have previously come across will retain their Friendship meters if you've fed them before.

Check Pokemon with the Same Species as Your Target Pokemon

If you have a specific helper Pokemon in mind that you'd want to level up, one thing to note is that they will level up faster if they have another helper of the same species in their team.

Keep an eye out for these Pokemon and add them to your team to level up faster!

Number of Pokemon is Based on Drowsy Power

The higher your Drowsy Power, the more Pokemon you can encounter. The amount of Pokemon you can encounter at certain thresholds differ for each research area.

For Greengrass Isle, if you have less than 1 million Drowsy Power, you will only find the minimum 3 Pokemon after your sleep session.

Drowsy Power Explained

Snack Time with New Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips - Biscuits

Now that all the new Pokemon have been accounted for, it's time to give them some grub! Based on what Biscuits you give them, their Friendship meter will progress!

Ordinary Poke Biscuits will progress a Pokemon's Friendship meter by 1, while Bonus Biscuits and Great Biscuits will progress their Friendship meters by 3. Master Biscuits will max out a Pokemon's Friendship Meter completely!

Max Out a Pokemon's Friendship to Gain Them as a Helper

Progressing a Pokemon's Friendship meter to maximum will acquire them as a helper! You can view their Stats, Skills, Specialties, Nature, and more by checking their details in your Pokemon Box!

Give Poke Biscuits and Bonus Biscuits to Pokemon Close to Max Friendship

If you encounter a Pokemon that you've already fed before, give them your Poke Biscuits and Bonus Biscuits to max out their Friendship meters and secure them as helpers!

Watch Out for Rare, Shiny, and Hungry Pokemon

On rare occassions, you may encounter Pokemon who are extra hungry after every sleep session. Feeding these Pokemon will result in their Friendship meter progressing more than usual!

Should you be so lucky, you may even encounter rare and Shiny Pokemon! Shiny Pokemon will always be hungry, so don't use any of your valuable Biscuits on them.

Use any Great and Master Biscuits you have on rare Pokemon instead, such as Kangaskhan, Ditto, Heracross, or Sableye.

Biscuit Guide: Befriending Pokemon and Friendship Level Rewards

Breakfast and Helper Team Selection Phase

Pokemon Sleep Morning Guide
Pokemon Sleep - SnorlaxPreparation Pokemon Sleep - Feeding Pokemon BiscuitsBefriending Pokemon Sleep - Obtaining BerriesTeam Selection
Breakfast and Helper Selection Phase
1. Breakfast Time with Snorlax
2. Berry and Ingredient Collection
3. Select and Compose Your Team
4. First Sleep Session Preparation and Start

Breakfast Time with Snorlax

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips - Snorlax Breakfast Time

Snorlax's Breakfast TIme starts from 4AM and ends at 12PM noon. Make sure not to miss out on feeding them! Tap on your Snorlax or the Pot by your tent to start cooking!

Pay attention to your Snorlax's favorite foods! They will result in more Strength for them. The more you cook that said food, the higher its level gets, resulting in even more Strength for Snorlax!

Recipes Unlock at Level 10

Once Snorlax's Strength reaches Level 10, you will unlock the ability to use recipes. This will save you the trouble of throwing in random ingredients and getting a dish that isn't your Snorlax's favorite.

Other than that, you can cook meals manually by throwing Ingredients of your choice into the Pot and seeing what you get! Make sure to experiment with different Ingredients to get more recipes!

Complete List of Recipes

Berry and Ingredient Collection

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips - Berry Collection

Now it's time to start checking on your helpers and see what they've found for you. Make sure to collect all of the Berries and Ingredients that they've found to help raise Snorlax better! Remember to do this several times throughout the day

Make sure to check on their Energy Levels, too! That way, you can plan your next Sleep Session better. Some may even find their respective Candies. You can use these to level that helper up, and even have them evolve!

Best Morning Helper Team: Berry Finding Team

Select and Compose Your Team

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Guide and Tips - Party Composition

Team Composition is vital when it comes to levelling your helpers up quicker. The more you have of the same species in the same team, it will be more likely that they find Candies to use in leveling them up!

