Pokemon Sleep

Shiny Hunting Guide: How to Get Shiny Pokemon

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Are Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep
You may be wondering, “Are there Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep?” Yes, there are Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep with great Shiny odds! Check out these Shiny hunting tips to increase your chances of finding a Shiny Pokemon for each Sleep Type!

Pokemon Sleep Events with Increased Shiny Odds

Good Sleep Day (September 2024)

Good Sleep Day - Clefairy and Shiny Clefairy around the Harvest Moon.png

For the September Good Sleep Day event, Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable will all have increased chances of being Shiny. This is to celebrate this month's harvest moon, which also happens to be a supermoon.

The Good Sleep Day event for this month will be held on September 17, 4:00 AM local time until September 20, 3:59 AM local time.

Good Sleep Day Event

All Events with Increased Shiny Rates

Events with Higher Shiny Odds
Pokemon Sleep - Eevee WeekEevee Week 2023 Pokemon Sleep - Christmas EventHoliday Event 2023 Pokemon Sleep - ValentineValentine's Day 2024
Pokemon Sleep - Flower Festival EventFlower Festival 2024 Pokemon Sleep - Summer Festival EventSummer Festival 2024 Good Sleep Day - Clefairy and Shiny Clefairy around the Harvest Moon.pngGood Sleep Day Sept 2024

The Eevee Week, Holiday, Valentine's Day, Flower Festival, and Summer Festival events all have increased Shiny odds. Eevee Week only increased Eevee's Shiny odds, the Holiday event increased the Shiny odds for all Pokemon, and all the other events only increased the Shiny odds of their featured Pokemon.

The Holiday event gave the best odds of finding a Shiny Pokemon because the Shiny rate was boosted for all Pokemon you encounter instead of a select few.

List of All Events

Shiny Odds in Pokemon Sleep

Likely Similar to or Better Than Pokemon GO's Approximate 1 in 450 Shiny Odds!

Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Rattata

Shiny Hunters rejoice! Shiny Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Sleep. While the Shiny odds for Pokemon Sleep have not yet been revealed, there have been a lot of players who have reported finding a Shiny Pokemon in their Pokemon Sleep game. It looks like the Shiny odds may be similar to Pokemon GO's 1 in 450 Shiny rate.

List of All Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Hungry Status and Mega Hit Guaranteed

There's no need to worry about failing to befriend a Shiny in Pokemon Sleep, no matter how many Friendship Points the Pokemon may require.

Shiny Pokemon are always hungry whenever they appear after a sleep session. This also always results in a mega hit, which allows you to befriend it immediately with any Biscuit, even just a single Poke Biscuit.

Biscuit Guide: Befriend Pokemon Without Making Them Full

Weekly Snorlax Also Available in Sparkling Form in Pokemon Sleep!

@Doggo_online (Video Source)

The Snorlax assigned to you each week can be found in its rarer form too! Snorlax becomes a deep blue in color in rare instances, even for research areas with a different colored Snorlax. The sparkling animation appears whenever you open up your Pokemon Sleep app and see Snorlax.

You will still have to say goodbye to Snorlax after the week ends on Sunday even if it sparkles, but you have the opportunity to take a lot of fun screenshots with your Pokemon around this rare Snorlax for the whole week!

Shiny Snorlax in Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep Shiny Hunting Tips

Sleep More to Find Shiny Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Score.png

You don't have to stay up for long hours in order to find Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep. In fact, you'll need to sleep and get a high Sleep Score for better chances of finding Shiny Pokemon.

A higher Sleep Score won't increase the odds of Shiny Pokemon appearing, but it can affect the amount of Pokemon that you find after a Sleep Session. Your Sleep Score can go up to 100 if you manage to sleep for 8 hours and 30 minutes. This score and time can be divided between the two Sleep Sessions you're allowed to have in a day.

How Sleep Tracking Works

Increase Snorlax Drowsy Power for More Pokemon

Since Shiny Pokemon are so hard to come by, we want to be able to maximize our odds for finding a Shiny Pokemon.

Drowsy Power, which is computed based on Snorlax's strength and your sleep score, affect the amount of Pokemon that you can find around Snorlax after a Sleep Session. The higher your drowsy power, the more Pokemon can appear, Shiny Pokemon included. More Pokemon means more chances of seeing a Shiny!

