Pokemon Sleep

List of All Generation 1 Pokemon

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This is a list of all Generation 1 Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep. Read on to learn all Gen 1 Pokemon from Kanto that appear in the game and their Sleep Types.

List of Generation 1 Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

All Gen 1 Pokemon Helpers

No. Pokemon
Type | Sleep Type
Berry | Ingredients
1 Pokemon Sleep - BulbasaurBulbasaur
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato
2 Pokemon Sleep - IvysaurIvysaur
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato
3 Pokemon Sleep - VenusaurVenusaur
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | HoneySnoozy TomatoSoft Potato
4 Pokemon Sleep - CharmanderCharmander
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Bean SausageWarming GingerFiery Herb
5 Pokemon Sleep - CharmeleonCharmeleon
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Bean SausageWarming GingerFiery Herb
6 Pokemon Sleep - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Bean SausageWarming GingerFiery Herb
7 Pokemon Sleep - SquirtleSquirtle
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
8 Pokemon Sleep - WartortleWartortle
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
9 Pokemon Sleep - BlastoiseBlastoise
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
10 Pokemon Sleep - CaterpieCaterpie
Pokemon Sleep - Bug Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Lum Berry x2 | HoneySnoozy TomatoGreengrass Soybeans
11 Pokemon Sleep - MetapodMetapod
Pokemon Sleep - Bug Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Lum Berry x2 | HoneySnoozy TomatoGreengrass Soybeans
12 Pokemon Sleep - ButterfreeButterfree
Pokemon Sleep - Bug Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Lum Berry x2 | HoneySnoozy TomatoGreengrass Soybeans
19 Pokemon Sleep - RattataRattata
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x2 | Fancy AppleGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage
20 Pokemon Sleep - RaticateRaticate
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x2 | Fancy AppleGreengrass SoybeansBean Sausage
23 Pokemon Sleep - EkansEkans
Pokemon Sleep - Poison Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Chesto Berry x2 | Bean SausageFancy EggFiery Herb
24 Pokemon Sleep - ArbokArbok
Pokemon Sleep - Poison Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Chesto Berry x2 | Bean SausageFancy EggFiery Herb
25 Pokemon Sleep - PikachuPikachu
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x2 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
25.1 Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Halloween)Pikachu (Halloween)
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x2 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
25.2 Pokemon Sleep - Pikachu (Holiday)Pikachu (Holiday)
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x1 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
26 Pokemon Sleep - RaichuRaichu
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x2 | Fancy AppleWarming GingerFancy Egg
35 Pokemon Sleep - ClefairyClefairy
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Pecha Berry x2 | Fancy AppleHoneyGreengrass Soybeans
36 Pokemon Sleep - ClefableClefable
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Pecha Berry x2 | Fancy AppleHoneyGreengrass Soybeans
37 Pokemon Sleep - VulpixVulpix
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x2 | Greengrass SoybeansGreengrass CornSoft Potato
38 Pokemon Sleep - NinetalesNinetales
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x2 | Greengrass SoybeansGreengrass CornSoft Potato
39 Pokemon Sleep - JigglypuffJigglypuff
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Pecha Berry x1 | HoneyPure OilSoothing Cacao
40 Pokemon Sleep - WigglytuffWigglytuff
Pokemon Sleep - Fairy Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Pecha Berry x1 | HoneyPure OilSoothing Cacao
50 Pokemon Sleep - DiglettDiglett
Pokemon Sleep - Ground Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Figy Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoLarge LeekGreengrass Soybeans
51 Pokemon Sleep - DugtrioDugtrio
Pokemon Sleep - Ground Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Figy Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoLarge LeekGreengrass Soybeans
52 Pokemon Sleep - MeowthMeowth
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkBean Sausage
53 Pokemon Sleep - PersianPersian
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkBean Sausage
54 Pokemon Sleep - PsyduckPsyduck
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Oran Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoFancy AppleBean Sausage
55 Pokemon Sleep - GolduckGolduck
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoFancy AppleBean Sausage
56 Pokemon Sleep - MankeyMankey
Pokemon Sleep - Fighting Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Cheri Berry x2 | Bean SausageTasty MushroomHoney
57 Pokemon Sleep - PrimeapePrimeape
Pokemon Sleep - Fighting Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Cheri Berry x2 | Bean SausageTasty MushroomHoney
58 Pokemon Sleep - GrowlitheGrowlithe
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Fiery HerbBean SausageMoomoo Milk
59 Pokemon Sleep - ArcanineArcanine
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Fiery HerbBean SausageMoomoo Milk
69 Pokemon Sleep - BellsproutBellsprout
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
70 Pokemon Sleep - WeepinbellWeepinbell
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
71 Pokemon Sleep - VictreebelVictreebel
Pokemon Sleep - Grass Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Durin Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
74 Pokemon Sleep - GeodudeGeodude
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom
75 Pokemon Sleep - GravelerGraveler
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom
76 Pokemon Sleep - GolemGolem
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x1 | Greengrass SoybeansSoft PotatoTasty Mushroom
79 Pokemon Sleep - SlowpokeSlowpoke
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Oran Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato
80 Pokemon Sleep - SlowbroSlowbro
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Oran Berry x1 | Soothing CacaoSlowpoke TailSnoozy Tomato
81 Pokemon Sleep - MagnemiteMagnemite
Pokemon Sleep - Steel Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Belue Berry x1 | Pure OilFiery Herb
82 Pokemon Sleep - MagnetonMagneton
Pokemon Sleep - Steel Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Belue Berry x1 | Pure OilFiery Herb
84 Pokemon Sleep - DoduoDoduo
Pokemon Sleep - Flying Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Pamtre Berry x2 | Greengrass SoybeansSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
85 Pokemon Sleep - DodrioDodrio
Pokemon Sleep - Flying Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Pamtre Berry x2 | Greengrass SoybeansSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
92 Pokemon Sleep - GastlyGastly
Pokemon Sleep - Ghost Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Bluk Berry x1 | Fiery HerbTasty MushroomPure Oil
93 Pokemon Sleep - HaunterHaunter
Pokemon Sleep - Ghost Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Bluk Berry x1 | Fiery HerbTasty MushroomPure Oil
94 Pokemon Sleep - GengarGengar
Pokemon Sleep - Ghost Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Bluk Berry x1 | Fiery HerbTasty MushroomPure Oil
95 Pokemon Sleep - OnixOnix
Pokemon Sleep - Rock Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Sitrus Berry x2 | Snoozy TomatoBean SausageSoft Potato
104 Pokemon Sleep - CuboneCubone
Pokemon Sleep - Ground Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Figy Berry x2 | Warming GingerSoothing Cacao
105 Pokemon Sleep - MarowakMarowak
Pokemon Sleep - Ground Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Figy Berry x2 | Warming GingerSoothing Cacao
115 Pokemon Sleep - KangaskhanKangaskhan
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x1 | Warming GingerSoft PotatoGreengrass Soybeans
122 Pokemon Sleep - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon Sleep - Psychic Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Mago Berry x1 | Snoozy TomatoSoft PotatoLarge Leek
127 Pokemon Sleep - PinsirPinsir
Pokemon Sleep - Bug Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Lum Berry x1 | HoneyFancy AppleBean Sausage
132 Pokemon Sleep - DittoDitto
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x1 | Pure OilLarge LeekSlowpoke Tail
133 Pokemon Sleep - EeveeEevee
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
133.1 Pokemon Sleep - Eevee (Holiday)Eevee (Holiday)
Pokemon Sleep - Normal Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Persim Berry x2 | Moomoo MilkSoothing Cacao
134 Pokemon Sleep - VaporeonVaporeon
Pokemon Sleep - Water Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering
Oran Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
135 Pokemon Sleep - JolteonJolteon
Pokemon Sleep - Electric Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Grepa Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
136 Pokemon Sleep - FlareonFlareon
Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing
Leppa Berry x1 | Moomoo MilkSoothing CacaoBean Sausage
147 Pokemon Sleep - DratiniDratini
Pokemon Sleep - Dragon Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Yache Berry x1 | Fiery HerbGreengrass CornPure Oil
148 Pokemon Sleep - DragonairDragonair
Pokemon Sleep - Dragon Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Yache Berry x1 | Fiery HerbGreengrass CornPure Oil
149 Pokemon Sleep - DragoniteDragonite
Pokemon Sleep - Dragon Pokemon Sleep - Dozing
Yache Berry x1 | Fiery HerbGreengrass CornPure Oil

