Pokemon Sleep

Best Raikou Event Team

Pokemon Sleep - Best Team for Raikou Research Event
The best team to use during the Raikou Research event in Pokemon Sleep varies depending on the cooking request for the week and whether or not you've befriended Raikou. Check out this guide for the best curry team, best salad team, and best dessert team you can use during the Raikou Research event.

Best Pokemon for Raikou Research Event

Raichu, Ampharos, and Raikou

Pokemon Berry | Ingredients Skill
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu
Grepa Berry | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg

Berries Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength S Charge Strength S
Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos
Grepa Berry | Fiery HerbFancy Egg

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Charge Strength M Charge Strength M
Pokemon Sleep - RaikouRaikou
Grepa Berry | Bean SausageFiery HerbLarge Leek

Skills Specialty
Pokemon Sleep - Helper Boost (Electric) Helper Boost (Electric)

Electric-type Pokemon are more effective during the Raikou Research Event with an increased main skill trigger rate (1.5x). Any ingredient they pick up will also increase by 1 during this event week.

Raichu, Ampharos, and Raikou are the strongest Electric-type Pokemon in the game, so they are some of the best to use throughout the whole event.

Best Helper Pokemon Tier List

Raikou Research Event Details

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Research Event.png

The Raikou Research event introduces Raikou, the first Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep. During the event, you can collect Raikou Mane and exchange it for items that can help you befriend Raikou.

The event runs for two weeks, from March 25, 4:00 AM until April 8, 3:59 AM.

Raikou Research Event

Best Curry Team for Raikou Research Event

Curry Team Without Raikou

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Charge Strength M)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x3 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon Sleep - Water Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x3 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - VictreebelVictreebel Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozy Tomato Snoozy Tomato x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soft Potato Soft Potato x4 (lv.30)

This curry team is best equipped to make “Dream Eater” Butter Curry, but if you don't have space in your pot yet, don't worry. Several other curry recipes use the ingredients obtained by these Pokemon.

You can substitute one Raichu on the team with a different Pokemon that can find the ingredients you need if you're eyeing a particular curry dish. You can also use Mr. Mime instead of Victreebel if one of Snorlax's favorite Berries is the Mago Berry or if you don't have a Victreebel.

Curry Team With Raikou

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaikouRaikou Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Helper Boost Electric)
Pokemon Sleep - Bean Sausage Bean Sausage x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - PikachuPikachu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Charge Strength M)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x3 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon Sleep - Dragon Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn x4 (lv.30)

This Raikou curry team is built to make the strongest curry in the game, “Inferno” Corn Keema Curry, while using as many Electric-types as possibles. However, this recipe requires 77 ingredients, which may be difficult to pull off without a Good Camp Set unless it's a Sunday.

If you want to focus on another dish that's easier to make, you can replace Dragonite with Golem and make “Bulk Up” Bean Curry instead.

List of Curry Recipes

Best Salad Team for Raikou Research Event

Salad Team Without Raikou

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x5 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Specialty: Skills (Energy for Everyone S)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn x1 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear Pokemon Sleep - Fighting Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn x5 (lv.30)

Raichu is the best Pokemon to use during the Raikou Research event, and this team utilizes this by focusing on the best salad recipe that uses Fancy Apples, “Calm Mind” Fruit Salad. This recipe requires 49 ingredients in total, which should fit the expanded pots of those who have reached the 240 Sleep Style Dex goal.

For those who cannot make "Calm Mind" Fruit Salad regularly, it's recommended to use a variation of the Raikou salad team below. Just replace Raikou with another Pokemon that can obtain Bean Sausages, and focus on making “Gluttony” Potato Salad as your regular dish.

Salad Team With Raikou

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaikouRaikou Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Helper Boost Electric)
Pokemon Sleep - Bean Sausage Bean Sausage x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - PikachuPikachu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Charge Strength M)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x3 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - VictreebelVictreebel Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Snoozy Tomato Snoozy Tomato x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soft Potato Soft Potato x4 (lv.30)

This salad team featuring Raikou is best used for making “Gluttony” Potato Salad. It's not one of the strongest salad dishes, but it does utilize the ingredients of several Electric-type Pokemon. It is also a dish that should be easy to make regularly as long as you have access to Pokemon that can obtain the ingredients.

List of Salad Recipes

Best Dessert Team for Raikou Research Event

Dessert Team Without Raikou

Best Team for Teatime Corn Scones

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - JolteonJolteon Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Extra Helpful S)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Specialty: Skills (Energy for Everyone S)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn x1 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - BewearBewear Pokemon Sleep - Fighting Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Corn Greengrass Corn x5 (lv.30)

This dessert team makes full use of Raichu's ingredients and is best used to make “Teatime” Corn Scones. This recipe requires 67 ingredients, which means you either need a Good Camp Set, a Cooking Power-Up S boost, or wait until Sunday in order to make this dish.