Drowsy Power Explained

You Can Also Play Without Sleeping

Pokemon Sleep - Totodile One-Eyed Sleep

For those who may be struggling with their sleep schedules or those who want to make the most of the two Sleep Sessions allowed per day, you can do a Sleep Session without really going to sleep. Just start a Sleep Session like normal, place your phone or Pokemon GO Plus+ device on a soft surface, and leave it for at least 90 minutes.

After you finish the Sleep Session, sleeping Pokemon will have joined Snorlax. You can then check if one of them is Shiny.

How to Play Pokemon Sleep Without Sleeping

Use a Good Camp Set for Bonus Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Premium Pass Bonus Pokemon Encounter

Using a Good Camp Set allows an additional Pokemon to be found sleeping with Snorlax after your sleep session. You are also guaranteed one hungry Pokemon, which gains more Friendship points when fed biscuits. This make them easier to befriend. These can all help you when looking for Shiny Pokemon.

You can get one Good Camp Set per month if you have a Premium Pass subscription. You can also purchase a Good Camp Ticket from the General Store.

Is the Good Camp Ticket Worth It?

Shiny Pokemon Cannot Be Bulk Released

Pokemon Sleep - Bulk Sending Shiny Pokemon
Starting from Version 1.4.2 of Pokemon Sleep, Shiny Pokemon can no longer be sent to Professor Neroli in bulk. Normally, you can send multiple Pokemon at once by pressing and holding a Pokemon from the Pokemon Box and tapping on all Pokemon you want to send.

This no longer works for Shiny and Legendary Pokemon, so you can rest assured that you won't accidentally let go of any Shiny you've befriended. However, you can still release Shiny Pokemon by tapping on the one you want to let go of and individually sending it to Professor Neroli.

Where Do Shiny Effects Appear?

Sleep Research

On the Field

Pokemon Sleep - Shiny and Regular Rattata

Once Pokemon appear sleeping around Snorlax after your Sleep Session, any unusually colored Pokemon will be immediately visible.

The Shiny animation can be seen when feeding and befriending a Pokemon after researching their Sleep Styles.

In Sleep Style Pictures

Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Rattata Face-Scratching Sleep

Researching any Shiny Pokemon's Sleep Style will show its Shiny color in the research photo taken as well as your Sleep Style Dex record.

Only the particular Sleep Style of your Shiny Pokemon will be recorded as Shiny. If you find a Shiny Rattata with the Face-Scratching Sleep Style and a regular Rattata with the Stumping Sleep Style, only the Face-Scratching Sleep Style can show the Shiny version.

Sleep Style Dex Pokemon Page

Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Rattata Sleep Style Dex Entry

On the Pokemon Sleep Style Dex entries, you can toggle between the different genders of the Pokemon as well as the Shiny form as long as you've seen them.

Among Your Pokemon Helpers

In the Box

Shiny Rattata Animation.gif

Tapping a Shiny Pokemon from your Box will play the Shiny animation as it presents the Pokemon's information. The Pokemon's Box image will also show its Shiny color.

In a Team

Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Rattata Helper Team Leader

Show off your Shiny by adding it to your Helper Team! It's also great for distinguishing between Helper Team members.

Out Gathering Food

Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Rattata Out on the Field

Any Shiny Pokemon in your active Helper Team will retain their Shiny color as they gather Berries and ingredients for Snorlax.

Sleep Tracking Screen

Pokemon Sleep - Tracking Sleep Shiny Rattata

You can replace the Pikachu that first graces your Sleep Session screen with your Shiny to accompany you while you sleep.

To change the Pokemon on your Sleep Session screen, swap out the leader of your current Pokemon Helper Team with whichever Pokemon you want to feature. You can do this by going to Edit Teams in the Pokemon menu.

