Pokemon Sleep

Best Team for Desserts and Drinks

Pokemon Sleep - Best Team for Desserts and Drinks
The best helper team for desserts and drinks primarily consists of Ingredients Specialty Pokemon that can make high-Strength dishes in Pokemon Sleep. Read on for the best Pokemon team to make dessert and drink recipes for each island and which dessert and drink recipes are the best to make.

Best Team to Make New Dessert/Drink Recipes

Best Team for Valentine's Day Recipes

New Valentine's Day Recipes

Dish Recipe Base Strength
Pokemon Sleep - “Flower Gift” Macarons “Flower Gift” Macarons Soothing Cacao x25
Fancy Egg x25
Honey x17
Moomoo Milk x10
Total ingredients: 77
Pokemon Sleep - “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart Soothing Cacao x11
Fancy Apple x11
Total ingredients: 22

There are only five different ingredients required for these two recipes: Soothing Cacao, Fancy Egg, Honey, Moomoo Milk, and Fancy Apple. This makes it easy to have just one team for both recipes.

“Flower Gift” Macarons require a total of 77 ingredients, which cannot fit in any upgraded cooking pot or even most Good Camp-expanded ones. It is recommended to make this dish on Sunday when your pot capacity is doubled.

Best Valentine's Day Recipes Team

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon Sleep - Water Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x3 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird Pokemon Sleep - Flying Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x6 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - PinsirPinsir Pokemon Sleep - Bug
or Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Sleep - Grass
Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x5 (lv.30)
Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x5 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - AbsolAbsol Pokemon Sleep - Dark Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x8 (lv.30)
Free Slot Recommended Pokemon:
Raichu (if you don't have level 30 Fancy Apple Pokemon)

It's recommended to use Ingredients Specialty Pokemon to gather your Valentine's Day ingredients, especially since “Flower Gift” Macarons require 77 ingredients that can be obtained much faster by Ingredients Specialty Pokemon.

It is also recommended to have your Pokemon at level 30 or higher in order for them to have access to their second ingredient. It's not completely necessary for Venusaur and if you have multiple Pokemon with Fancy Apple as their second ingredient, but it is still helpful to get more ingredients fast.

If your Pokemon can't get to level 30 yet, you can use Raichu instead as your Fancy Apple Pokemon. There aren't any Ingredients Specialty Pokemon that can pick up Fancy Apple as their base ingredient. However, Raichu is one of the fastest Pokemon in the game and can make a fine substitute.

Valentine's Day 2024 Event

Best Dessert Teams Per Research Area

Cyan Beach Best Dessert Team and Dishes

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Pokemon Sleep - Cyan Beach Cyan Beach
Favorite Berries:
Oran BerryPecha BerryPamtre Berry
Recommended Dishes
Pokemon Sleep - “Flower Gift” Macarons “Flower Gift” Macarons Pokemon Sleep - Jigglypuff Jigglypuff's Fruity Flan
Pokemon Sleep - “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie Pokemon Sleep - “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart
Recommended Team
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon Sleep - Water Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x3 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird Pokemon Sleep - Flying Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x6 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - WigglytuffWigglytuff Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Specialty: Skills (Energy for Everyone S)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - ClefableClefable Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon Sleep - Water Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.1)

It's recommended to have two Blastoise for your Cyan Beach Valentine's team, though you can substitute the second Blastoise for Squirtle, Wartortle, Vaporeon, Clefairy, Clefable, or a Pokemon that can pick up Soothing Cacao.

It is also highly recommended to have your Pokemon, the Ingredients Specialty ones most importantly, to be at least level 30 in order to unlock their second ingredient. Unlocking Blastoise's Soothing Cacao is the best way to get this ingredient.

Cyan Beach Area Dex and How to Unlock

Taupe Hollow Best Dessert Team and Dishes

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Pokemon Sleep - Taupe Hollow Taupe Hollow
Favorite Berries:
Leppa BerrySitrus BerryFigy Berry
Recommended Dishes
Pokemon Sleep - “Flower Gift” Macarons “Flower Gift” Macarons Pokemon Sleep - “Steadfast” Ginger Cookies “Steadfast” Ginger Cookies
Pokemon Sleep - “Hustle” Protein Smoothie “Hustle” Protein Smoothie Pokemon Sleep - “Cloud Nine” Soy Cake “Cloud Nine” Soy Cake
Recommended Team
Pokemon Sleep - MarowakMarowak Pokemon Sleep - Ground Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x2 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - GolemGolem Pokemon Sleep - Rock Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Soft Potato Soft Potato x4 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - FlareonFlareon Pokemon Sleep - Fire Specialty: Skills (Cooking Power-Up S)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x1 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird Pokemon Sleep - Flying Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x6 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x5 (lv.30)

A lot of the strong Pokemon that pick up the Taupe Hollow Snorlax's favorite Berries actually can't obtain good dessert ingredients. You can bring in Delibird and Venusaur to help you make these dessert recipes.