If you can't build a full team witht he same species, simply choose Pokemon with the optimal skills that suit your needs.

How to Build the Best Helper Team

First Sleep Session Preparation and Start

Each day, Pokemon Sleep can track 2 Sleep Sessions for a minimum of 90 minutes. This will be your first one.

If you're using your Pokemon GO Plus+ to track your sleep, make sure it's connected to the app, then hold down the middle button until it vibrates to start your Sleep Session. However, do take note that you don't necessarily have to sleep in order to play the game.

How To Play Pokemon Sleep Without Sleeping

Determine What Sleep Type You're Going For

Since there will be two Sleep Sessions to go for each day, it's recommended that players try and get different Sleep Types to maximize their chances of getting as much Pokemon as possible within a single day!

Recommended Sleep Type to Go For

The Dozing Sleep Type is what we recommend trying to acquire during this first Sleep Session, since it requires the players to be more active than usual when sleeping.

More movement and noise are needed for this Sleep Type, so it will be perfect to try and get while you're awake.

How To Do the Dozing Sleep Type Pattern

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Tips and Tricks Partial Banner

List of All Tips and Tricks

General Pokemon Sleep Tips

General Pokemon Sleep Tips
How to Get a Green Snorlax Best Pokemon Tier List
Daily Routine Guide and Tips How to Add Friends and Benefits
Is Premium Pass Worth It? Is Pokemon Sleep Pay to Win?
Good Camping Set Benefits How to Get a High Team RP
How to Level Up Pokemon Fast How to Build the Best Helper Team
How to Evolve Pokemon Best Time to Feed Snorlax
What Happens After Skipped Sleep Sessions How to Link and Back Up Accounts
All Snorlax Colors How to Use the Candy Boost Function
Best Team for Desserts and Drinks All Max Level Caps and Upgrade Limits
Best Eeveelutions Best Raikou Event Team
Best Salad Team How to Use the Candy Cram-o-matic

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Tips and Tricks
Biscuit Guide Best Morning Helper Team
Best Time to Wake Up -

Pokemon Sleep - Daytime Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Afternoon Tips and Tricks
Helper Pokemon Tips Best Daytime Helper Team
When to Check Your Helper Pokemon How to Keep Helper Pokemon Energized
How to Get More Ingredients How to Get More Berries
Best Time for Second Sleep Session -

Pokemon Sleep - Night (Sleeping) Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Night (Sleeping) Tips and Tricks
Best Bed Times All Sleep Types and How to Get Each One
How to Do the Balanced Sleep Type Pattern How to Do the Slumbering Sleep Type Pattern
How to Do the Snoozing Sleep Type Pattern How to Do the Dozing Sleep Type Pattern
How to Play Pokemon Sleep Without Sleeping Best Night Helper Team

Pokemon GO and Plus+ Tips

Pokemon GO and Plus+ Tips
How to Connect to Pokemon GO Plus+ How to Get Berries From Pokemon GO
How to Get Night Cap Snorlax How to Get Night Cap Pikachu
Pokemon GO Plus+ Date Skip for Night Cap Snorlax How Pokemon GO Plus+ Sleep Tracking Works
How to Turn On Silent Mode for Pokemon GO Plus+ -

Shiny Pokemon Guides

Shiny Hunting Guides
Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Snorlax from Doggo_onlineShiny Snorlax Guide Shiny BulbasaurShiny Bulbasaur Guide Shiny RattataShiny Rattata Guide
Shiny BellsproutShiny Bellsprout Guide Shiny PichuShiny Pichu Guide Shiny IgglybuffShiny Igglybuff Guide
Shiny TogepiShiny Togepi Guide Shiny MareepShiny Mareep Guide Shiny LarvitarShiny Larvitar Guide
Shiny EeveeShiny Eevee Guide


2 Anonymousover 1 year

It doesn't necessarily mean It's better to go to a different island, there are just different pokemon's there

1 Anonymousover 1 year

I wanted to ask a question, now that the first week is over, is it better to stay in the same island, or to move on to the next one?


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