Helper Pokemon Tips

Shiny Hunting Guide for Each Sleep Type

How to Get Shiny Dozing Type Pokemon

Shiny Hunting Guide for Each Sleep Type
Dozing Snoozing Icon.png Slumbering.png

List of Dozing Type Pokemon

List of Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - BulbasaurBulbasaur Pokemon Sleep - IvysaurIvysaur Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur
Pokemon Sleep - CaterpieCaterpie Pokemon Sleep - MetapodMetapod Pokemon Sleep - ButterfreeButterfree
Pokemon Sleep - EkansEkans Pokemon Sleep - ArbokArbok Pokemon Sleep - PsyduckPsyduck
Pokemon Sleep - MankeyMankey Pokemon Sleep - PrimeapePrimeape Pokemon Sleep - BellsproutBellsprout
Pokemon Sleep - WeepinbellWeepinbell Pokemon Sleep - VictreebelVictreebel Pokemon Sleep - GastlyGastly
Pokemon Sleep - HaunterHaunter Pokemon Sleep - GengarGengar Pokemon Sleep - PinsirPinsir
Pokemon Sleep - DratiniDratini Pokemon Sleep - DragonairDragonair Pokemon Sleep - DragoniteDragonite
Pokemon Sleep - ChikoritaChikorita Pokemon Sleep - BayleefBayleef Pokemon Sleep - MeganiumMeganium
Pokemon Sleep - UmbreonUmbreon Pokemon Sleep - HeracrossHeracross Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird
Pokemon Sleep - HoundourHoundour Pokemon Sleep - HoundoomHoundoom Pokemon Sleep - TyranitarTyranitar
Pokemon Sleep - VigorothVigoroth Pokemon Sleep - SableyeSableye Pokemon Sleep - GulpinGulpin
Pokemon Sleep - SwalotSwalot Pokemon Sleep - AltariaAltaria Pokemon Sleep - ShuppetShuppet
Pokemon Sleep - BanetteBanette Pokemon Sleep - AbsolAbsol Pokemon Sleep - CroagunkCroagunk
Pokemon Sleep - ToxicroakToxicroak Pokemon Sleep - LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon Sleep - SprigatitoSprigatito
Pokemon Sleep - FloragatoFloragato Pokemon Sleep - MeowscaradaMeowscarada Pokemon Sleep - SkeledirgeSkeledirge

These are all of the Dozing Type Pokemon identified so far in Pokemon Sleep. If you would like to Shiny hunt one of these Pokemon, try to aim for a Dozing Sleep Type (or Balanced if Dozing is difficult for you).

You can achieve a Dozing Type sleep by moving around a lot and waking up often during your Sleep Session. See our full guide with more advanced tips here:

How to Do the Dozing Sleep Type Pattern

How to Get Shiny Snoozing Type Pokemon

Shiny Hunting Guide for Each Sleep Type
Dozing Icon.png Snoozing Slumbering.png

List of Snoozing Type Pokemon

List of Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - CharmanderCharmander Pokemon Sleep - CharmeleonCharmeleon Pokemon Sleep - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon Sleep - RattataRattata Pokemon Sleep - RaticateRaticate Pokemon Sleep - PikachuPikachu
Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Halloween)Pikachu (Halloween) Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Holiday)Pikachu (Holiday) Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu
Pokemon Sleep - ClefairyClefairy Pokemon Sleep - ClefableClefable Pokemon Sleep - VulpixVulpix
Pokemon Sleep - NinetalesNinetales Pokemon Sleep - JigglypuffJigglypuff Pokemon Sleep - WigglytuffWigglytuff
Pokemon Sleep - DiglettDiglett Pokemon Sleep - DugtrioDugtrio Pokemon Sleep - MeowthMeowth
Pokemon Sleep - PersianPersian Pokemon Sleep - GrowlitheGrowlithe Pokemon Sleep - ArcanineArcanine
Pokemon Sleep - SlowpokeSlowpoke Pokemon Sleep - SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon Sleep - KangaskhanKangaskhan
Pokemon Sleep - Mr. MimeMr. Mime Pokemon Sleep - DittoDitto Pokemon Sleep - EeveeEevee
Pokemon Sleep - JolteonJolteon Pokemon Sleep - FlareonFlareon Pokemon Sleep - CyndaquilCyndaquil
Pokemon Sleep - QuilavaQuilava Pokemon Sleep - TyphlosionTyphlosion Pokemon Sleep - TogeticTogetic
Pokemon Sleep - MareepMareep Pokemon Sleep - FlaaffyFlaaffy Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos
Pokemon Sleep - EspeonEspeon Pokemon Sleep - SlowkingSlowking Pokemon Sleep - WobbuffetWobbuffet
Pokemon Sleep - RaikouRaikou Pokemon Sleep - EnteiEntei Pokemon Sleep - RaltsRalts
Pokemon Sleep - KirliaKirlia Pokemon Sleep - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon Sleep - SlakothSlakoth
Pokemon Sleep - SlakingSlaking Pokemon Sleep - TogekissTogekiss Pokemon Sleep - SylveonSylveon
Pokemon Sleep - DedenneDedenne Pokemon Sleep - ComfeyComfey Pokemon Sleep - FuecocoFuecoco
Pokemon Sleep - CrocalorCrocalor

These are all of the Snoozing Type Pokemon identified so far in Pokemon Sleep. If you would like to Shiny hunt one of these Pokemon, try to aim for a Snoozing Sleep Type or Balanced Sleep Type during your Sleep Session.