It's very important for the Marowak on this team to have Soothing Cacao unlocked. Otherwise, you'll have to add in a different Pokemon if you want to make any dish that's stronger than “Cloud Nine” Soy Cake.

Taupe Hollow Area Dex and How to Unlock

Snowdrop Tundra Best Dessert Team and Dishes

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Pokemon Sleep - Snowdrop Tundra Snowdrop Tundra
Favorite Berries:
Persim BerryRawst BerryWiki Berry
Recommended Dishes
Pokemon Sleep - “Flower Gift” Macarons “Flower Gift” Macarons Pokemon Sleep - “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie
Pokemon Sleep - “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart Pokemon Sleep - “Stalwart” Vegetable Juice “Stalwart” Vegetable Juice
Recommended Team
Pokemon Sleep - AbsolAbsol Pokemon Sleep - Dark Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x8 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - AbomasnowAbomasnow Pokemon Sleep - Ice Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozy Tomato Snoozy Tomato x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x4 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaticateRaticate Pokemon Sleep - Normal Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x2 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - GlaceonGlaceon Pokemon Sleep - Ice Specialty: Skills (Cooking Power-Up S)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x1 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x5 (lv.30)

For this Snowdrop Tundra team, it is recommended to save your Moomoo Milk for when you want to make the "Flower Gift" Macarons. You won't be getting a lot of this ingredient since Glaceon is your only source, but if it looks like you'll have extra, you can make other dishes.

The Pokemon on this team don't really need to be at level 30, except for Abomasnow who needs to have Fancy Egg unlocked. If you don't have a level 30+ Abomasnow, use any Pokemon you have that can find Fancy Eggs.

Venusaur is the only member of this team that does not collect a favorite Berry. Unfortunately, Honey is a vital dessert ingredient, and Venusaur is one of the best Pokemon who can get it.

Snowdrop Tundra Area Dex and How to Unlock

Lapis Lakeside Best Dessert Team and Dishes

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Pokemon Sleep - Lapis Lakeside Lapis Lakeside
Favorite Berries:
Durin BerryCheri BerryMago Berry
Recommended Dishes
Pokemon Sleep - “Flower Gift” Macarons “Flower Gift” Macarons Pokemon Sleep - “Explosion” Popcorn “Explosion” Popcorn
Pokemon Sleep - “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie Pokemon Sleep - “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart
Recommended Team
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x5 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Specialty: Skills (Energy for Everyone S)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn x1 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - MeganiumMeganium Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x2 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - EspeonEspeon Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Specialty: Skills (Charge Strength M)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x1 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird Pokemon Sleep - Flying Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x6 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - ToxicroakToxicroak Pokemon Sleep - Poison (optional) Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Pure Oil Pure Oil x2 (lv.1)

For this team, you can swap in Toxicroak for Delibird whenever you need Pure Oil for “Explosion” Popcorn. Otherwise, it's better to have Delibird as your main team member.

You don't necessarily need any Pokemon on this team to be at level 30 unless you want to make use of Gardevoir's Greengrass Corn ingredient. Since most of the Pokemon on this team are not Ingredients Specialty Pokemon, though, having them at higher levels is ideal.

Lapis Lakeside Area Dex and How to Unlock

Best Dessert/Drink Pokemon and Recipes

Best Pokemon to Make Desserts/Drinks

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur
Durin Berry | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Oran Berry | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S
Pokemon Sleep - GolemGolem
Sitrus Berry | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - PinsirPinsir
Lum Berry | HoneyFancy AppleBean Sausage

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - AbsolAbsol
Wiki Berry | Soothing CacaoFancy AppleTasty Mushroom

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - DelibirdDelibird
Pamtre Berry | Fancy EggFancy AppleSoothing Cacao

Ingredients Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Magnet S Ingredient Magnet S

Honey, Moomoo Milk, and Fancy Apple are dessert staples. Most dessert and drink recipes require at least one of those ingredients, making the Ingredient Pokemon that can find them so valuable for Desserts/Drinks request weeks.

Delibird is the only Ingredients Specialty Pokemon that can obtain the Fancy Egg ingredient at level 1, which is required for a lot of high-Strength dishes. This is the same with Absol and the Soothing Cacao ingredient.

Golem has a niche role where it really is only recommended for Taupe Hollow or Greengrass Isle with Sitrus as a favorite Berry. Golem picks up dessert ingredients, but they're not for any particularly strong dishes.