Gen 1 Pokemon With Regional Forms

Gen 1 Pokemon Regional Form
Pokemon Sleep - VulpixVulpix Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Alolan VulpixAlolan Vulpix Pokemon Sleep - Ice
Pokemon Sleep - NinetalesNinetales Pokemon Sleep - Fire Pokemon Sleep - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon Sleep - Ice

Some Gen 1 Pokemon have alternate forms that were introduced in different regions in different generations. The first regional forms added in Pokemon Sleep are the Alolan forms of Vulpix and Ninetales, which were first introduced in Generation 7.


Pokemon Sleep - Greengrass Isle Snorlax

Snorlax is a Generation 1 Pokemon and serves as the centerpiece of Pokemon Sleep. Since it is its own character, distinct from all other Pokemon in the game, it is unlikely for Snorlax to be introduced as a helper Pokemon.

All Snorlax Colors

Pokemon Sleep Related Guides

Pokemon Sleep - Pokemon Partial Banner

All Pokemon in the Pokedex

Pokemon by Sleep Type

Pokemon by Sleep Types
Pokemon Sleep - Dozing Types Pokemon Sleep - Snoozing Types Pokemon Sleep - Slumbering Types

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass Type Water Type Fire Type
Electric Type Ice Type Fighting Type
Ground Type Poison Type Flying Type
Psychic Type Bug Type Rock Type
Ghost Type Dragon Type Dark Type
Steel Type Fairy Type Normal Type

Pokemon by Generation

All Generations
Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3
Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6
Generation 7 Generation 8 Generation 9

Other Pokemon Guides

Other Pokemon Guides
List of Baby Pokemon List of All Basic Pokemon
List of Evolution Pokemon List of Rare Pokemon
All Special Evolution Conditions List of Unevolved Pokemon


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