Pokemon Sleep

Drowsy Power Explained

Pokemon Sleep - Drowsy Power

Drowsy Power attracts sleeping Pokemon, allowing you to research their Sleep Styles. Keep reading for more information on how Drowsy Power works, how to increase it, and when you can get the most amount of Drowsy Power.

What is Drowsy Power?

Influences the Amount of Pokemon You Can Find

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Styles

The main purpose of Drowsy Power is to attract sleeping Pokemon to Snorlax. You'll be able to find and research these sleeping Pokemon after every Sleep Session. The higher the Drowsy Power, the more Pokemon appear.

List of All Sleep Styles

Additional Pokemon After 1 Million

The minimum amount of Pokemon that can appear after a Sleep Session is three. If your Drowsy Power manages to reach one million, four Pokemon will appear instead.

Two million and three million Drowsy Power make five Pokemon appear. As of the moment, the maximum Drowsy Power and the maximum number of Pokemon that can appear are unconfirmed.

Snorlax Strength x Sleep Score

Pokemon Sleep - Drowsy Power

Your Snorlax's Drowsy Power will be different every Sleep Session. Drowsy Power is calculated by multiplying Snorlax Strength by your Sleep Score for the Sleep Session.

Increase your Snorlax Strength and get a high Sleep Score for every Sleep Session to increase your Drowsy Power.

Increases Rare Pokemon Encounters

Pokemon Sleep - Graveler Sleep Style Dex
Higher Drowsy Power can entice the more hard-to-come-by Pokemon. You might notice that rarer Pokemon species seem to be easier to find with a high Drowsy Power. These rare Pokemon include evolved forms of Pokemon.

More Pokemon species can be unlocked by increasing your Snorlax Rating, which is determined by Snorlax Strength.

List of All Pokemon

Drowsy Power is Highest by the Weekend

Snorlax Strength Can Only Go Up

Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Eating Berries

If you've been consistently playing Pokemon Sleep, you shouldn't have any problems with increasing your Drowsy Power every Sleep Session.

Snorlax Strength is constantly increasing throughout the week. It cannot go down, and it can even increase without you opening the Pokemon Sleep app as long as you have Helper Pokemon out gathering Berries.

By the time you reach the end of the week on Sunday, you should be able to get the most amount of Drowsy Power possible for that week.

Morning Guide: Befriending and Breakfast

Snorlax Resets on Monday

Pokemon Sleep - Cyan Beach

A Pokemon Sleep week is from Monday to Sunday. This means that every Sunday, you will be introduced to a fresh, new Snorlax without much Strength. Because of this, it's expected for you to get lower Drowsy Power and more common Pokemon during your early week Sleep Sessions.

How to Increase Drowsy Power in Pokemon Sleep

Increase Snorlax Strength

Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Strength

Increase your Snorlax Strength by feeding it. Give Snorlax Berries, and cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner to quickly raise your Snorlax Strength. Snorlax Strength cannot go down, so it should serve as a good base for your Drowsy Power.

Snorlax Strength and Ratings Guide

Get a High Sleep Score

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Score

If you manage to sleep for 8 hours and 30 minutes, you can get the maximum Sleep Score of 100. If this is too hard to achieve in one Sleep Session, you can divide this time and your Sleep Score between two Sleep Sessions.

How Sleep Score is Calculated

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Sleep Mechanics Partial Banner

List of Pokemon Sleep Mechanics and Terms

Pokemon Sleep Mechanics
Snorlax Strength and Ratings Sleep Session Mechanics
How Sleep Score is Calculated Drowsy Power Explained


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