Best Ingredients and Helper Pokemon For Dishes

Best Dessert/Drink Recipes

For Sunday with Increased Pot Capacity

Dish Recipe Base Strength
Pokemon Sleep - “Flower Gift” Macarons “Flower Gift” Macarons Soothing Cacao x25
Fancy Egg x25
Honey x17
Moomoo Milk x10
Total ingredients: 77
Pokemon Sleep - Jigglypuff Jigglypuff's Fruity Flan Honey x20
Fancy Egg x15
Moomoo Milk x10
Fancy Apple x10
Total ingredients: 55

To be able to make "Flower Gift" Macarons on Sunday without a Good Camp Set, you need at least 150 Sleep Styles to expand your cooking pot to a 39-ingredient capacity. This pot capacity should be doubled on Sunday.

If you don't have that many Sleep Styles yet, you can aim for Jigglypuff's Fruity Flan, which only requires 70 Sleep Styles and a cooking pot expanded to hold 27 ingredients.

If you still need some help expanding your cooking pot, you can use Pokemon with the Cooking Power-Up S skill. The pot expansion this skill provides can stack when triggered multiple times, but it's only valid for one meal.

Cooking Guide: Tips for Increasing Dish Strength and Best Dishes

For Rest of the Week

Dish Recipe Base Strength
Pokemon Sleep - “Explosion” Popcorn “Explosion” Popcorn Greengrass Corn x15
Pure Oil x14
Moomoo Milk x7
Total ingredients: 36
Pokemon Sleep - Neroli Neroli's Restorative Tea Fancy Apple x15
Warming Ginger x11
Tasty Mushroom x9
Total ingredients: 35
Pokemon Sleep - “Steadfast” Ginger Cookies “Steadfast” Ginger Cookies Honey x14
Warming Ginger x12
Soothing Cacao x5
Fancy Egg x4
Total ingredients: 35
Pokemon Sleep - “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie Fancy Apple x11
Moomoo Milk x9
Honey x7
Soothing Cacao x8
Total ingredients: 35
Pokemon Sleep - “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart Soothing Cacao x11
Fancy Apple x11
Total ingredients: 22
Pokemon Sleep - “Hustle” Protein Smoothie “Hustle” Protein Smoothie Greengrass Soybeans x15
Soothing Cacao x8
Total ingredients: 23
Pokemon Sleep - “Cloud Nine” Soy Cake “Cloud Nine” Soy Cake Fancy Egg x8
Greengrass Soybeans x7
Total ingredients: 15
Pokemon Sleep - “Stalwart” Vegetable Juice “Stalwart” Vegetable Juice Snoozy Tomato x9
Fancy Apple x7
Total ingredients: 16

These are the recipes you should try to make this week depending on your maximum pot capacity and the ingredients you have access to.

"Explosion" Popcorn has the highest base strength of them all, but it requires the Greengrass Corn ingredient which can only be found by the new Lapis Lakeside Pokemon. Neroli's Restorative Tea comes in second, but it requires the Tasty Mushroom ingredient only unlocked at level 30 by a few Pokemon that aren't really good for dessert ingredients.

The rest of these recipes are a bit more beginner-friendly and don't require any rare ingredients. Just choose whichever recipe fits your maximum pot capacity.

List of Dessert and Drink Recipes

How to Expand Cooking Pot

Unlock by Getting 35 Sleep Stlyes

Pokemon Sleep - Expand Cooking Pot

Once you register 35 Sleep Styles, you unlock the ability to expand your cooking pot permanently. You can expand your cooking pot twice per Sleep Style Dex goal reached from this point, with each expansion adding three more ingredient slots.

You can expand your cooking pot by tapping on the max pot limit on the upper right corner of the cooking menu.

All Sleep Style Dex Goals, Unlocks, and Rewards

Use Cooking Power-Up S for a Larger Cooking Pot

Pokemon Sleep - Cooking Power-Up S Cooking Power-Up S
Pokemon Sleep - MagnezoneMagnezone Pokemon Sleep - FlareonFlareon Pokemon Sleep - GlaceonGlaceon

If you're struggling to make all of your recipe ingredients fit into your cooking pot, you can use one of these Pokemon with the Cooking Power-Up S Main Skill. Triggering this skill allows your cooking pot to be expanded temporarily for the next meal you cook. The expansion bonus can stack if you trigger it multiple times before a meal.

Cooking Power-Up S Skill Effect

Use a Good Camp Ticket

Pokemon Sleep - Good Camp Set

Using a Good Camp Set gives a 50% expansion to your cooking pot for one week, in addition to other benefits.

This is particularly useful for weeks when Snorlax requests desserts and drinks since there are high-Strength dessert recipes that have ingredient totals larger than the maximum pot capacity of the highest Sleep Style Dex goal.

Is the Good Camp Ticket Worth It?

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