The Snoozing Type is a common Sleep Type to get for players. You can get it by sleeping through the night while moving every so often and making a reasonable amount of noise. See our full guide with more advanced tips here:

How to Do the Snoozing Sleep Type Pattern

How to Get Shiny Slumbering Type Pokemon

Shiny Hunting Guide for Each Sleep Type
Dozing Icon.png Snoozing Icon.png Slumbering

List of Slumbering Type Pokemon

List of Pokemon
Pokemon Sleep - SquirtleSquirtle Pokemon Sleep - WartortleWartortle Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Pokemon Sleep - GolduckGolduck Pokemon Sleep - GeodudeGeodude Pokemon Sleep - GravelerGraveler
Pokemon Sleep - GolemGolem Pokemon Sleep - MagnemiteMagnemite Pokemon Sleep - MagnetonMagneton
Pokemon Sleep - DoduoDoduo Pokemon Sleep - DodrioDodrio Pokemon Sleep - OnixOnix
Pokemon Sleep - CuboneCubone Pokemon Sleep - MarowakMarowak Pokemon Sleep - VaporeonVaporeon
Pokemon Sleep - TotodileTotodile Pokemon Sleep - CroconawCroconaw Pokemon Sleep - FeraligatrFeraligatr
Pokemon Sleep - PichuPichu Pokemon Sleep - CleffaCleffa Pokemon Sleep - IgglybuffIgglybuff
Pokemon Sleep - TogepiTogepi Pokemon Sleep - SudowoodoSudowoodo Pokemon Sleep - WooperWooper
Pokemon Sleep - QuagsireQuagsire Pokemon Sleep - SteelixSteelix Pokemon Sleep - SuicuneSuicune
Pokemon Sleep - LarvitarLarvitar Pokemon Sleep - PupitarPupitar Pokemon Sleep - SwabluSwablu
Pokemon Sleep - WynautWynaut Pokemon Sleep - SphealSpheal Pokemon Sleep - SealeoSealeo
Pokemon Sleep - WalreinWalrein Pokemon Sleep - BonslyBonsly Pokemon Sleep - Mime Jr.Mime Jr.
Pokemon Sleep - RioluRiolu Pokemon Sleep - LucarioLucario Pokemon Sleep - SnoverSnover
Pokemon Sleep - AbomasnowAbomasnow Pokemon Sleep - MagnezoneMagnezone Pokemon Sleep - GlaceonGlaceon
Pokemon Sleep - GalladeGallade Pokemon Sleep - StuffulStufful Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear
Pokemon Sleep - CramorantCramorant Pokemon Sleep - QuaxlyQuaxly Pokemon Sleep - QuaxwellQuaxwell
Pokemon Sleep - QuaquavalQuaquaval

These are all of the Slumbering Type Pokemon identified so far in Pokemon Sleep. If you would like to Shiny hunt one of these Pokemon, try to aim for a Slumbering Sleep Type during your Sleep Session.

The Slumbering Type can be achieved by not moving too much and making little to no noise. See our full guide with more advanced tips here:

How to Do the Slumbering Sleep Type Pattern

How to Get a Mix of Different Sleep Type Pokemon

Get a Balanced Sleep to Shiny Hunt Every Sleep Type

If there's a particular Pokemon you want to Shiny hunt, it's best to aim for its corresponding Sleep Type so that only Pokemon of that Sleep Type appear after your Sleep Session.

However, if you're struggling to get that particular Sleep Type or if you just want all kinds of Pokemon with different Sleep Types to appear near Snorlax after your Sleep Session, you can aim for a Balanced Sleep Type.

It's easy to get the Balanced Type simply by sleeping naturally. The Balanced Sleep Type Pattern can be done when one mostly sleeps smoothly, but still wakes up, moves, and makes noises, albeit at a reasonable amount. See our full guide with more advanced tips here:

How to Do the Balanced Sleep Type Pattern

What are Shiny Pokemon?

Very Rare, Differently Colored Pokemon

Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Pikachu

Shiny Pokemon are Pokemon that are colored differently compared to their normal counterparts. In some games, they are accompanied by sparkles or a sound effect whenever they appear. They don't have any differences to the normal-colored Pokemon other than their looks.