If you're looking for a dish you can make more regularly, you can replace one Pokemon here, such as Gardevoir or Bewear, with Gengar in order to make Neroli's Restorative Tea.

Best Team for Other Desserts

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - JolteonJolteon Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Extra Helpful S)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Charge Strength M)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x3 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon Sleep - Water Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Soothing Cacao Soothing Cacao x3 (lv.30)
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x5 (lv.30)

If you do not have access to the Lapis Lakeside Pokemon, you can use this team instead, which has Pokemon that pick up the common dessert ingredients Honey, Fancy Egg, and Soothing Cacao. These can be used to make strong dessert recipes such as “Flower Gift” Macarons and Jigglypuff's Fruity Flan

Recommended Dessert and Drink Recipes

Dish Recipe Base Strength
Pokemon Sleep - “Flower Gift” Macarons “Flower Gift” Macarons Soothing Cacao x25
Fancy Egg x25
Honey x17
Moomoo Milk x10
Total ingredients: 77
Pokemon Sleep - Jigglypuff Jigglypuff's Fruity Flan Honey x20
Fancy Egg x15
Moomoo Milk x10
Fancy Apple x10
Total ingredients: 55
Pokemon Sleep - “Steadfast” Ginger Cookies “Steadfast” Ginger Cookies Honey x14
Warming Ginger x12
Soothing Cacao x5
Fancy Egg x4
Total ingredients: 35
Pokemon Sleep - “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie “Lovely Kiss” Smoothie Fancy Apple x11
Moomoo Milk x9
Honey x7
Soothing Cacao x8
Total ingredients: 35
Pokemon Sleep - “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart “Petal Dance” Chocolate Tart Soothing Cacao x11
Fancy Apple x11
Total ingredients: 22

The second dessert team can make a wide variety of dessert recipes with their ingredients, and these are some of the best ones to make. Simply choose the recipe with the highest base strength that can fit into your cooking pot whenever you cook a meal for Snorlax.

Dessert Team With Raikou

Pokemon Ingredients (Lv. 1 and 30)
Pokemon Sleep - RaikouRaikou Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Helper Boost Electric)
Pokemon Sleep - Bean Sausage Bean Sausage x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Berries
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Apple Fancy Apple x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Warming Ginger Warming Ginger x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - JolteonJolteon Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Extra Helpful S)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk x2 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - AmpharosAmpharos Pokemon Sleep - Electric Specialty: Skills (Charge Strength M)
Pokemon Sleep - Fiery Herb Fiery Herb x1 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Fancy Egg Fancy Egg x3 (lv.30)
*Electric-type: Picks up 1 extra ingredient
Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Sleep - Grass Specialty: Ingredients
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x2 (lv.1)
Pokemon Sleep - Honey Honey x5 (lv.30)

Raikou isn't well-suited to make desserts since neither of its ingredients are used in dessert recipes. However, if its skill manages to activate, it can help you get more useful dessert ingredients from your other Pokemon.

This team is best used to make Jigglypuff's Fruity Flan. You can also refer to the list of recommended dessert and drink recipes above for other recipes you can make.

Jolteon can pick up Soothing Cacao as its level 30 ingredient instead if you need it. However, take note that Jolteon cannot obtain as many ingredients as Blastoise, since its specialty is in skills, not ingredients. You may find your supply of Soothing Cacao and Moomoo Milk to be insufficient if you rely solely on Jolteon for both of these.

Best Team for Desserts and Drinks

When to Add Raikou to the Team

Only Use With at Least 3 Electric Types

Raikou's main skill, Helper Boost (Electric), allows all of the Pokemon on your team to obtain bonus help when it triggers.

The amount of help you can get increases the more Electric-type Pokemon species there are in your team. To get additional bonus help, you need to have at least 3 Electric-type Pokemon species on your team, including Raikou.

List of Electric-Type Pokemon

Try to Get a Raikou with Main Skill Chance Nature

Pokemon Sleep - Raikou Main Skill
Although powerful, Raikou's Helper Boost (Electric) doesn't trigger very often. It's best to get one with either a Nature boosting main skill chance, a Skill Trigger M sub skill, a Skill Trigger S sub skill, or all of the above.

The first Raikou you obtain will always have a neutral Nature, which isn't bad, but it also isn't ideal. It also only gets Skill Trigger S at level 100, which is currently unattainable since the current level cap is at 55. It's recommended to befriend another Raikou instead of using the default one on your team.

Raikou Sleep Type, Helping Stats, and All Sleep Styles

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