Pokemon Sleep

List of All Ingredients and How to Get Them

Ingredients are used to make dishes for Snorlax and make it stronger in Pokemon Sleep. Read on for a list of all ingredients in the game, the ingredient Strength of each, and how to get them!

List of All Ingredients and Strength Value

Item Strength Description
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple 90 An apple chosen above others. It has spectacular form and a brilliant sheen.
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk 98 Highly nutritious milk. Pokemon that drink it become full of energy.
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Soybeans Greengrass Soybeans 100 This Greengrass Isle specialty is easy to process into foods that are great for training.
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey 101 A sweet honey collected by Pokemon.
Pokemon Sleep - Bean Sausage Bean Sausage 103 A healthy sausage made from beans that Pokemon like to eat.
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger 109 Spicy ginger that warms the body better than any other ingredients.
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozy Tomato Snoozy Tomato 110 A bright-red tomato. Eat it and you'll sleep like a baby.
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg 115 A nutritious cooking ingredient that goes well with all sorts of seasonings.
Pokemon Sleep - Pure Oil Pure Oil 121 All-purpose oil that can be used in any type of cuisine.
Pokemon Sleep - Soft Potato Soft Potato 124 Its mellow flavor makes both body and spirit feel warm and fuzzy.
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb 130 The fiery taste of this bright red herb will wake anyone right up.
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn 140 This Greengrass Isle specialty can be eaten raw. It's remarkably sweet.
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao 151 This cacao bean is time-consuming to process, but its soothing effects make the effort worthwhile.
Pokemon Sleep - Rousing Coffee Rousing Coffee 153 You may have trouble sleeping if you drink too much of this. It may help make you feel more alert.
Pokemon Sleep - Tasty Mushroom Tasty Mushroom 167 A juicy mushroom with an abundance of umami flavor.
Pokemon Sleep - Large Leek Large Leek 185 Whether this is the kind of vegetable stalk that Farfetch'd like is unknown.
Pokemon Sleep - Slowpoke Tail Slowpoke Tail 342 A very tasty tail of something. When it falls off, it grows back quickly.

How to Get Ingredients

Obtain from Helper Pokemon

Pokemon Sleep - Obtaining Ingredients

You can obtain ingredients if you tap your Helper Pokemon on the main screen of Pokemon Sleep. The ingredients you get depend on the type of ingredients a specific Helper Pokemon can get, which you can view in the Pokemon menu.

Additionally, Helper Pokemon with the Ingredients Specialty tend to find more ingredients than other Pokemon.

How to Get More Ingredients

Use Ingredient Tickets

Item Description
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Ticket S Ingredient Ticket S A great ticket you can exchange for 10 cooking ingredients.
Pokemon Sleep - Ingredient Ticket M Ingredient Ticket M A great ticket you can exchange for 30 cooking ingredients.
Ingredient Ticket L A great ticket you can exchange for 100 cooking ingredients.

You can also get more ingredients by using an Ingredient Ticket from your bag. Only ingredients that you have picked up before can be obtained when using an Ingredient Ticket, so don't expect these items to give you brand new ingredients.

Ingredient Ticket S can be easily obtained weekly through the Bedtime Rewards Stamp Card. It can also be purchased from the Regular Exchange Shop along with Ingredient Ticket M.

List of All Regular Exchange Shop Items and Prices

How to Use Ingredients

Cook Dishes for Snorlax

Pokemon Sleep - Snorlax Eating Dishes

Ingredients are used to cook various dishes for Snorlax, which it eats to grow and get stronger. Try to mix and match different ingredients to see which dishes you can make!

List of All Recipes and Dishes

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