For Pokemon Sleep, the sparkly Shiny animation can be seen when feeding and recruiting a Shiny Pokemon.

Shiny Pokemon are very rare and often hard to come by, which makes them prized among Pokemon players.

Show Off Your Shiny Pokemon Finds on our Shiny Bragging Board!

Shiny Bragging Board

If you manage to find a Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep, come and share it on our Shiny Bragging Board! Let's aim as a community to fill out the Shiny Dex on there!

Shiny Bragging Board

Can Shiny Pokemon Move to Pokemon HOME?

Shiny Pokemon from Pokemon Sleep Can Not Be Moved to Pokemon HOME Yet

Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon Home

Unfortunately, due to the nature of this game, Pokemon Sleep may not be compatible with Pokemon HOME. Pokemon has confirmed that Pokemon you befriend in Pokemon Sleep cannot be moved to any other games or applications at the moment.

You'll just have to admire any Shiny Pokemon you befriend inside your Pokemon Sleep app.

Pokemon HOME Compatibility May Come in Future Update!

The popular Youtuber, PKMNcast, was invited to an early hands on sleepover Pokemon Sleep Event in which representatives from Pokemon Sleep were in attendance. When asked if Pokemon HOME compatibility was on the cards for Pokemon Sleep, PKMNcast reported that they responded that it was something that they were definitely interested in moving forward.

Although this is not a confirmation of Shiny Pokemon from Pokemon Sleep being able to be transferred to Pokemon HOME one day, it is a glimmer of hope!

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Tips and Tricks Partial Banner

List of All Tips and Tricks

General Pokemon Sleep Tips

General Pokemon Sleep Tips
How to Get a Green Snorlax Best Pokemon Tier List
Daily Routine Guide and Tips How to Add Friends and Benefits
Is Premium Pass Worth It? Is Pokemon Sleep Pay to Win?
Good Camping Set Benefits How to Get a High Team RP
How to Level Up Pokemon Fast How to Build the Best Helper Team
How to Evolve Pokemon Best Time to Feed Snorlax
What Happens After Skipped Sleep Sessions How to Link and Back Up Accounts
All Snorlax Colors How to Use the Candy Boost Function
Best Team for Desserts and Drinks All Max Level Caps and Upgrade Limits
Best Eeveelutions Best Raikou Event Team
Best Salad Team How to Use the Candy Cram-o-matic

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Morning Tips and Tricks
Biscuit Guide Best Morning Helper Team
Best Time to Wake Up -

Pokemon Sleep - Daytime Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Afternoon Tips and Tricks
Helper Pokemon Tips Best Daytime Helper Team
When to Check Your Helper Pokemon How to Keep Helper Pokemon Energized
How to Get More Ingredients How to Get More Berries
Best Time for Second Sleep Session -

Pokemon Sleep - Night (Sleeping) Tips

Pokemon Sleep - Night (Sleeping) Tips and Tricks
Best Bed Times All Sleep Types and How to Get Each One
How to Do the Balanced Sleep Type Pattern How to Do the Slumbering Sleep Type Pattern
How to Do the Snoozing Sleep Type Pattern How to Do the Dozing Sleep Type Pattern
How to Play Pokemon Sleep Without Sleeping Best Night Helper Team

Pokemon GO and Plus+ Tips

Pokemon GO and Plus+ Tips
How to Connect to Pokemon GO Plus+ How to Get Berries From Pokemon GO
How to Get Night Cap Snorlax How to Get Night Cap Pikachu
Pokemon GO Plus+ Date Skip for Night Cap Snorlax How Pokemon GO Plus+ Sleep Tracking Works
How to Turn On Silent Mode for Pokemon GO Plus+ -

Shiny Pokemon Guides

Shiny Hunting Guides
Pokemon Sleep - Shiny Snorlax from Doggo_onlineShiny Snorlax Guide Shiny BulbasaurShiny Bulbasaur Guide Shiny RattataShiny Rattata Guide
Shiny BellsproutShiny Bellsprout Guide Shiny PichuShiny Pichu Guide Shiny IgglybuffShiny Igglybuff Guide
Shiny TogepiShiny Togepi Guide Shiny MareepShiny Mareep Guide Shiny LarvitarShiny Larvitar Guide
Shiny EeveeShiny Eevee Guide


1 Anonymousover 1 year

Is shiny ratata a freebie reward thing. Like does everyone get one. Or is this just randomly encounter.


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